Saturday, July 22, 2023

Astrological Signs as Stages of Human Development

Writing my previous post get me to this idea about comparing human development to astrological signs.

I guess in Astrological terms, Aries represents childish naivety while Libra in contrast represents final development and perfection. Pinnacle of development and growth. 

From there it gradually degrades back to pseudo-naivety of Pisces that eventually turns back to real naivety of Aries. The circle is reset and begins anew.

Aries is that naive and pure kid who mostly acts on instincts. They are true to themselves but also flexible and chase after what interest them.

Taurus sees their needs well and can express them well. However they are probably most narrow minded of them all as they completely fail to see being their needs.

Gemini is a curiosity stage where people starting to get conscious idea about the world around them. Gemini is a learner, but also an experimenter who needs to try everything in their lives to see how it works or feels. I guess some of them can be cute, adorable students or followers. I think Gemini girl can make a good follower who can implement my vision for the world.

Cancer is the stage where one wants relationship, family and kids, but has no idea how to get any of that. They cannot have but desperately want relationship. Because of that they are clingy towards people around them.

Leo is the type that craves attention and gradually learns how to get it. A social type who wins approval of people around them with their charisma, energy and drive. Leo is the kind of energy guy needs to land a girl

Virgo is the type that tries to be useful to others with their work. They learn how to do various things in order to be approves by others and solve their problem of solitude with that.

Second half of the zodiac is like an inversion or completion of the first 6. Each of the following 6 is a completed perfected version of the first 6. The final stages of their development.

Libra is pinnacle of human development a type that knows it all and can do it all. They imagine and design newer and loftier ideas that will make world fancier and more advanced in their eyes. They are visionaries and intellectual. Libras also like aesthetics, art all sorts of beauty and sophistication. World would be a perfect idyllic place if Libras had their way. Libra also represents relationship, but that of lovers, newlyweds and those on their honeymoon. Family and children are domain of other signs.

Scorpio is represents transformation that happens to people as they have kids, their initial infatuation wears off and they settle on reality of their life. Unlike Taurus, Scoprs are rather good at understanding other peoples needs. Because of that this stage is also a stage of realization of various hidden truth in life. What emerges from it is often completely new and evolved person, however people in these stage can be dangerous as tension and emotions are high. 

Sagittarius is the one who understood it all, made peace with it and now follows their various passions. Sometimes it is in search for that something beautiful and eternal that theit more naive and pure years had, but they cannot simply have back as they are now too smart and wise to believe in things they used to believe. The solution is to travel and search far and wide. Unlike Gemini who learns, Sagittarius often spreads knowledge around.

Capricorn is reductionist and primitivist. Just like Cancer he wants family, but unlike Cancer often knows how to get one. He also knows how to hide his ugly side so that people would not avoid him unduly. Secretly he destroys civilization and everything that is beautiful and sophisticated in the name of procreation. He lives a contradiction: he preserves appearance of the world but destroys its essence. A truly horrible being and a natural enemy of Libra.

Aquarius tries to salvage whatever is left of the civilization that Capricorn destroyed previously. Unlike Capricorn, Aquarius accepts that would is dying. Instead of preserving appearances, he tries to reform things and pave a new way forward.  Aqua is final development of Air sings. If Libra has grandiose plans for the better future then Aquarius is often able to implement them and actually build something out of it. Aqua is rather sober as he knows not everything Libra wants can be achieved, but at least tries his best to get done what he can. They efforts win them praise and admiration, they are the most celebrated sign of astrology.

Pisces is the final development of water and Virgo. They understand everything there is about psychology and people around them. They use it to fish in the muddy water. Skillful at dodging all sort of trouble by feigning innocence and stupidity they drift around in search for someone or something that will satisfy them. They often look harmless, but they can be dangerous as they are rather unhinged and emotion driven.  Unlike Virgo they often able to have a lot of company.

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