Friday, June 28, 2024

On Cycles of Gender Relationships

No so long ago I criticized the whole weak men create bad times cycle. Here is how the actual cycle works.

Compassionate men see women being "oppressed" by a MaleDom man and grow to pity them. Feminist men fail to understand women, so they think MaleDom abuses and oppresses women, while in reality women actually crave abusive men themselves. They became feminists and vow not to be like they oppressive parents and treat women well.

Women of these feminist men became spoiled, annoying and insufferable. Thus, next generation, that comes after feminist one, sees that and thinks that this is not OK and has to be fixed. Then think of the ways to make women likable again and eventually come back towards the things their grandparents (feminist men parents) used to do.

For example, my dad blames his own dad (my grandpa) for being abusive towards his mom and causing her to die prematurely. My dad in turn had a spoiled selfish and uncaring wife who caused me to question value of relationship altogether. 

Now I want to radically reform women and make them obedient towards men.

Eventually post-feminist generation would of course return things back to how it was before feminist generation. However, they cannot do it while feminist generation men are still alive. 

Feminist men generation revile all men who treat women in non-feminist manner and intimidate them into either becoming feminists to get pussy or avoiding women altogether.

Because of that there is constant danger for post-feminist men to suffer from moral crusade of their elders. Cancel culture is one such tool, feminist men generation (boomers) use, to prevent Millennials from undoing their feminist stupidity and returning gender relationship to how they were during their own parent's time (Millennial grandparents).

Hopefully Millennial era will begin soon.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Women has to earn approval by being nice enough

Generally, the preposition that same man treats all women, no matter how good or bad, the same way is incorrect. 

Someone nice like CC deserves to be treated nice because she is nice, kind, caring, smart and useful. Someone as spoiled and self-absorbed as Misa deserves much worse than Light. In general people should not be thinking that guys treat everyone nice or equally everyone not nice. Good treatment has to be earned. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Good Girls are as Docile as Sea Cucumber


Solid Soap Causes Mold and Clog Pipes

Back in the days I used to be an avid used of solid bar soap. I found it very convenient to rub bar directly on the skin when shover. It saved me effort and trouble of putting soap on a sponge or bath mesh, or even owning mesh to begin with.

However, two and a half years ago I decided to try liquid soap for a change to see if it will make a difference. To my surprise pesky mold and clogged pipes, that used to trouble me for nearly decade, disappeared for good. 

Back when I only used bar soap, I could not have traced mold and pipes problem to the soap itself, only a chance experiment like that let me notice that problem was with the soap. I blamed shitty rental units for causing mold to grow, however turned out the problem was with shitty cheap soap instead. When you rinse your hands, foam from bar soap spreads all over sink and into the sewage pipes, causing clogging and mold.

Eventually I read more about what bar soap is made of. It consists of substance called tallowate, that is an organic substance mold and various insects can use as food source. Mold grows because bar soap contains tallowate. In contrast purely chemical and inorganic liquid soap does not contain tallowate. Without tallowate mold has nothing to feed of and dies out naturally.

Later I also noticed that bar soap makes skin on my hand coarser and brittle.

Ever since I am avoiding using bar soap at all and has a liquid soap dispenser with me.

Because of that solid bar soap is essentially a product dangerous to health that indirectly breeds mold all over the bathroom. Because of that it might be wise for government to ban it or at least mandate a warning that it causes mold to grow and pipes to clog.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Girls Are Often Better Ignorant

In 99% of situations a naive girl, clueless about a lot of things in life is much more attractive than someone who is experienced or knowledgeable. Even of anime characters only CC and possibly few others managed to stay attractive despite learning a lot.

The rest of them somewhat better when they are as clueless and airhead as Yui Hirasawa or Towa. The more they learn the worse they get.

Bible starts with the story where Eve easts an apple from a tree of knowledge. That is a metaphor of her learning something that later made her and Adam's lives much more miserable than before. Girls should avoid learning too much and stay clueless.

Friday, June 14, 2024

On Pop Music

Pop does not have intelligent lyrics, they are the most baseline of all possibly lyrics so dumb that even the most complete idiot can understand them. Sometimes they just repeat the same word over and over again and call it a song, like "baby, baby" something. In contrast rock and metal often does have something for above average intelligence. Some of it is growl of course, but far from all of it. Also, even songs with growl can have intelligent lyrics.

Pop works because most people do not think of anything beyond sex and pop appeals to that kind of thinking by singing about "love" so that horny little girls could relate. Horny little girls buy albums and posters of their fav artist, bringing the producers lots of revenue. Girls listen to that drivel, believing being like that artists would make them popular too, that allows fashion industry, cosmetics and so on take part in that megaprofit train as well. Pop artists would wear something new in every music video and all these girls would starve themselves to buy this ludicrously overpriced item in some boutique store.

What horny little girls do not realize is that most other fans of pop artists are other little horny girls and most men do not care for that stuff. Of course there are also male simps, who do not think with their heads and instead just listen to some pretty girl. However, idiots like that would eat raw cactus if a girl said it will make them sexy or something.

In contrast we, metal fans, listen to real music, while lamenting the infinity of human idiotism.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

House MD as Best Example of INTJ in Fiction

When reading memes about INTJ it is easy to be misled that INTJ is some sort of Yuuta then Dark Flame Master. That is rather far from truth. Actual INTJs are much more levelheaded but much more dedicated to doing their thing.

The best example of INTJ in fiction is of course Gregory House from House MD (1st season in particular, they started to muddle it down after that).

House is very smart, he does not care for all social conventions, do not want to do boring stuff, does not care about feelings and always ends up being right in the end. That is what INTJ is like. Some directors of the hospital want to fire him because he does not look doctorly, but other defend him as the best specialist they have. House is both of these at the same time.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Save Horses, End Feminism


Poor horses had enough, time to save them from their suffering and end feminism.

Spending time in polcomballanarchy I noticed that sometimes such retarded arguments work so I decided to try here as well.

You Either Die a Hero or Live Long Enough to Become a Villain

For example, Michael Schumacher was sympathetic underdog in 90s, He constantly had worse car than competitors but was determined to beat the...