Tuesday, August 15, 2023

What I like about Yennefer of Vengeberg and what she, TrueHellDei and Rikka of the Wicked Eye have in common.


I only played Witcher games and did not read the book, so I only know the game version of Yennefer.

Many other characters in the game do describe her as problematic, spoiled and insufferable. Particularly Vesemir. Perhaps when she deals with them, she indeed is. However, their problems with her are of no concern to me.

However, she is actually very attentive and considerate to Geralt. For example, she remembers that he does not like portals and always goes great length to avoid using them no matter how inconvenient it could get for her. 

I very much can only like a woman who can show a similar level concern for my preferences. I like it when they are only super nice to me and me alone.

There is one more thing about Yeni that I like. Once she told Geralt that she wants to run away from all this mess in the world to live together an idyllic life, just two of them. 

That is what I like. I too want to run away from the stupid shit this world is and live my life on a something like a Caribbean Island paradise or a Technogenic Utopia (A Caribbean Island Technogenic Utopia Paradise), with the kind of women who meets my expectations. The only thing that is better is a harem full of women who meet my expectations.

This is a fundamental issue as it shows the common understanding of what good life is and desire to achieve it.

In this regard Yeni is similar to Rikka who her Vanishment This World. Though Yeni surely can make it vanish better than Rikka, but both want it to vanish.

I cannot tolerate women whose idea of idyllic life is different from this. Like if she cares for her parents, or her friends or social approval, or just seeks more excitement from the world. That is just not my thing. Period.

I particularly hate people who want approval of a broader society as it reminds me of the reasons, I hate my parents.

She has to be nice and friendly to me alone and hostile towards the world, as if desiring to protect me and herself from it. Yeni can do it, TrueHellDei can do it.

Absolutely not the other way around like my parents were.

I however can understand the desire to turn the entire world into a Carribean island paradise. I myself want to do something like that. A Caribbean Island Technogenic Utopia Paradise Revolution

I want to start a global revolution to turn the world into a Caribbean Island Technogenic Utopia Paradise.

Also, I love Yeni's fondness for black clothes as well as that black neck band.

Finally, Rikka and True for comparison.

Rikka wears black and dark violet when she is not in her uniform.

True also has great fondness of black, grey and dark violet.

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