Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Neo-trad Ideology

I obviously cannot have personal experience on how relationship was in the 50s so I am not sure if I can call myself a traditionalist.

I am more of a neo-traditionalist, I am not trying to return it to how it was in 50s further back, but rather try to create the kind of gender relationships that will appeal to me personally. Since they are different from so-called 'modern relationship' and 'modern woman', I often employ references to the past.

It is similar to neo-conservatives who used to rule the US in the 2000s and started wars to expand democracy. They were rather different to more traditional or classical conservatives. In fact, they probably had little in common with anti-interventionalist such as Ross Perrot.

My idea of good relationships is mostly based on Gor Series and Japanese Culture. Even if women did not obey men back in 50s, they will obey men when this neo-trad ideology finally wins over the people.

Since Alt-right and Alt-lite became associated with nazi, it is best if we can adopt a different term for out ideology.

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