Saturday, February 17, 2024

The Most Unlike-Russia Place in the World

Looking at videos of Caribbean islands resorts I got an interesting idea. The Caribbean tropical paradise island is the most unlike Russia place in the world. At first glance it seems that Bahamas in particular are the most constating place of them all.

It works even on symbolic level: Bahamas and Russian flag do no share even a single color in common. Their coat of arms are nothing alike as well.

However, on more fundamental level Russia is huge near single land mass, that is easy to find on the map. Bahamas are series of islands, that located somewhat away even from their equally hard to notice on map Carribean brethren.

Russia has cold and harsh climate; most areas are very far from the sea. In general sea access is very limited and restricted in Russa. Bahamas as tropical paradise, surrounded by sea from all sides.

Russia is militaristic and autocratic with reputation for toughness. Bahamas used to be a liberal Pirate Republic even when the rest of the world was ruled by autocratic monarchies.

Russia always tries to prove the world it's a superpower. Bahamas could not care less about something like that, as they relax on one of their beaches.

Russia is stiff up and always cares about the impression it makes. Bahamas seems casual and easygoing to me.

Russia ignores creature comforts. Bahamas are all about creature comforts.

Finally, 2/3 people want to emigrate out of Russia to avoid living like Russian. In contrast millions of tourists visit Bahamas every year, because they want to live in this creature comfort paradise, at least for a couple of weeks.

However, I did this comparison not just for theory, but because fundamentally every emigrant from Russia seeks a place unlike-Russia. Place where things they did not liked in Russia do not exists and things, they did not have in Russia are in abundance. 

Bahamas seems a place like that. In fact, a Caribbean or or another such resort-like tropical paradise island is just such a place. There are other such places such as Maldives or close to Australia Bali. Places popular with Russian tourists do have such characteristics as well. Cyprus for example. Antalya in Turkey and Hurghada in Egypt as well. Some more sophisticated might even go to Spanish Andalusia or Tenerife of Canary Islands.

Back when I choose to move to Australia, tropical paradise consideration was strong on my mind. Australia is much closer to tropical paradise compared to Russia. Warmer climate, plenty of ocean and beaches. 

Australians themselves do not think this way about their country. Here I instead heard a lot of stories about frontier life and taming the land. People seem to have a different idea of what their country is like.

Recently people often ask me where I am from. I give many confusing answers. I do not want to say Russia, because I do not like this country and most Russian stereotypes are completely unlike me. However, I could not quite settle on any one other country. I often say something like Lithuania, Sweden, Norway or Czechia. However, none of them possibly reflect my character well enough. 

So may be Bahamas are just the place that represents me well. A Bahamian.

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