Thursday, September 21, 2023

On Personality and Compatability

What do you mean by 'personality' then? Do you mean it as a collection of all traits that make you a unique individual similar to your soul or your ghost (as defined by Ghost in the Shell), or do you mean something more narrow.

What you like or not is a reflection of your personality. You like things because it appeals to some parts of person.

If anime A gives you good good feelings and emotions and you like it for that reasons. That is a perfection of your personality.

If it simultaneously gives bad feelings and annoys someone else that too is a refection of their personality.

You like and hate things for reasons, because there is something about you, your personality that either pleased by it or instead repulsed by it.

You use these feelings to decided what it is you want and need from the world around you.

Yes people do not need to have identical or similar personalities to get along. However they have to have somehow compatible personalities for them to get along.

I heard that some people describe is as 'it clicks right' or something like that.

Some types of people get along well with each other and others do not.

This is a simplification but:

If personalities clash then it is like fitting a cube through round shaped hole, you want to avoid these kind of situations.

It will end up as a trouble if say she wants children but you do not. She likes sport and physical activity and you do not.

Same with anime, if she likes anime you hate it is probably because her life interests and priorities are different from yours.

There could be exceptions for any one particular title but overall it is valid logic and system.

I think the most comprehensive compatibility system I encountered was in astrology.

No matter what sign you have, you will have two trines to two other signs, who are broadly similar to you. They have few differences with how they handle things, but overall you see world the same way. (they will always be of the same element as your sign)

Two sextiles to two signs that are not much like you, but with whom you have good chance of getting along. Their qualities have good chance to add to your overall abilities and experience. (they will be of different element from yours, but of the same to each other)

Two squares to signs with whom your values clash and you will annoy each other to no end. You and them believe in contradictory basic principles in life and that will always be a problem.

Then there will be one opposition to the sign directly opposed to your own. Every opposition is the opposite extreme of the same basic nature, as if one compensate for shortcomings of other. However there is still one common core. (It has 50/50 chance of working. Sign in opposition is always the same element as those who are sextile to you.)

Then people of the same sign are of course most similar to you. How that works with your particular type is of course depends, say Scorps often do not like other Scorps. For other sings it will depend on their particular traits.

The remaining 4 signs are neither good nor bad. They do not clash much but neither you really have much in common.

Of all planets in your Natal Chart, Sun is most important, followed but the moon, then Mercury, then others in the order of distance from sun astronomically.

Final dispositor is of heighted importance.

Planets in Sings describe inner working of a person, their true self behind the other shell or mask. The ghost.

Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven, Nadir as well as houses describe outer outward appearance of a person. The shell.

You can build aspects from each of your planets to see where angles will fall. to cut corners you can simply use.

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