Wednesday, August 16, 2023

How Feminism Makes Men Reject Women altogether.

If anything, feminism made guys like that averted of women. 

It turned many into people who would not want to do anything with women at all. Some of these became gay, but others are into 2D fictional women instead.

Others became Alt-Right, Alt-Lite (post-Left, label is misleading as Alt-Right is rather distant from traditional right, the only reason there is right in there is because feminism is associated with left), they now advocate for social and cultural change. As they face unreasonably cruel and unfair treatment from feminist zealots and mainstream media, they will go further underground and radicalize their views on women. 

We will not be willing to accept a woman, unless she rejects everything feminism teaches and provides for her and accepts subservient place. She must be willing to renounce feminism completely and without any reservations, if she wants to be accepted by us.

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