Saturday, July 22, 2023

More on Girls I like

Somehow, I like cute, adorable naïve girls like Henrietta from Gunslinger Girl who trust their master implicitly. 

Or in contrast very wise girls who understood everything there is to understand about this world, like CC. Those who passed through all the stages of development and reached final wisdom. I wrote a long post that describe how CC reached it.

I do not like girls in the middle of these stages who get just some things, but think they have figured it out. Middle is so called uncanny valley where they think they are cute but they are actually not.

However while everyone perhaps used to be naïve once, not everyone can reach this final wisdom. Some are perpetually stuck in the uncanny valley of undeveloped stage where they think this shit is attractive but it is actually not. There are lots of lies in the world that could keep them there forever.

So if a girl cannot reach the final wisdom, where she understands me and my needs completely, the only was she can appeal to me is by being cute naive baby who trusts and obeys me implicitly.

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