Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Actual Sins and Virtues, Part Two


A continuation of the series of posts overview and first part are there.

Sloth and Diligence

Sloth is often equated with plain laziness. That is true to a certain extent. However, there is more to it that just that. Sloth much rather be equated with indifference, rather than to laziness per se. 

In general laziness is too generic of a term, that people just slap on any inaction the do not like. However, doing so prevents you from thinking about actual reasons for such inaction, that are important to solving it. Thus, calling people lazy is sloth, as you cannot be bothered to understand reasons for their inaction.

Some might argue that sloth will never be appealing to any gender. In fact, it is women who often complain that their husband or bf is a 'coach potato'. Sure, you want to avoid this kind of pitfall.

However, if you spin if differently, suddenly you can look like a cool kid. Say something like "I could not care less for [insert the issue here]" or even "I do not give a fuck; I do not give a shit" and see how that changes the mood. Suddenly you are not lazy coach potato, but a cool guy who does not sweat small stuff and only cares for shit, that actually matters.

Now you can start attracting women with the power of your own laziness. How cool is that.

On the other end of the division is diligence. That is precisely the opposite of sloth. Attention to details and small stuff. Men do appreciate women who take due care and concern for small stuff precisely. 

Laborious attention to details, perfectionism is rarely praised openly and to great length, however it can be a game changer. Blizzard for example often say that they pay great attention to details in their games. The enduring popularity of World of Warcraft is a testament of how important Diligence is.

People say what not about Yennifer from Witcher series, but she never forgets that Geralt does not like portals and always gets out of her way to make sure she does not make him use portals. That is one of the reasons I actually liked her. See how important small stuff is.

That one can be hard to get right though. You need to be able to tell what small stuff is actually important and what is just a waste of time.

Wrath and Patience

Wrath is often depicted as some angry yelling and even violence provoked by some minor insults. That is oversimplification, however. Being the opposite of patience, wrath is impatience with people and circumstances. The infamous Karenism, where you cannot just tolerate the circumstances and have to lash out on someone.

The fact that Karen became a meme in itself probably does not require me to elaborate on the fact, why wrath is bad. Especially for a woman. However, I do need to better outline what is the opposite of being Karen, the patience.

Patience is important quality. Perhaps one of the most important for a woman. After all they have to wait for their husbands to return from work. Children also require a lot of patience to deal with, as they are slow to learn and take 18 years to grow adult. If a woman cannot tolerate minor inconveniences, that shows men around her that she is not qualitied for being a wife or a mother. That just works on instinctual level, and they ignore her.

Wrath is probably the least socially acceptable sin out there. Sure, people might not like sloth or greed, but being lazy and greedy will not land you with problems with police or security. Wrath however can. 

Unlike other sins, this one does interfere with other people's wellbeing, so it is more dangerous. Also, this is the ugliest of all sins, at least in my opinion. Prideful people can be ignored for example, but wrathful ones...

However, there can be benefits of being wrathful in a relationship with a woman. That is one cheap way of showing your strength. It does seem that sometimes women even provoke wrathful response deliberately in order to see if a man has strength.

In civilized society wrath can only lead to a trouble. However, in wild nature, showing strength can scare predators and competitors. So, it is a desirable trait. Women are still attuned to see it this way in a relationship.

There are still dangers of wrath even in a relationship, so I would recommend other sins instead.

Envy, Contentment and Kindness

Envy is a desire to have something that others have. No matter who you are, there is someone who has a better car, house, wife, clothes, mobile phone and so on. Desire to have the good stuff that others have is envy.

This one takes it one step further compared to Greed, mentioned in the previous article. If greed is to simply covet more stuff, then envy is a specific desire to have what something else has. Unwillingness to accept that someone has something you do not. In Australia we call it Tall Poppy Syndrome. A dogged determination that no one should be better off than they are.

If greed a desire to have another Lambo in your collection, then envy is determination that no one has more Lambos that you do.

Envy can be a very destructive trait, if you go about, it by destroying wealth others have, so that no one can rival you. That however can be useful for a man in maintaining your relationship with women. Women like to think that they have the best men in their lives, so not losing this status together with her to a dude with more Lambos than you have, might be useful. You might not even need to hide this desire from her, she might even agree that no one should be allowed as many Lambos as you have.

As much as many women would think that ruining all these cunts who get too close to your guy seems like a good idea, I would like to caution against it. He will surely not appreciate your efforts if he learns about them. You might even lose your relationship as he would find it detestable. Surely you might try to do it behind his back, but there is a risk you will get caught. Not that it would stop most of you. However, risk of losing him to a better girl is less than what it appears.

I think it is more appropriate to contrast Envy with Contentment rather than with Kindness. We already have Charity opposite of Greed. Kindness is basically Charity, is it not? In fact, Kindness is a better word to Charity than Charity itself. I already wrote on Charity in part one.

Contentment is acceptance of one's place in life and lack of any desire to get better stuff.

In modern free market economy contentment is does not sound like a virtue, a desire to better yourself in various ways can be considered a good thing, while acceptance of things as they are. 

In contrast in more conservative society, such as Medieval, where everyone just out to know their place and not covet any higher position, envy was considered a sin. After all peasants should just work for the robber barons and do not dream of one day becoming a baron themselves. Barons themselves sure will not appreciate anyone coveting their place in society.

On the personal level, women are much more likely to approve of a guy who wants to better himself in various ways. Women want to marry the best guy possible and of course would like to see someone trying to better their place in life.

On the other hand, men would rather have a girl who is happy with what she got. It is much more reassuring when she does not want to better her lot, because that bettering one's lot for a girl often means to find a better man. If she wants someone else, then why bother with her at all.

Pride and Humbleness

Now we finally reached the most important sin, pride. Pride is a believe that you are awesome and better than everyone else. At the very least that you are special and unique, not like everyone else.

In contrast humbleness, the most important virtue, is a believe that you are less important than everyone else. Humbleness is when you think there are more important and deserving people than you are.

Internet sometimes lashes out on prideful people, there is even a term unwarranted self-importance. Being prideful can attract hostility from people around you. From men specifically as it wounds their own feelings. Pride may get you isolated. Some people really hate prideful people, that is why it is called sin. I personally do not like prideful girls.

However, pride is probably easiest way to win girls' approval. There is almost no risk, and it easily ticks near all the boxes in her book,

So never neglect to tell you how awesome you are, how everyone else is nothing but scrubs and losers compare to you and how she is lucky you picked her from all the other cunts out there. She will be happy.

If you do not exhibit pride, then she will not be able to respect you. That will ruin your relationship with her.

Just do it privately to not attract envious people who might want to take you down.

Finally, Humbleness. That is the most important virtue that wins all the time after all. 

While girls' logic goes something like that, if she admits that some other cunt in better than herself, then the guy will simply dump her for that better girl. That is however not how guys think.

There is plenty of evidence of that. For example, sex shops are full of sexy French maid outfits. Maid is essentially a cleaner, the lowest and most humble work out there. They clean shit after other people. If men would not find this role sexy, then sex shops would sell something else instead. 

In contrast princess or queen outfits can hardly be found in any sex shops. The 'best' girl of higher status, princess, do not interest men sexually at all.

It is the same with pornography, there is plenty of porn with maids, but almost none with any princesses. Men do not fap to princesses, they do not want to fuck them either. Men want maids.

In anime it is the same. Take Re;Zero, where Subaru chooses Emilia over the humble maid, Rem. Sure scriptwriters can write whatever, but fans do tell you the truth. OneTrueRem reddit clearly more popular than a similar one for Emilia and is updated much more frequently at that as well. Fans love their humble maid, no matter how critics screech in the corner 'Rem who?'

Thus, humbleness is the most important trait for any woman. The humbler she is, the more she will be loved.

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