Thursday, October 19, 2023

Cheating Women Cause Wars and Genocide

I often say that it is very important for women to stay loyal and never cheat. I remembered a good story that illustrates why it is so important. 

I will tell you a rather well-known story from Greek history. Story of Helen of Troy.

Helen of Troy was actually a wife of a Spartan King (King of the City State of Sparta, Greeks back them lived in City-States and each City was like its own nation).

One day three sons of the King of friendly City State of Troy visited Sparta and attended a banquet, hosted by the Spartan King to celebrate their friendship and cooperation. During the banquet youngest of three sons, Paris, secretly seduced Spartan King's wife and convinced her to flee with him to Troy. After the banquet he secretly smuggled her on board of their ship. Knowing his brothers will not approve of this for diplomatic reasons, Paris did not tell them about the Helen until they arrived in Troy.

When Spartan King found out about his wife fleeing with Paris, he done a very Spartan thing about it: mobilized the entire Spartan army, sailed to Troy and laid siege to the city.

That war eventually became the longest and bloodiest conflict of the Greek world. Many famous heroes such as Achilles fought in it.

The war ended with a famous Troyan Horse incident. Unable to assault the walls or starve Troyans, Spartans decided to trick them instead. They pretended they have given up on war and all left the siege. Among the equipment they left behind however was a strange giant wooden horse. Troyans thought the horse would make for a nice spoil of war to celebrate their victory and took the horse is. The horse contained Spartan special ops unit inside, however. Once Troyans finished celebrating their victory and went to sleep, Spartans left the horse and open the gates for their main army to enter the city.

Spartans massacred the entire population of Troy, committing possibly the first documented genocide in human history. They also levelled the entire city to the ground. Only in 19th century archeologists could unearth the remnants of Troy.

That is how one unfaithful cunt ended up causing a huge war and a genocide of the entire nation of people.

It is truly ironic that modern Greeks call their country Hellenic Republic in their language.

That also a jab as Spartan's manliness. For all their flaunted 'manly' 'militarism' their King ended up loosing his wife to a Troyan.

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