Thursday, January 11, 2024

Day and Night

First Metaphor

Back in the days I tended to prefer night over the day. I thought the night was eerie mysterious and magical. It was the time where all sorts of cool things happen. 

Night was an escape from suffocating banal existence of the day. Day was duties, obligations and boredom. Day was parents, teachers all sorts of authority figures, all the things and people I do not like.

Night was the time when one was free to be yourself, unseen in the shadow. There was no one above me and I liked it that way.

When it comes to this perspective, I still prefer freedom of the night to obligations of the day. I did not become duty minded.

Alternative Metaphor

However, night and day can be used metaphorically to illustrate a different concept altogether. A concept often found in myth of various religions and even references by Tsoi in his Calm Night song. 

Day and light as a civilization, security and comfort. Night and darkness as primitivism and animal instincts. 

Here I am actually more on the side of civilization. I want to live in comfort of my technologically advanced home and robot servants catering for all my needs.

I do not like the idea of bowing to nature. I would much rather master it and make it serve me. Sad that not so many people share my views on that. 


In fact, it could even be that I like night precisely because it gives more opportunities for humanity to display its mastery over nature. Beautiful artificial lights defeat darkness and make world beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. 

"City shoots shrapnel of lights into the night..."

How That Came to Be

One thing that separates us from animals is out ability to use and construct tools. Before humanity achieved anything else. However, that is only partly true. Chimpanzees and Gorillas actually can use rocks and sticks as tools to get stuff done.

However, there is one thing that humanity alone could master. The tool that allowed humanity to rise above to the heights we have now. That is fire.

Sure, fire sometimes can be dangerous, but that overlooks the most important aspect of this awesome power.

Fire alone could turn the beast, who used to cover in fear of bigger animals, elements and nature into a master of the world.

Tiger, lion or wolf all fear fire, that only human can wield as his own. Fire can cook raw meat into a meal. Keep you warm during cold nights and even illuminate your cave so you can see as easily as during the day.

Fire over Morals

"I crawled the earth, but now I am higher. 2010, let it burn with fire."

Fire was that one thing that made us human. It was a starting point, from which we went further and higher.

With fire and tools, we become civilization. Without these we would still be crawling the earth like savage beasts.

Morals, ecology, green initiatives, plastic bag bans and such do not take us further and higher. All these "green" initiatives are just a pathetic attempt by primitivists to bring us back to stone age, their ludicrous ideas must be opposed. They must be burned with fire.


Astrologically Fire element is also representing this power of civilization. However, it is Air element that build civilization with the fire of the fire element.

in contrast earth and water elements are still and backward looking. They are more instinctual that civilizational compared to fire.

Cycles of Development

"City shoots shrapnel of lights into the night, but night is stronger, her power is great."

In many ancient myth Sun is depicted in dualistic cycle. During the day it illuminates the world and brings warmth and growth to it. In one world civilization. During the night it disappears into the underworld and grapples with forces of darkness, until it reemerges next morning.

While in the simplest explanation it can be taken as simply illustration of day and night cycle, there is actually more to it than just that.

That illustrates other cycles of the world and even normal human development.

There are seasons for example. Seasons are like repetition of this cycle, but in yearly rather than daily timespan. During summer it is warm, and everything can grow and flourish. During winter it is cold and dark, nothing can grow or flourish. Thus, summer is like daytime equivalent of the year and winter is nighttime equivalent of the year. Spring is like mourning and autumn like evening respectively.

Human development is not different, it too runs in cycles, that are bigger than year. Periods of growth and economic boom are replaced with periods of economic crisis and depression. 

Last period of growth began in 1995 where windows 95 paved the way for computers and internet to become part of everyday life. By 1999 a brand-new world of electronic entertainment and communication flourished on this fertile ground. Humanity evolved and became so advanced compared to its former pre-computer self. People of 1980 are nothing more than apes compare to computerized Übermensch master race of new Millennium. Idea of life without computer and internet is unthinkable to all but most retarded reactionaries.

Then in 2008 we had a financial crisis and humanity went into decline. Winter of Society fell on the world, reactionary idiots crawled out of their holes and started undo the progress of the Millennial Decade. Idiotic initiatives like plastic bags ban, greenhouse gases reduction, living off the grid, dividing people into alpha and beta like we are some herd animals. Old people, stuck in the past, became forefront of life. Many wield disproportionally large influences over politics and the world. 

Religion too became a tool of reactionary backwardness; hypocrites keep spooking people with hell. Feminism is fake "progressive" ideology that does nothing to advance civilization in any way. Women are instinctual and backward, giving them more rights will not get us anywhere. 

In fact, the forces of backward past gradually corrupt some formerly advance and modernist tendencies and turn them in inversion of their former self. Christianity actually had a warning that eventually an Antichrist will become pope and will corrupt the church from within. That is long in the past for us. Church have long been tool for backwardness and opposition to progress and freedom. That is why we need new ideas to get ahead.

Since 2008 technology hardly advanced towards anything. Apple does nothing, but changes numbers on basically the same iProduct as before and sheeple still wastes they money to buy new iPhone, calling Apple greatest tech company. In fact, Windows Mobile phone was the best phone, ergonomics wise; but because app developers ignored it, it did not survive. Apple is Antichrist of tech, that only runs it into ground. Intel stagnates since release of Core 2 Duo, that was only moderately enhanced in Core i7. AMD managed one breakthrough with Ryzen, but then simply decided to sit on laurels and improve nothing. Save for few exceptions here and there we have not seen any great improvements in anything.


In 2008 Pluto moved from explorative, advance and entrepreneurial Sagittarius to backward, conservative Capricorn. In 2023-24 it will gradually shift from backward Capricorn into most progressive of them all, Aquarius. In 2025 Neptune will shift from backward Pisces to uncompromising Aries and finally Uranus will leave backward Taurus for ingenious Gemini. I by one is excited, that winter of society is finally over, and a new dawn is upon us. Full speed ahead.

Also, Pluto, Neptune and Uranus will be able to have two sextiles and one trine between them, while they are in future minded Air and Fire signs.

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