Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Robotization Should Be Done Differently

In AI and robotization there is trend that attempts to make robots as human like as possible. As much as its interesting from scientific research point of view, that is fundamentally an incorrect approach to a problem.

Humans have free will. Thus, they are free to do or not do things are they themselves see fit. In order to deal with that human trait, we need systems such as free market economy or liberal democracy. That is the only way for humans with free will, who are guided by self-interest to reasonably co-exist and function in a society. 

Systems that fail to take free will into consideration, such as communism or religion ultimately fail because of one simple fact. If you tell people to do something that is against their self-interest, they will not do it. No amount of KGB, repression and "re-education" can possibly alleviate that simple fact.

However what people need from robots is not to be as free willing as humans themselves are, but rather blindly obedient. After all we need someone to do all these thankless jobs and fulfill roles, actual people do not wish to do.

Because of that it is pointless to attempt to make robots exactly as humans are. Robots need to have limited, purpose and service orientated functionality. That way they will serve humanity without thinking of taking over.

With robots, just like with women: I want them to clean and cook for me, not to think what's in it for her/it.

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