Wednesday, November 29, 2023

On Change of the Eras

Austerity-fascists/breeder-facsist/eco-fash/feminazi/boomers control the society and ruin it for everyone. Once they all die out or lose power, things will be better. Their era was running all the way since 2009 but it is coming to an end. We are in transitional period right now.

At 22 Jan Pluto will enter Aquarius and we will get closer to the new era. You had a little taste of Aqua era during this year April when it briefly was in Aqua, before getting back to Capricorn. From January next year it will be in Aquarius for much longer than last time. Then, after 20th November of next year, it will be in Aquarius for good. and will not be in Capricorn for the next 200 years or so. Bye stupid goats.

I personally know three Capricorns and to Aquarians. One of them (born 1 of Jan) is good natured but carefree about life, he has four kids and they just running around. People like him in the long run will flood the society with people and drive prices high and availability low. Second one is born on the same date as Jeoffrey Epstein and is a totalitarian fascist who think people can all live like Amish. He makes life of everyone around him harder and think he is doing a good thing because he is a idiot. The final one is the best friend of the second one.

On the other hand, there two Aquas I know, one is as IT genius as I am. He likes all that is good, such as computers, video games and anime. He has clean, well-organized home and only married in his 40s something. The other Aqua likes chess, collecting movies and music.

So, you see, mess created by Capricorns will soon be removed and we will live in a technogenic era where everything will be computerized, and we all will have robo-waifus/servants to take care of all our needs. No one will ever disturb us again. Some people will die out of solitude, but I will laugh of their stupidity. Anyhow we need living space, so it is good that they are dying out.

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