Tuesday, September 19, 2023

MBTI Explorers xSxP


The final group is the Explorers.

Internet tends to give them a lot of bad reputation, calling them stupid and what not.

However, I personally think that they grossly misunderstand this type.

Explorers are not stupid at all. Surely, they are not as smart as Analysts, however they have different type of intelligence: they are people savvy types.

Unlike more close-minded Sentinels whose Judgmental disposition prevents them from taking advantage of their Sensor abilities, Explorers do not have this shortcoming.

Being both Sensor and Prospecting, Explorers can actually truly understand people around them. Because of that they can possibly see and appreciate wisdom or the Analysts. In addition to that they are able to understand Sentinels as well and sell them the ideas, Analysts came up with.

Because of the above entrepreneurial kind of Explorers will be able to get far in life.

Basic Nature

Being the only group, whose members are all Prospecting type. Explorers prospect, that is search around for things and people that can interest them.

Their end goals could be different, but they all are searching for something. In that they differ from unmoving like earth Sentinels.

Sensor and Prospecting combination allow them to be flexible and adopt to whatever people they wish to get along with.

If other types are each live in their own bubble, the explorers are the type that connects them together.


Explorers' motivation can be diverse: from boredom to ambition and greed.

They each have not only something different that they seek, but also different reasons for doing so.

However, they do seek something (or someone) out. Because of that they are able to get and connect with other people.

Relation to Other Groups

However overall, they are polar opposite to Sentinels. Just like Feeling Diplomats are somewhat or a polar opposite to Thinking Analysts.

If Sentinels stick to their ground, community and views, then Explorers reach out into the world and try to find something they can like in that big world out there.

In that regard this group is likely the most divergent inside. Different subtypes here are more different from each other than in the other groups.

If Analysts are like a consul, parliament or scientific symposium where people debate facts, Diplomats are like a cult leader and their followers who relentlessly push for their agenda, Sentinels are like beehive who normally produce honey, but might turn hostile on those who want to take some, then Explorers are all induvial actors and players.

Explorers do their thing on their own thing. They are possibly the most self-reliant of all groups. At the very least they are the most capable of solving any of their or their associates' problems on their own. A very useful ability.

Despite being self-reliant, they are not an exclusive club like Analysts. Far from it, they are people that can truly unite and connect people together.

Subdivisions of Explorers xSxP

Just like Sentinels, Explorers have both Feeling and Thinking amount their ranks.

Here I think that Feeling sub-types are looking for more human relationship and sex. They are the kind of people who sleep around. Women of xSFP sub-type get a lot of hatred from people around them while men of this type become legends among females. That makes some women complain about inequality. I also think that Chad is ESFP rather than ESTP

In contrast Thinking sub-type is more driven more by ambition and desire to succeed in life. They are still able to get people and willing to connect with them, but they would have more interest in business partnership. They will be on a look out for smart people with whom they can make a lot of money and then buy a private island and build a mansion on it to host harems for girls on. If business can get me another island with mansion and a harem of my own, I am in.

I am personally a lot more interested in Thinking subtype: xSTP. I think they will be able to understand my genius.

Once again Extroverted here are more able to just reach out to people, may be to a lesser extent than Sentinels, but still so.

Intorverted too works similar to how it works for Sentinels. They are probably too shy to simply reach out to people and hope that people will notice them with their skills and abilities. However, I do think that Introverted Explorers do want to be noticed.


I will start with Feeling types and then continue to the Thinking ones.

Entertainer ESFP

This is probably the most talked of type of Explorer. They are the most noticeable and the most famous/infamous. Guys of this type are Chads of the MBTI and girls are not as lucky.

They are the most unhinged and sure of themselves of the entire MBTI, to the point of being completely blind to everything around them. Sex and relationship wise it works well for guys, but poorly for girls. 

Guys of this type are truly lucky. Girls just love this kind of flashy confidence and fly to them like moth to light. Much to jealous charging of other males. That popularity with females can get them in trouble with other males however, so they might suffer from bad will from guys.

Girls on the other hand are in much worse situation. Guys do not like that kind of women. So, while they can sometimes get some types of guys (mostly desperate woman pleasing simps), a lot more guys will just dismiss and shun them as sluts. In fact, the better the guy is, the more likely he will dismiss such a girl. Thus, leaving them with choice of desperate simps. 

Many of these girls are jealous of popularity of male counterparts of their type. However, men and women are not equal and never be. So, if these girls want better men, they should start working on qualities that better men like in women and not whine that a female analogue of Chad does not appear to men as male does appeal to women.

Alternatively, they can just become full time lesbians, as female analogue of Chad will attract a lot more women than men.

Artist ISFP

An Introverted version of Entertainer on the other hand can be much calmer and lever headed. 

They still want attention but are too shy to just solicit for it directly. Thus, they instead rely on something else to create such attention. Art for example.

However, it does not have to be art. I think this type generally likes to anything visual that attracts attention. For example, cosplaying. Various subculture looks, such as Goth can also appeal to this type.

My aesthetics taste is refined, so I can only like some of such looks.

Overall, I am not sure how I feel about this type. On one hand it looks interesting, but since it is too close to ESFP, I am wary of it.

Possibly if a ISFP girl is very quiet, docile and demure, I can get along with her.

Entrepreneur ESTP

No finally to the Thinking types. I think it is Entrepreneur who can be this key person to allow my ascend to stratosphere of power and success.

I do not think this type is the preverbal Chad. Instead, he is likely an ambitious guy who wants to succeed in life.

In fact, it is the Thinking Explorers xSTP who connect the world together.

I think with ESTP ability to understand and sell the business to Sentinels and other types together with my logical scientific genius, we will be able to make a successful business that will make us millionaires and afford us anything we want.

Unlike narrow minded Sentinels, someone more Prospecting might be able to see genius of my ways and ideas and communicate it to other people.

Virtuoso ISTP

I think Virtuoso is more of a practical genius who is much better with things, than with abstract ideas.

They probably have a lot more interest in things rather than people.

They probably have some niche interests that they are completely obsessed with. I personally do not find such obsession to be bad. I fact I find person like this to be very predictable and easy to deal with. If it is a girl like this I can be sure she is not cheating on me.

It is very likely that I and Virtuoso will be able to appreciate abilities of each other. In fact a Virtuoso might be able to put some of my ideas in practice. That is something I will be able to appreciate.

Someone like this is very useful in a business enterprise.

I think I can possibly like a girl like this as well. A girl who spends her time alone, honing some of her skills to perfection, as well as putting them to use to make my ideas reality.

In general Introversion is good for a girl. I much prefer introverted girls over extroverted ones.

Gender Differences

I think this type, especially its Extroverted subtypes, work a lot better for a guy. ESxP girls will be too manly.

I personally would not want to meet an Entertainer (ESFP) no matter their gender.

However Introverted subtypes can work well for both men and women. ISxP.

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