Tuesday, September 19, 2023

MBTI Sentinels xSxJ


I just realized that I was calling Sentinels, Guardians in my previous two articles about MBTI groups.

They are the first Sensor group I will analyze. Sensors are grouped differently than iNtuitives.

They are divided into distinctive subgroups based on whether they are Judging or Prospecting, rather than whether they are Thinking or Feeling.

That means fundamental differences in Sentinels are not between mind and heart like it is for Analysts and Diplomats, but between open and closed mind-ness. In this case J stands for close-mind-ness. 

I would argue that Sentinels are the closed-minded Sensors, while Explorers are in contrast open minded. I will cover Explorers in a separate article. This one is about Sentients after all.

Basic Nature

I think their basic nature is to be protective of their families and society. Hence their name: sentinels.

They are probably inflexible and struggle to adopt to new things.

However most importantly they fear that change will hurt them or someone they like.

Thus, they insist on sticking to tradition, old ways and the way we always done things.

Unlike Prospecting Explorers, Sentinels are reluctant or downright refuse to try new things.


I think Sentinels are very basic when it comes to motivation. They are the normiest normies who have no and higher ambitions beyond, starting a family, have kids and retire.

Some might extend that to finding good spouse to their kids and see them have kids of their own. They want to have grandchildren as well.

Such a primitive aspiration.

Judgementalism of Sentinels

All of them have Judgement in their type. However rather than analyze and make accurate conclusion, they merely see appearances and then simply dismiss anyone who does not fit in. 

Fitting in

Fitting in is something that dominates Sentinel's mind. I absolutely detest 'fitting in' mentality but do notice that many people seem to be controlled by this consideration.

Some of them trying to fit in themselves. Others try to make people around them to fit in into their own models of behavior. These later types are the worst possible people.

This 'fitting in' obsession is something that even Feeling Sentinels share. That is probably what connects them with Thinking Sentinels.

Sentinels are Arch-Nemesis for Analysts

In that sense they as a group are an arch nemesis to the Analysts who want to change the world and make it better. 

However, change means doing away with the old so Sentinels get in the way of Analysts agenda.

From Sentinel's perspective they are protecting society from danger. From Analysts's perspective some backward primitives get in the way of the better world. Neither want to compromise, neither can understand each other. 

However, Sentinels are much more numerous than Analysts, so they often prevail, alas.

In fact, I think that two other types: Diplomats and Explorers exist mostly to bridge this huge gap between Analysts and Sentinels.


Finally, I will mention that majority of people on Earth are sentinels. Almost every second person is a Sentinel. They are only slightly less numerous than all the Analysts, Diplomats and Exporers combines.

Subdivisions of Sentinels

As I mentioned before Sentinels contain both Feeling and Thinking types.

Feeling types are actually mostly nice overall. By themselves they are probably helpful and sympathetic. 

The only problem is that they are probably a lot more loyal to their own type and their own perception of common good, rather than to you personally. That is an ISFJ or ESFJ are much more likely to listen and agree with ESTJ than with you. Because of that ESTJ will be able to easily ruin your relationship with the rest of Sentinels. So, their help might as well cease if ESTJ will convince them that helping you is contrary to common good.

Thinking Sentinels on the other hand are probably the worst of them all, especially ESTJ. It is likely them who sort out dissident people and try to reform them.

The other division is between Introvertive and Extrovertive.

Here Introvertive are the people who are too shy and insecure to talk to people around them. They create a stereotype of an introverted person in general even though not all introverts are like that.

Extroverted in contrast are confident and willing to engage people around them and the world in general. I think they are the most outgoing people out there. They are many and they are confident they are right, so they have no hesitation in engaging various people.

Subtypes of Sentinels

I will begin with much nicer overall Feeling Sentinels and then continue to Thinking ones.

Consul - ESFP

I would say that Consul is the second most basic form of their type. They are many of them and they are broadly good natured. They like to meet people and make them happy. Perhaps he is a reflection of society, ISTJ wants to see. 

Possibly they are lonely and want to have someone in their life.

However, they are nice overall, and their helpful nature does allow them to gather people around them.

Sure, some of these people want to simply take advantage of Consul's good nature. However, it does not mean these opportunistic people will end up causing any damage to Consul personally or people around him.

Overall, this type will be able to do somewhat OK in society.

Also, there is little need for Analysts to fear him or other Feeling Sentinels.

Defender - ISFJ

Defender is an introverted Consul. Defender is too shy to reach out to people around him, but no less willing to help.

Considering Consul like behavior is widely applauded and approved of in society, only a huge number of insecurities could possibly prevent a Defender from simply being like Consul. 

Because of these insecurities Defender would probably like to work under someone for a cause they can support.

As for relationship, Defender probably wants to find someone strong and possibly extroverted to stand for them. Because of that a female defender could be a very nice pick relationship wise.

In general, I am very sympathetic to this subtype of the Sentinels.

Executive - ESTJ

Now to a bane of the Analysts and the subtype what gives all Sensors bad name: ESTJ.

In my understanding ESTJ is a kind of 'moral police' type who dedicates his life to enforcing their morals on Analysts, Diplomats and Explorers.

I personally think that while some rules are necessary in society to prevent people from killing each other or invading each other's private space. Rules that enforce any kind of 'moral' behavior are wrong and a violation of individual's freedom.

Executive (more like Inquisitor) - likely believes in protecting society and social order from all who threaten it. In ESTJ eyes it would be all Analysts, Diplomats and Explorers. I think if you give ESTJ a free reign he will turn society into one giant monastery. 

Executives not only follow all rules themselves but also make sure everyone else does as well. That latter part is where he gets a bad name for himself.

However, filled with self-righteousness, ESTJ is likely unwilling to give on his cause or even be flexible with his ways.

To make it worse other Sentinels likely approve of his actions, making him even more confident in his ways and insufferable to others.

I think my dad and mom were of this type.

A disclaimer: Of course, it could be not ESTJ, but some other type entirely, but I distinctively recognize the type or rule-zealot who hunts down all violators of such rules.

May Adun hide me from getting any attention from this type. (Starcraft reference) 

I sure as hell do not want anyone to question what I do or tell me what to do.

ISTJ - Logistician

Last of the Sentinels by himself is possibly not a such a bad person.

Being introverted he probably does not pursue enforcing moral on people around him as much as ESTJ does.

However, he is likely supportive of ESTJ's ways and even could be inclined to join ESTJ in his cause.

Overall, however he is probably the most basic type of all Sentienls. The most normie of all normies.

He just humbly does his part in a greater whole. Probably does not aspire any higher aspirations.

To their defense they do make world run overall, together with ISTP (from Explorers).

On the personal level they are probably not that bad. 

However united enough politically, they could very well become enablers of some sort of 'moral' totalitarian dictatorship.

Actually, politically all Sentinels could be a problem, as they tend to be ascetic and do not value creature comforts.

Gender Differences

I think since men of this type are most prone to being women pleasers, women of this type are selfish and spoiled with expectations.

Surely some or may be most of Sentinel women do not think highly of the men of this type. Some of them might even wish to find a 'real man'.

However, men of other types are not woman pleasers, so they do not pursue a relationship, like a Sentinel man would. Analyst men are particularly not women pleasers. 

Once again since Sentinels are the most prevalent type, these are probably a most commonly available woman. 


Overall, I think this is the hardest type for me to deal with. Alas they are so numerous.

While some of them (Feeling types) are not too bad on a personal level, as a group they are hard deal with.

They collective values of modesty, ascetism, humbleness and putting society above self is not something I can relate to. I feel like Sentinels are arch nemesis of Analysts.

Finally, I think this group prefer to give privileges and authority based on seniority or experience rather than based on merit. I personally hate this as well.

I want to deal with people who can appreciate and value my intelligence and give me promotion and rewards based on my abilities and achievements. I do not want to be stuck behind people who were there longer than I am.

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