Wednesday, August 30, 2023

MBTI as a rule of Thumb

Found this on reddit recently.

It is an oversimplification and exaggeration of course, but it does represent truth in somewhat simplified way.

Extroverts just talk to people in social context out of boredom.
Introverts only communicate if they either need to or because there is something that interests their curiosity.

I(N)tuitives indeed read a lot, not necessary books, but generally all sort of information that interest them. It is infomation that interests them and they consume it a lot. (May be that is just NT and NF read for some other reason)
Sensors probably trust their senses or something. I am not sensor so I cannot know. Because of that they do not read.
That possibly makes N and S unable to get along with each other.

Thinkers are not really helping types, unless you want some information that is. I can share only info with you.
Feelers probably more of a helpers. Once again I cannot know as I am not F

Finally color coding.
I am J so I do like to organize my pictures and music in various categories. Sometimes I abbreviate categories to one of several letter just like MBTI
Not sure if Prospectors are unorganized.

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