Thursday, February 22, 2024

On Role of Uranus in Astrology

Modern astrologers often depict Uranus as a rebel who cannot fit in and constantly stirs trouble. However, that is a very inaccurate depiction of this god, his planet and his influence. 

Uranus or Ouranos was actually an originator god. Before him there was nothing, but he and Gaya went on to create Titans and the world, including Saturn/Cronos.

Saturn is often depicted as the old conservative god, who maintains traditional order. In astrological dichotomy he is typically contrasted with more liberal, open minded and optimistic Jupiter/Zeus, King of Olympian gods.

However, before these traditional rules and ways of Saturn even came to be, there was Uranus before him there was nothing and after him there were Titans and other things.

Uranus is a creator, but not the kind that Christian God is. Uranus is not rule maker. He is not the kind of creator, that gives people some ten commandments, seven sins or other such nonsense. Uranus is the creator that paves way towards new, create new technologies, scientific discoveries and ways to live. 

Sometimes for these new things to exist, old ways and rules has to give way and Uranus is relentless in breaking the old for the sake of new. In that regard he may appear as uncompromising rebel to a conservative person. However, that overlook the reasons for his actions.

Without Uranus like people humanity would never evolve into higher states of existence and would stay monkeys forever.

Thus, astrologically Uranus represents areas in life, where we will pioneer new and untried and untested things. Where we will create new way to live. That can be anything from technology to ideology and even religion. 

As much as Christians and other religious people like to tout their faith and rooted in ancient tradition, reality is that it once too was a dangerous and disruptive innovation, that conservative people wished to suppress. 

In more modern times people like Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan, thew the old rule book into a dustbin of history and created a new and better way for us to live. They too were opposed by conservative elements who erroneously believed that these changes destroy all the foundations of society that existed since time immemorable. However, Uranus types instinctively know that all such rules did not exist since time immemorable but were created by people much like they themselves are. Therefore, within their power to alter and undo these old rules to better suit reality.

Of course, it is technology that is possibly the biggest and the most fertile ground for innovation. New tech almost constantly supplants and overtake things that came before.

Aspects towards Uranus and other consideration in the chart does show how far person is inclined towards pushing their own vision onto the world or in contrast more apt towards preserving status quo and following rules made by others.

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