Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Real Communism and Anarcho-Capitalism

Both Ancap and Ancom is like that Simpsons scene where Homer build grill. Both believe that it will be utopia, but in reality, it will be a complete mess. 

Afterwards they will say real communism/ancap was not tried.


Communists believe that fair and moral world where everyone works as hard as they can and in return, they will always get all then need to survive and lead a well-off frugal life.

In reality in a system like that smart people will always reduce and even directly sabotage their ability to work so that they work as little as possible or not at all. Simultaneously they will try to maximize their entitlement to get as much as they can from the state. Eventually communism will go bankrupt, just like USSR did in 1991.

In USSR people will get themselves drunk before work to avoid working. Willful refusal to work was punishable by prison, but inability to work due to alcoholic intoxication was fair-game loophole. They will not be fired either as communism explicitly prohibits firing anyone for any reason whatsoever. They will be paid their salary on time as well.

The video even metaphorically reflects the whole process of establishing communism how it actually happened in history. Things went wrong pretty much immediately and then there were blaming of kulaks and other enemies of the system as they frantically tried to get it work by making split second chaotic band aid treatment to a problem that cannot be fixed in such manner.


Ancap believes that they will have world where everyone gets rewarded to their full ability and hard-work and only lazy and stupid people will be poor. Kind of like it is in World of Warcraft where you can get max level and all the legendary gear if you know how to play and put effort into it.

In reality it will be totalitarian world ruled by mega conglomerate that controls all the industry and all business in the country. Kind of like Transnistria with its Sheriff. Because what will stop someone from monopolizing the industry and then being a kneejerk asshole about it. What free people will be able to do about it?

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