Thursday, July 20, 2023

Thor's New Great Deal to Solve Differences in Sexual Preferences.

It has recently came to my attention that some people here prefer dominant women so I came up with this new idea

If dominant woman is all that you need then there are plenty of girls like that. Surely they are not some strong amazons but rather lazy and stubborn cunts with inflated opinions about themselves who just demand money and other shit from men.

Surely they will probably not love you and think you are wirthless compare to some imaginary alpha men they have in their heads.  However if that is what you want it is not impossible.

That said even if they crave some mystical 'slpha male' and not you, that 'alpha male' will never show up in their lives. Alpha males do not like spoiled selfish princesses with inflated expectations.

If such men really existed they would have harems of only sweet, innocent and unspiled girls like Ariel Rebel or Sakura Matou for example. They do not want or need Rin.

Ultimately choice of every 'alpha woman' is that between a 'beta male' and a crazy cat lady fate.
Anyhow if you actually want a dominant women then we do not need to fight each other.

Lets just divide them among ourselves. 

You get all Rin-s and we, doms, get all Sakura-s.

Girls too have to realize that their only choice in men is between Emiya Shiro and Shinji Matou

Shiro's name means 'white' but it also can be part of 'shiranai' that means 'I do not know'

Shinji's name comes from Shinjitsu which means Truth. 

I often made is a dichotomy between truth (Shinji Matou) and brainwashing/lies (Shirou)
I guess my opponents did not like it when I call feminism lies.

However I equally do not like when they call me 'incel' or 'degenerate'

So lets agree on different more neutral terms:

'Pink' for Shiro/femdom/feminism

'Black' for Shinji/maledom/truth

Thus we can simply divide into black side and pink side and then go on doing our thing.

Do not try to save Sakura-s from us, leave her be. Sakura-s are happy with us.

We on the other hand will leave Rin-s to you.

Do we have a deal?

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