Sunday, October 1, 2023

Differences in Tastes in Women

I have very different taste in women compare to my dad.

That is not because I look for a so over the top girl that will shock my parents. That is because I think that qualities that my dad looks in women do not make good and likable woman. My mom surely was a nasty woman and I do not want to date someone like her.

I generally think that people in Russia have poor taste in women and things that many like there are stupid and shallow. They look for things that matter little, like some flawless appearance. However, at the same time they overlook important behavioral things such as kindness together with respect and obedience to men.

There are probably some exceptions to this rule in Russia and there are some women who respect men and obey them. However, I did not manage to meet them and see it for myself.

Also, an extract from my email to Yin about the kind of women I like.

I tried to edit it somewhat, but some wording can be dubious and confusing at times.

The extract:

She was probably the most well-mannered of them all. She always bowed forward a little in conversation and always thanked me for any praise I gave her. Back in the days all that got me really impressed with her. Nowadays I think that it is more her Asian manners then her actual personality that was so likable about her.

There was strong initial attraction, but something perhaps did not come together well. Maybe I just did not know what to do. I sure was not ready for relationship at the time. Or we needed more time to understand each other, or it could be something else.

She kind of often repeated that she is older than me. It kind of bothered me that she thought it matter something, but I could not get what. Later I read somewhere that Asians often respect age, so her repeating that might have been a demand for respect kind of. Not a good sign for a potential slave girl. I told her then that age is just a number.

At her 30 something she looked young enough to pass for 14 years old. She looks this young even in her 40s, after she married and had two kids.

Yes, all girls vary in temper. So even Japan can have some really nasty annoying girl. On the other hand, even Russia can have a nice girl every now and then.

I personally never met a Thai girl, though Thailand has reputation for sex industry.

Japanese girls I met are somehow even more polite than Taiwanese and Chinese. They are much more introverted and less talkative.

Korean and Vietnamese girls in contrast seem actually dominant in contrast to other Asians, so they are not to my taste. Though I did not interact with them enough to make sure.

I know one Malaysian Chinese, we seem to be able deal with each other well, but 

I actually cannot be too much of a judge on European girls in general. I travelled only few European countries and was too young to really pay attention to girls. Emily TrueHellDei told me she is Polish. However, she is the only Polish girl I know.

Russian girls tend to be very proud of full of themselves. They often repeat self-serving self-praise that 'Russian women are the prettiest in the world.' Repeating that does not actually make them any prettier, but only gives them undue pride and confidence in their beauty.

In contrast Russians often look down on Ukrainians, thinking they are uncultured provincials who can't speak Russian language properly. They speak Ukrainian language there (it is not an incorrect Russian language dialect, as people like Dugin and Tabachnik claim).

I think Ukrainian girls should be much less arrogant and simpler and easier going those Russian ones.

I actually found Quora about this question, some of them prefer Ukrainian ones for same reasons I listed:

Within Russia those who live in the capital often look down on those who don't and even derogatorily call them 'Trans-ring-inans' (Zamkadyshy). Because they live outside of Moscow Ring Road, that kind of serves as a symbolic border of the city.

Moscow official administrative borders actually extend beyond the road in many places.

I know one Spanish girl. She is kind of party girl, dance of the table type. Even Latin girls from Latin America seem less wild, though they too seem too heavy on partying and socializing to my taste. Though I know one rather quiet one from Colombia. However, another one from Colombia is not so quiet.

I know two Iranian girls. One is very pretty and lots of guys want her. I too have a photo with her, hugging her. She has two sisters, but I did not meet them in person. 

The other one is not pretty, but she has nice personality. She is gentler and caring and has penchant for writing poems. She seemed very sad, melancholic, overall.

Arab girls are harder to judge, because of their culture that restricts interaction between men and women. I think some are very modest, but it is this type you would not be able to intact much, so I cannot verity if they are as what I imagine them to be or not. They would be covering their face and not talking much at all. 

Indian (from country India, rather Native American/Aboriginal type) girls' kind of dubious. Some of them seem like my type and others clearly no. Some of them seem to have potential to be nice.  Also, India is bid so Indian girls from different parts of the country can be very different from each other.

Finally Aussie girls, I guess they are kind of the most normal. Or I have been here so long, that girls here are what I measure any other girls against. Even original white Australians all came from different parts of UK so a Scottish girl could be very different from Welsh, Irish or English. Some white girls here could be of Italian, Greek, French, Polish or Hungarian origin. I guess there are all sorts of Aussie girls really, some good some bad. Compare to Russian they are not as pretentious. Aussie girls are probably more genuine overall compared to Russian ones. It is not like they can't lie, but I think they are not really faking their entire autobiography on a routine basis like Russian ones.

Aussie girls do not put that much effort in being attractive, so they often do not look all that impressive. However, I do not care about impressiveness. When it comes to outward appearance Russian girls are probably best, but they do have a lot of problems with what is hiding behind that photo-model perfect outer shell/mask. 

Those who do not know the truth are all into Russian girls, but I lived there so I know who much of a wolf/fox in a sheep skin they can be, Quora seem agree that a lot of Russian girls are selfish and think only of themselves. Maybe it is just my dad's lies about women, however my mom does fit well the stereotype of a greedy selfish woman who only marries for money and cares only for herself, does really nothing for me but lies a lot that she does.

Well, some dudes in Australia also complain about losing a lot of money in divorce settlements so maybe Aussie girls are just as dangerous. 

I kind of seen or overheard some problematic girls in Australia as well. So far not all Aussie girls are likable or dateable. 

I think all girl's kind of got worse after the Finacial Crisis of 2008, life got worse, and people got more jaded, cynical and plain evil because of that. Thus, it makes it harder to like any girl in this accursed era. I think men date less overall because of this problem. It is too dangerous to get too close to people in these dangerous accursed austerity times.

On European Girls, not sure how accurate, but SATW comics often deal with national/ethnic stereotypes. From girls as depicted there I like Iceland, Denmark, Japan and Aussie.

On US girls. European stereotypes are not very flattering on American woman, but I am not sure how true they are. Hollywood movies do not depict girls in very likable fashion, but that too may be far from how girls really like.

Liberal/conservative stereotypes look too far surreal from outside the US. May be inside the country they mean a lot and one can easily tell what girl is like from something like that. However, from Australia that does not narrow it down much. When you see on news/pictures, they often look too surreal to understand what she would be like at home, in bed or such. What they are like in more normal situation.

I have seen, but not really talked with US women in Australia. It is hard to tell them from an Aussie. I overheard one on the train as she talked to someone else. It seems to me that she wanted to impress her counterpart with stories about US, as if she wants an approval of sorts. Not a bad quality for a girl. If she wants approval, it would be easy to control her.

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