Thursday, August 31, 2023

Not All Men Are Equal

Male Master Race

I often like to defend men.

I see that men are often blamed and persecuted for no good reason at all. I believe it is not fair and men has to be compensated for this evil.

That said I often based my idea of men based on the best of them. People like Fedya, Fubu(Sej), Tsukasa and Sameer are all deserving people who definitely should be in the best place in society. Together with me of course. We are the part and body of male master race, who shall rule the world.

We aspire to get high in life. To win, to prevail, to overcome and get ahead. We advance science and technology. 

We want to make world a more comfortable and convenient place. Out kind of better. Because of people like us humanity does not live in caves.

We aspire for humanity to transcend its current self and become something more and better. Something compared to which, old men of the past would be nothing more than apes.

We wish to become gods, an Ubermensches

Toxic Moral Men

However of course there are other kind of men out there as well. I wanted to think that they are somehow mislead by evil oppressive system, but most likely they are not. They are simply scum who even knowing it all still choose to serve evil.

Simplest example of them is my dad. He is a rare piece of trash that definitely deserve to die the most horrible death imaginable.

There are others like him, like Vshyvyi for example. Male feminists, self-hating kind Christian propagandists who try to impose self-hate on people by telling them to ask God forgiveness.

They worship women and spoil the rotten. They call them 'princess' 'lady' and other such labels. They excuse them every shit imaginable.

They hate other men; they believe men are expendable. They create stupid self-hating religions such as some forms of Christianity and then spread this self-hating to other people. They say that Neon Genesis Evangelion is best anime.

In short, they just perpetrate their evil system and hurt people unreasonably.

Nietzsche called them Last Man; Japanese call them Herbivore Men, I would call them Toxic Moral Men. 

What to do with Toxic Moral Men

Fundamentally even if they are offered to be part of Male Master Race, they will simply refuse it. It contradicts their values. It is not that they are misled, it is just that they do not want glory for some inexplicable for me reason.

Yet these Toxic Moral Men are constantly trying to foil us at every turn. They get in the way and prevent us from reaching the glory that should have long been ours.

In fact, we, the Male Master Race (MMR) have absolutely nothing in common with Toxic Moral Men (TMM). In fact, it pains to even call them of the same gender or even species as us.

However, these TMM are omnipresent in various structures of government and media, and they abuse these to keep MMR from power.

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