Thursday, October 19, 2023

Appearance vs Behavior

I always thought that people pay too much attention to their appearance and too little attention to their manners and behavior.

It is not like appearance does not matter at all. It is just it is not as important in my eyes as good manners and proper behavior. 

Russia is a particular example of the heavy appearance bias country. Some people do say Russian women are the best. Based on appearance only it is mostly true. However, their manners and behavior are just as bad as their appearance is good. 

You might ever say that appearance is opposite proportional to behavior. However, there are some ugly women who behave abysmally.

Japanese women in contrast are not so great looks wise. The only thing going for them appearance wise is their petite bodies. However, they do know how to behave in a way, that actually appeals to men and do so regularly. They never fail to show that they always respect and obey men. That wins it for me. Behavior matters a lot more for me compared to looks.

Sure, there are exceptions to this basic principle. There are some good-looking women in Japan and bad looking in Russia. There are some well-behaved women in Russia and poorly behaved women from Japan. However overall principle holds. 

I am willing to compromise a lot on her appearance. So long as she is not extra ugly and looks at least average, I am ok with that.

However, I am not willing to compromise on behavior. She has to always behave flawlessly. Always be nice, subservient and obedient. She must never show any disrespect or disobedience towards me. 

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