Monday, March 11, 2024

Why Personality Matters a Lot in a Relationship.

The video above is about domestication of animals, however the very same reasons CGPGrey outlined can be extended to people as well. Just like Zebra and Horse may be alike in many ways, but psychologically they are very different from each other, people too might look alike but psychologically be very different from each other.

That is why personality of psychology is very important consideration for dating and relationship. The way person think is more important than looks and other such considerations. 

Some people are sheeple and follow lead of someone. Christianity even calls Jesus a Good Shepherd. For those who do not know shepherd means a guy who herds sheep, sheeple in this case. Some bible references even reference herding of people.

Others are different. They are individualistic and do as they see fit and refuse to be tamed and controlled by others.

However, humans are more complex than ungulates. There are more different types of people with vastly different types of thinking.

Also, unlike zebras and horses, we do not have clear visual clues that can help you tell who is who. Not even Christianity can be an indicator as some there are sheeple, other shepherds and others yet wolfs in sheep's clothes looking for a prey.

However, or a simple level one girl could be like a sheep and the other like some carnivore instead. 

The biggest issue I have with Russian women is that they are as bad for domestications as zebras, but in a different from zebras' way. On the other hand, Japanese and Thai women are good precisely because of how they think and how they perceive themselves in society.

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