Thursday, September 21, 2023

Excerpt form Discussion About Automation

EyeAmTheI said:

EmperorThor said:

The difference is that people who make pizza are needed in every store, and people who maintain systems only in one central location.

Yes programmers should be treated better and paid better. However all employees nowadays are treated badly because of that skewered economy. Some radical change is needed for working conditions to improve. Universal Basic Income is one of them.

That will make companies treasure every single employee they have. And they will use tech whenever possible to avoid hiring too many.

I see your point, and I mostly argee with it.

Let me give you an insight though. As a programmer, I know that this field has a serious workforce shortage. In reality the company I'm working at would double the number of the coders, if they would find people who has the specialized skillset which the company needs... The company actually paying for universities to orginize specialized trainings, yet the dropout rate is so hight that barely a few people they can hire each year... (Not to mention there are positions which are open for years, because noone knows how to do it) So that's what I meant when I said "higher skill". There is not enough talented people in the world, hence there is a lack of workforce who could support the additional high tech infrastructure...

Fun fact: The avg. IQ at the company is around 130, and it is pretty much neccessary, and you are not gonna find those people in every bush (actually like half of my colleges are mensa memebers, and the other half probably just won't bother about it) So when you raise the tech level, you narrow the available workforce as well, and it is not like we'll be able to replace IT professionals with tech tomorrow. 

My point is there is a lot of different bottleneck, which hinders the automations effort.


I got rejected for IT work just half a year ago.

If your company needs IT people and pay good salaries, they should just hire me.

People used to call me genius in uni. Well these people themselves were not that IT proficient, but managed to get High Distinction by coping my code. I myself got HDs as well.

Do they have remote work options?

to StarfireDragon:

So what cannot be automated and simultaneously be paid well enough to make it economical?


We can do simpler than that, realize most "businesses" are worthless and maintained by exploitation, and make our own pizzas (or buy one of those frozen ones from a production line).

If slave labor is necessary to maintain a line of work (like cotton picking), should we not celebrate its downfall? In fact, who would even willingly eat Domino's pizza?

Of course, that would be even easier. However, we can automate more than just grocery stores.

Lets' go with maximally automated rather than minimally automated world.

to Meunser:

I am not sure where you stand on the main issue. You write so ambiguously.

People would be jealous of those who have more than them. These 'cogwheels' as you called them would not be content with just being second class people: like 11 from Code Geass or Untermensch (the opposite of Ubermensch) from Nazi ideology. Sure as hell they will want to topple the system rather then serve the privileged. That happened in French Revolution, in Russian Revolution and will happen again.

Those who have no stake in the system have nothing to lose if it falls. When system cannot reward people sufficiently, they will turn against it. It is only a natural thing to do.

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