Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Love and War


Not even the most authoritarian dictatorships go to war just on a whim. Such decisions are carefully mulled over by various bureaucrats in the government and then voted on. There is a lot to consider and weigh up before one commit to war. They will carefully weigh potential gains against risks of losses. They will only call war if risks are little to non-existent. Strength and confidence of the men on top plays little role here.

Machiavelli in his Il Principe book wrote about war as well. 
For example, when a country is too weak, it can attract potential invaders who will invade it. They will invade because such an invasion will be an easy gain at no cost to the invader. Invaders do not want to suffer costly war; they want easy victory and spoils of war. The conquered country then just becomes part of the invader's county and is ruled by the invader happily thereafter. 
Alternatively, when the country gets too strong and becomes too much of a threat, a coalition forms to take them down. Similar to how Allies of WWII formed as opposition to Nazi Germany. After victory, instead of making it part of the invader's county, there are instead considerations on how to permanently cripple such a country so it may never be able to wage war again.
Nazi Germany itself, a formidable and feared fighting force, actually was not really so tough and fearsome as fiction likes to portray them. They actually win more with speed and maneuver; they will avoid fighting if the enemy is too tough. Instead, they will simply keep moving along the front lines until they see an underfunded or poorly defended spot. Once it is found they will go through it and gradually overwhelm the enemy by hitting undefended rear of the main army, where artillery and supplies are.
Here some examples of beating France:

Well, that said, girls probably think that only a willful man invades their holes with his dick, but that a lot more depends on outer factors than men in question per se. Things such as busybody parents, feminists and white knights, who jealously and zealously guard girl's asses can deter any possible invasion force no matter how strong and confident they are. 
That story of Romeo and Juliet is ultimately about that, they loved each other, but both of their families were against their marriage. That ended tragically for both. Italian politics of the bygone days divided societies just as they do now, and Romeo and Juliet were from different sides of the divide. Their families would only accept some from the same side as their own.
Modern politics with feminism and white knights-ism basically created to keep men and women away from each other. Thus, fighting them is necessary. Feminism is like a 'do not invade this cunt' sign written in neon light on a girl. A lot of other things do look like that as well.
So, if the girl wants to be invaded, she has to look like an easy target. True liked to brag that she is 'not so easy', however that is not the impression I got. I found her easy to invade or impress. Read it carefully and you will notice that she falls for me like dominos in a row or leaves in October. And I of course pressed ahead like Guderian or Rommel of lovefare (love warfare).
Lovefare equivalent of a coalition war is when people call cops to get you arrested. That is not the kind of BDSM you want, I assume. That leaves you with just one option really.

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