Saturday, January 4, 2025

Why an Anti-Natalist

A response to indented question: 

I'm new to this subreddit and was curious if you guys feel the way you do mostly from current affairs of the world and what you assume it will look like in the future (lots of suffering). If the world was going to be great one day, the utopia was to be guaranteed, would this change your view.


if it does not cost you any money or effort, then there is no problem with filling the world with children

also, you can cuck some married couple and leave them to raise your kids for you

However, we have overpopulation that causes property shortages, rising prices and such, all of that because we have more people that society can comfortably sustain. It's simple really: say you have 10 kg cake and only 10 people to share it with, then each gets a 1 kg of cake. Increase number of people to 100 without increasing the cake size and now everyone gets 10 times less cake. I do not want to take any cuts to my cake entitlements just because some breeders want to keep popping out babies. Unfortunately, society keeps taking from me to feed the breeders. People should not be allowed to breed unless they can increase the cake size first.

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