Tuesday, August 15, 2023

More on Attraction Science


Because sex is sensitive topic. 

People have different sexual needs and tastes and would not like to be exposed to stuff they personally do not approve. I do not want to see any femdom. Someone else might not like maledom instead.

So people mostly enjoying their porn and their sex privately.

That is why there is often strict division between adult or porn movies and a 'safe for work' stuff.

Though nowadays things are blurring here. 

In fact sex is what disunites people. As VV said, it is always a woman who leads the man astray. Best friends can become worst enemies if they both like the same girl. Even bothers can split over it. See what Illidan Stormrage has become because he never get over the fact that Tyrande chose his brother instead. That is a realistic representation of a love triangle tragedy.

Characters from Revolutionary Girl Utena too fight each other for essentially control over one single female. Since they all want her and not someone else they all are driven to fight over her. It is not just rules of the game set by the End of the World entity. Desire to possess her and fight others for possessing her comes from deep inside their hearts and feelings. Utena generally a very good anime that deconstructs love.

So in the interest of cohesiveness of society, sex is kept hidden. 

However there still has to be a way to talk about it and find suitable partners. So forums perhaps.

Another thing is that both men and women would not like those who are more sexually attractive in the eyes of the opposite gender than they are.

So it is almost guarantee that say the more women like you, the less men will like you and the other way around.

Women droll over some alpha chads, but men would find a person like that repulsive and intimidating in a bad way. Men would try to keep people like that away from themselves, their women and their children.

That works the other way around as well, men like moe anime girls, Asian girls, particularly Japanese and Thai. However women do not understand what is so attractive about them. Instinctively they too want to keep them away from dating.

In both cases they instinctively eliminate sexual competition.

Many topics on this forum about Asian women get very hostile responses from some MAL denizens.

Or my topics about timid and shy girls, that I find attractive.

In both cases reasons are the same: people just want to eliminate more eligible representatives of their own gender from dating market in order to not lose to them in competition for sex.

That also means it people of your own gender hate you and find you unattractive, you are likely very sexy and attractive to the opposite gender.

There are some exceptions to the rule above of course. There are things both genders might find unattractive.

I will tell you one more thing. You might actually want to cultivate these qualities you hate. Even if you hate them, they are what makes you attractive in the eyes of the opposite gender.

Girls should be more timid and shy to win sex and affection. Shyest and most timid will always wins sexual competition: Anthy from Revolutionary Girl Utena is a proof of that. More moe-ness and doormat-ness is always better. People like Hinata and not Sakura for that reason In Naruto that is. In contrast in Fate they prefer Sakura to Rin.

Also recently I started to think that parents and older generations deliberately wanted to sabotage our sexual lives. That is why they invented feminism, wokeness and other stupid shit like this. Old cannot win fair and square sexual competition so they brainwash young with lies about sex and attraction in order to sabotage their chances of success. While confused 'educated' youth follow some 'modern' feminism, old fucks stealing our women. 

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