Tuesday, January 2, 2024

On Reclassificcation of Planets

A while ago Pluto was reclassified into Dwarf Planet and added to the broader group of 8 trans Neptunian outer planets.

That may be good and right. Pluto is smaller than our moon, and Eris is bigger than Pluto. So, we either expand number of planets to 10, 12 or 16 or reduce them to 8.

However, that excludes elephants in the room. The four gas giant planets have a lot less in common with the inner 4, then Pluto has with Earth. In fact, some of the satellites of these gas giants are much bigger than a moon. Jupiter moons Io, Ganymede, Europa and Callisto have a lot more in common with the Earth, Mars or Venus, then Jupiter itself.

Thus, a more appropriate classification would be to exclude gas giants from planets and call them Gas Giants officially. The planets from Mercury to Mars can be called Inner Planets. Trans Neptunian planets can then be Called Outer Planets. Finally bigger satellites of Gas giants can be called Satellite or Sub Planets.

That classification will give people better idea what our Soral System is like. 

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