Thursday, September 7, 2023

2010s Culture and Feminism Destroyed all the Appeal, Women Once Had

I often blamed feminism for making women unappealing. However likely it is not feminism alone that made it so. The whole post-financial crisis of 2008 culture of 2010s is to blame. 

This culture just went on and wholeheartedly destroyed everything that made women attractive and worth dating or marring in the first place.

This modern liberated feminist woman of the 2010s is not dateable at all. A body pillow of your favorite anime character will make a better gf that this.

I could have expected that some of them could reasonably prove to me that they are not like that and do not swim with the trends. 

However perhaps that is too much to ask. They just cannot beat the feminist woman image, media created. This big ugly media lie. Perhaps they simply do not understand how serious the problem is.

For girls who are reading this. Regardless of if you personally embody all or some of the ailments of the 2010s era or not, this image of a feminist modern woman makes you unappealing in men's eyes. After all men cannot reasonably know how much of a feminist or not you are and will assume the worst.

So, fight the lie with all you got. Be the opposite of what they tell you modern woman is about.

Try to prove that you can make a good domestic subservient housewife with all you got.

Even if it was not, you personally who caused feminism, you still suffer from the consequences of this mess.

Even if feminism once created 'better men', all men who could be converted to this image have run out. Only those who refuse to date any Western woman unless things change, remain.

Thus, you can either destroy feminism or watch helplessly as men opt for Asian girls or even fictional anime waifus.

Seriously, aren't you ashamed of losing appeal contest to a fictional 2D character who only speaks Japanese. Aren't you ashamed losing to the three of them.

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