Tuesday, August 15, 2023

On How Picky I am With Choosing Girls


Relationships works differently for different people.

I am looking for someone who can work with me on my own terms that I lay down here, there and elsewhere.

If that is not what you want then I will not date you, I look for a girl who wants it like I describe it. Who wants to be and can be a puppet doll in my arms.

I will not be lectured on relationships, not by you not by anyone else.

You cannot convince me that I should be OK with some form of different relationship or that I need to change or what not.

I am that awesome and deserve a girl that meets my tastes 100%.

I am not some sort of incel, who desperate for any woman. I have my particular tastes and preferences and I expect them to be met 100% by any prospective slave girl.

If girls this dedicated are rare and most of them are more selfish, then I cam search longer, years decades, forever. For me it is not about being with just somebody. It is about finding in not perfect then close to perfect match.

I would rather be single, than have a girl who cannot meet my preferences.

My waifu harem list may be long, but you need to think of all the other girls who did not made on the list. If they are not on the list that means I do not like girls like them. KanColle and Girls und Panzer each have more like 50 girls in the cast, but I only picked 3 from each. 

And yes I pay attention to every minor character who has even just two lines of text in the show. Moyoko Gotou is good example here.

The only exception is full shipful list from KanColle as I did not play the game, but every girl who appeared in the Anime should be counted.

I do outline my preferences in plain enough, literal English, but people still seem to misinterpret them.

That means what it literary says.

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