Friday, March 22, 2024

On Transhumanism

While in my list of ideologies I said that I support transhumanism, I feel I need to clarify what exact forms of transhumanism I support.

While implanting electronic components into body like in Cyberpunk 2077 looks flashy on screen, in practice its impractical and useless, not to mention all the health complications. 

What I would like to see instead something depicted in Exo Squad or ID-0. Exoskeletons and other electronic gear that can be put on and off like clothes or diving equipment. They will enhance human abilities without compromising anything. Both Exo Frames and gear of Jump Suits from Exo Squad are very useful ideas that will make humanity much more than what we are now.

Switching consciousness between one's biological body and a fully artificial body like in ID-0 is also very useful. With that we would be able to participate in some high-risk operations such as war or extraterrestrial minding, without a real risk of dying. Even if artificial body is destroyed, one still had their own biological one as backup. It would also be possible to access hard to reach areas with some mini bodies. These artificial bodies could be much bigger than actual human body or in contrast much smaller.

Finally, a neural interface will allow people to control electronic equipment with the power of their thoughts. That will allow us to do many things much more effectively and faster.

Finally, we should be able to back up our consciousness on some cloud service to allow us to continue existence in artificial body or even completely bodyless should our biological body is lost.

All these things will allow as to overcome limitations of being human and achieve God like powers. Something I wish to have as my own.

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