Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Why TrueHellDei

I recently got another idea why I liked TrueHellDei so much.

Back in the days lost of various people used to be very critical of me and various stupid reasons. The believed I am a loser and what not.

I hated their bloody guts for that. I always avoided interacting with people who do not think highly of me.

True was not like that she believed I am awesome, unironically. She respected and admired me a lot. 

She saw me in the most positive light. The light I wanted to be seen in. I want to be liked and admired. 

That is what I liked about her. She was lmy biggest fan girl. The fact that she herself was not all that dumb herself made it all the more charming and pleasant.

Thus, I want a girl who really believes I am the most awesome and important person in the world.

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