Sunday, January 14, 2024

Wishful Thinking and Adaptability of the West

Ever since Roman times Western world was more than willing to learn from other cultures and adapt for themselves whatever they deemed likable and desirable.

Roman Civilization was outward looking and so it Western One. Columbus travelled west and discovered America because he wanted to get access to the riches of that region. (What he actually aimed to reach was modern Indonesia with its spices, but that beyond point). Spices like that do not grow in Europe, but Europeans wanted to consume them, so a means of trade and transportation had to be established and they were. In his attempt to establish such means of transportation, Columbus discovered Americas and soon found that this place has many other useful good, he and other Europeans would like to claim for themselves.

Thus, our current interest in Asia, robots, space and many other issues is all to give us what we current do not have.

Not even space is safe as we send probes to distant planets in order to find out if they have something valuable. 

Current Trends

However out current more earthly interests lay in several particular cultures and regions of the world. For each of these, there is often one particular demographic (group of people) that wants it most. I will begin with issue that most important to me.

A lot of these trends are based on stereotypes and not necessary reflect reality. Some are partly true.

In all of these cases only a particular subset of society has any interest in the topic that directly affect them personally.

Asian Women - Western Men

Reason for Western men interest in Asian women is because they are dissatisfied with their own. Western women are selfish, disrespectful and disobedient to men. Because of that, many Western men (around half of them) look with interest on Asia, whose women are obedient and well mannered.

Western Men desire for submissive Asian women, leads to increased interest in Asian culture, Anime and even Buddhism. 

This trend is opposed by Western women, who do not want to lose to Asians, but do not want to adopt Asian manners either.

In reality probably not all Asian women are as submissive as stereotypes claim. Stereotypes are heavily based on Japan and Japanese women, as this Asian country is best known in the West. Also, Japan is easiest for the West to understand. 

Thus, Asian women who want to take advantage of it and get themselves a Western Man should exhibit qualities and manners, typical of Japanese women.

Black Men - Western Women

Western Women are quite as unsatisfied with Western Men as the other way around. They believe that White men are weak, effeminate and have small dicks. Because of that they desire to sleep with Black men.

Interest in rap music and various black and aboriginal rights comes from that sentiment.

That trend does sometimes lead to anti-black men racism from the White men. Alt-Right is often accused of racism.

In reality that is probably not true to them all. Stereotypes are based on African Americans whose progenitors were selected for their physical strength. Southern planteaters were using them to cultivate cotton, which is labor intensive work under heavy scorcher conditions.

To take advantage of that you can feign interest in rap, tan yourself to look blacker and adopt African American looking attire.

Reverence of Ancestors and Elders - Western Old People

Western old people in are dissatisfied that young people do not care for them and sometimes downright hate them. Western parents in particular are dissatisfied that their children do not care for them at all and sometimes downright hate them. That leads them to develop interest in cultures that have age reverence, for example Chinese, but also some African and Polynesian tribal.

All sorts of interest in traditional cultures, multiculturalism, some odd tribal rituals and so on stems from this sentiment. Hippy stuff, travel to Papua-New Guinea and such all stems from that sentiment. Sometimes that even leads towards interest in Communism and anti-Capitalist sentiment.

Needless to say, that only old people care for something like that. Yong people do not give a shit and think the elders gone senile and should just be ignored. They will equally ignore those who follow these trends.

It is hard for me to say if Chinese or tribal societies indeed revere elders as some people claim.

To take advantage of that you can feign some interest in these ancient cultures or show elderly some attention and respect. That may get you their good will, but not much more. I am not sure if you will be able to get money out of them this way.


Old people are united in their desire to be revered by youngsters. Young people are equally dissatisfied with the opposite gender. Women see solution in Black men. Men see solution in Asian women. That is the current state of mess we are in.

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