Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Desperate and Emotionally Dependent Girls are the Best.


I was thinking recently that that desperate girls are the best girls. 

The kind of desperate bitch that will do anything for you, as well as put up with anything to stay with you. The kind that just does not have a backbone and ability to say 'no' to me at all.

I find desperate girls like this very sexy and fuckable. 

However not only they are very sexy in themselves. I also can trust them more.

I will be suspicious of a girl who is not that much into me and will have hard time trusting her. Simply because I do not know how she will react to various stuff.

However desperate girl in contrast very predictable and loyal. Her emotional dependency will keep her attached to you no matter what.

That works well with BDSM as well.

I can be sure no matter how badly I treat her and what kind of shit I do to her, she will stay with me.

Knowing that I can happily abuse her and treat her like shit without worrying.

Less desperate girl does not give me this kind of certainty so I cannot trust her easily.

So girls should be more desperate to be sexier and more likable.

I mean the kind of desperate bitch, who will sleep on the door mat under your door. Lick your cum out of asshole of some other bitch you fucked. And generally, will put up with anything.

Also, she had to be weekly dependant and not go Yandere on me or other girls.

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