Tuesday, August 15, 2023

How to Make Girls Like You


I was thinking recently that too many guys seem struggle with not being able to get a girl.

I, of course think that women should be happy and content with any Yukinari that looks their way and not ask for more than that.

However there seem to be too many guys who want any girl but cannot get one. If they wish so then I can easily grant them that wish of theirs.

Since, there are many girls that are not good enough for me it would be ok if they will go to someone else instead.

It is simple enough for you to cure your incel-ness and get a girl. 

You just have to be like me. That is right be as confident, assertive and arrogant as me and all the girls will like you too. Not as much as they like me, but you will still be able to get a girl and keep her.

You cannot defeat me, and people like me. No matter how much you hate me and try to cancel me, girls will still be into me. That is basic girl nature to be into that. Nature that you cannot change no matter what you do.

So, if you want to have a girl, there is only one path you can take and that is to be like me.

So learn from me and imitate me. Then girls will like you and you will finally be able to have what you want. And we will be able to get out of this miserable era.

Simple as that.

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