Sunday, December 24, 2023

Better Political Compass

It is more like anarcho/X balls should not be in Chaos.

However, a more comprehensive division system is indeed needed.

Original political compass got confused and misinterpreted. It does not reflect some nuances of ideology.

Possibly a six point star with primitivism, chaos, law of the jungle, might makes right in the bottom most. Law of the Jungle is different from anarcho/capitalism or libertarianism. 

Brown for the law of the jungle.

Yellow should be individualism with consumerism/competition.

Blue tradition - things how they have always been - preserving status quo over any change.

Red distribution - free stuff over status quo, universal welfare, not together with totalitarian state

Green - can be equality craze, though it is a question how that can be achieved without some authority.

Magenta can be control - totalitarianism for totalitarianism's sake.

I think six-point star will work better. Also, there is an issue where all these ideologies should be located. maybe move yellow closer to red and green closer to blue

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