Tuesday, August 15, 2023

More on Marquis de Sade


Philosophy of the Bedroom probably best as an entry level novel. It is kind of about why do it. 

There is special kind of pleasure that only a submissive girl can experience.

You can also read 120 Days of Sodom. However, this one is only good if you can sort of see the forest for the trees. Individual fetishes as well as homosexualism of most characters are hardly something likable. 

Yet the underling idea of unrestrained gratification and unlimited power over a submissive girl is something that connects it with Story of O and BDSM as a whole.

After all there is even more special kind of pleasure in dominating a submissive girl.

I think his other books: Juliette and Justine are not so important. 

That said I only read synopsis of Marquis de Sade books.

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