Wednesday, July 31, 2024

General Principle of Opposites

Every era, every principle and every rule always have those who support it and those who oppose it. There is not any rule that everyone supports, no matter how its supporters wish it was the case. Someone is always against. 

If supporters harass opposition, then opposition simply goes underground and remain hidden. Current cancel culture makes it dangerous to express one's views openly. However, opposition always remain there.

Because of that if you see people who keep to themselves and refuse to engage with society, they likely oppose all the rules, trends and ethics of the current era. 

Do not hope to recruit them to your cause. Those who support current shit have long volunteered to be part of it. Those who keep to themselves only count days before all this crap will fall on your heads and this era will be over.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

How Radical I am

I guess I increasingly often say things so "radical" that people who ostensively know me, cannot believe I would say something like that.

The reality is that no one really knows me. I kept my real thoughts and opinions to myself and did not open to anyone as I lived with unsupportive and intolerant parents who harshly criticized any of my thoughts they disagree with. Russian school environment was also rife with peer pressure. People who stand out from consensus opinions are mocked and harassed. 

Because of all that I rarely expressed my opinions and pursued privacy to the extreme in order to be able to do what I want. 

Because if they do not know, they will not criticize or try to stop me.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

On Trans People

I think most of trans people are just confused due to social expectations placed on each gender and would not want to change gender if they knew better. Thus, people should be educated/liberated that what means to be a man or woman does not depend on what society or parents say, but rather on what they themselves want. People should also be told that many of the perceived privileged of the opposite gender is just a myth and not a real thing.

Finally for few real advantages, one gender has over other, they will not be able to obtain these advantages just because they have transitioned. Trans women cannot have children so men would not dine and wine them like real women. Trans men would not be accepted as real men by their peers, there is no automatic acceptance even for other real men, much less for a trans one. So going trans is just merging disadvantages of both genders with no benefits of either of them.

If people really knew what it is to be of the opposite gender, they would not want to transition.

In some rare cases where person is genuinely insane and several psychiatrists can confirm that, gender transition can be considered.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Feminism Makes Men Unwilling to Deal with Women At All

Because feminist ideas and propaganda dominate social discourse, men are unwilling to deal with women. After all, dealing with women can involve all sort criticism, problems, cancellations and even police problems from all sorts of sections of society. Men have better things to do that to deal with that shit. 

After all its just much saver to avoid women than to try doing something disagreeable and then deal with the resulting fallout. Most do not find principles of feminism acceptable for a relationship, but going against that is too much hassle so it better to stay single.

Because of the above only self-hating sissies are willing to date women and any self-respecting men either stays single for good or looks towards Japanese and Thai women.

To make self-respecting men interested in white women again society should end feminist propaganda as well as alter rape and domestic violence laws to protect men from any false accusation of any of the above. 

Domestic violence should also make exclusions for MaleDom relationships. Violence of MaleDom relationships should not be considered a domestic violence and should not be prosecuted or punished by law.

Without legal and social protection self-respecting men would not bother with white women again.

Mute Women

Considering how modern women use their ability to speak to argue about things that annoy men, it makes it a good idea to date a mute woman who cannot talk at all. That way she will not be able to argue or talk back.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

On Women's Attitude

Most important in woman is her attitude towards me. She must respect and admire me implicitly. I am not ok with women who think I am mid or barely ok, she must be head over heels.

On Authoritarianism

Idiots like National Rally in France think that they can create military like state without any external war to fight. The only reason Nazis in Germany could do something like that is because the external war. People will not support military discipline without war.

Satire is best form of Humor

To think of it most to all comedies and humor that I like is satire. Gintama, Excel Saga, Nichijou or Kill Me Baby are all mostly satire. Ev...