Saturday, September 30, 2023

World Should Stop Revolving Around Woman's Whims

I think for around decade or so the world seems to begin revolving around woman's whims.

Partly it is woman's own fault of course for just expecting men to prove their worth to them without offering anything in return.

However partly it is also a fault of the male enablers who just give women whatever they want. I called these types of men toxic moral men in one of my previous articles.

These simpy men who do anything she wants, and whimsical women they end up cultivating ended up becoming the most omnipresent type of relationship out there. I see so many couples that look like that. I would not want to talk to them myself to make sure.

That goes so far so that men of Male Master Race like me do not even want to date any woman around us as, these spoiled women are completely unappealing.


I fact, I would even say that these toxic moral men deliberately spoil women around them so that people of Male Master Race would avoid these women, and toxic moral men would then get all the women for themselves.

The way things look does show that they have succeeded. Unfortunately, 'modern' is completely unappealing to everyone but these toxic moral men.


Regardless of whether this is a conspiracy or not, women cultivated by toxic moral men are completely unappealing. Thus, actions of toxic moral men do ruin all daring and relationship prospects for any other types of men. 

It affects both genders equally.

The image of relationship, the toxic moral men created, lingers around in collective consciousness like a evil ghost. 

Even if not all men are like that, women would assume they are and try to interact with them as if they are toxic moral men. Male Master Race members will simply look away or walk away in disgust. However, that does not solve a relationship problem for them. If that continues, they will stay single forever.

Men of Male Master Race too assume that all women are selfish toxic and spoiled and do not want to do anything with them. Some turn to porn, others to Asian women as Asian women stereotypes contrast heavily with selfish and toxic 'modern' woman.

How that affects women

Not only men of Male Master Race cannot find a woman, but women who want anyone but toxic moral men simp will also have problem finding a different kind of man.

Even if she manages to find one, she will not be able to attract him. Since toxic moral men prevented her from developing skills and abilities, necessary to date a man of a Male Master Race she will not be able to do it, even if she actually wants to.

She might even end up stalking him, unwilling to give up, but unable to succeed.

Examples to Follow

The fact remains that in common collective consciousness that exist in the West there are no skills, role models or examples of relationships that will satisfy men of Male Master Race.

Whatever does exist are often labelled as sexist and misogynist by feminists.

However, no matter what feminists say, a woman needs these sexist and misogynist skills and cloths to appeal to men of Male Master Race. Without them, Male Master Race will continue to look at Asians and porn.

Out of Asian cultures, only Japanese one clearly makes sure that women show men proper respect that is essential in a relationship with men of Male Master Race. Other Asian cultures could be spoiled by years of Communism in China, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos or other factors. After all communism is feminist and all it teaches women is not conductive to a relationship with men of Male Master Race. 

Maybe some of women from these countries could go back to a more traditional way of interacting with men. However, I am not sure if all of them have knowledge of their traditional culture. Also, not every traditional culture makes woman show respect for man, so it might not work for some countries.

Alternatively, there is also Muslim culture that makes women show deference and respect to men. 

This fact was the reason why mujahedeen of Afghanistan opposed communist rule in their country. They did not want commies to make their women disobedient to men and was willing to wage a guerilla war on USSR to prevent it. 

Then they went for some radical measures to reinforce their traditional intergender interactions, by sentencing women to capital punishment for violating these rules.

This in turn lead to the US invasion into Afghanistan.

Islam is rather strict when it comes to rules for women as well as for violating these rules. However, nothing bad happens to those women who follow these rules. That looks like an increasingly attractive alternative to feminism.

After all I want a woman who obeys and follows my rules to the letter.

I would say Japanese culture rules are better than Islam, but may be Islam will work as well?

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