Tuesday, January 7, 2025

On Differences Russian Men and Western Men

One post on reddit about Russian men made me think about how different men from Russia compared to other men. The more I thought about it, the more I got convinced that a lot.

In a world where most of the time it is guy who struggles to get a girl while girls seem to have infinite options, Russian guys who avoid marriage like a plague seems like a strange exception. Other guys struggle to get anywhere with a girl who avoids commitment and keeps her options open. Russian guys instead dodge girls and marriages like their life depends on it while girls get out of their mind to figure out how to marry one. Why so different?

The answer lies in fundamental make up of society and demographic differences. In Western countries there are often more men and women and in Russia it's the other way around.

That root differences produces many other differences in societies, including even the fact that Western world is democratic, and Russia is autocratic. Male majority in the West makes sure society is governed democratically, female majority in Russia leads to strongman autocracy instead. It is not that Western men and democratic and Russian ones prefer strongman instead. Men in each of these societies prefer democracy, it is always women who prefer autocracy. Many Russian men migrating to the west or wanting to do so is the proof. Many Western women infatuated with Putin are also a proof.

Women vote in People like Putin and support people like Stalin. If only men could vote Grigory Yavlinsky would be president of Russia, no joke. If only women could vote in the West, then Nazis would rule again.

However, lets return to dating and relationship. In many, but not all, ways they also work like a mirror image of each other. Let's begin with the west.

In the West male majority sets standards of behavior and culture that make sense to a man. Freedom, respect for personal freedom, humanism, meritocracy and other Western values are enshrined in society only because men dominate these societies.

Young guys can easily accept these and most of the time have no problem fitting in. Women on the other hand are confused. What they are told right contradicts with their instinct. They respect rules but feel something is wrong. That is why they experience brain vs heart problem. That what leads towards dating problem, what society says is a good man is not what the girl herself thinks is. That is why she hesitates and delays marriage and relationship. Guys all want marriage and girls avoid it instead. Guys have to compete with each other and get out of their ways to win over a female.

Because culture in the West is set by men, then marriage terms are also made by man. They are terms men find meaningful and women not so much. Since men can find fulfilment in such marriage they pursue it. Since women cannot find fulfilment in it, they avoid it instead. Guys struggle to win her over and when they finally won, they kick back and relax, enjoying the ride with little effort. Sometimes that eventually leads to divorces as women got tired of housewife burden and decides to ditch it.

In the West women invent feminism, support socialism and do all sorts of stupid crazy shir because of how they could not accept the society they were born into.

Marriage and women are the only source of frustration to a western man. The rest of society works male way, and they are mostly happy. To avoid local problematic women, they sometimes marry foreign ones with varying results.

That sounds like a social and intergender problem. However, if things are reversed like in Russia, it gets even worse.

In Russia female majority influences culture and standards of behavior. Female love for a strongman leads to a lawless society where might makes right, violence glorified, and victims blamed for being weak. 

In Russia women think all of the above makes sense and take pride that Russia is not like the West. Most men however cannot look at this Eurasian BS sober and become alcoholics or drug addicts. Many want to emigrate to the West, those who can, do so. There are some men who are OK with that, but most of them are bullies with near zero brain.

Desired male traits from female bucket list are pushed as standards of male behavior. Men are supposed to be this and that and what not. Be strong, punch others in the face to show you are strongest, that too. Men are blamed for everything, expected to do and know near everything, fix anything and not complain about anything. Broad society tends to agree with women and blame men, so men cannot get any help or support outside of their male peer friends. That makes male friendship important.

Because of that women want marriage more than anything else. They see it as free ride for life and kick back and expect men to do everything after marriage. Men on the other hand do not want it at all. In Russian culture men have all to lose and nothing to gain in a relationship or marriage. Thus, most stay away from it. It is women, who have to get out of their way to somehow win him over. That is why Russian women look so stunning that people in the West think they are so good. They however do not understand the underlying problem that led to this situation.

Many of those who end up in a relationship, eventually leave it. Unlike the West where there is custody battles as men typically do not want to be separated from kids, in Russia men just disappear and kids often do not even know him. 

There are many single mothers in Russia, most kids are raised by single mothers. I know more families with single mothers than with both parents. Many of these single mothers work as teachers and even school principal of a school I graduated from is a single mother. 

Single mothers then pass on their personal values on kids, only further entrenching female values as standards of society. That in turn lead towards more men becoming alcoholics as they could not accept it. It's a downward spiral of death.

Men in Russia try to escape Russian society with everything they can. Emigration, protest, political activism, alcoholism, drugs, videogames, anime anything. That however remains largely unnoticed.

Some of these Russian high standards do rub of off them, so women often find Russian men interesting. However Russian men are permanently traumatized by Russian culture and will not enter relationship easily. They do not want any problems that relationship Russian way brings, so they are very selective with partners. Most pick partners based on 'not like a Russian women' criterion. Russian men prefer, kind, caring, naive, stupid and easy women, all qualities lacking in Russian society in general. That often leads to either Latin (dumb and wild) or Asian (Japanese) (humble and polite) preferences. 


What get noticed is that Russian women often seek foreign men. From a distance both look to each other as very desirable and eligible suitors. Western men are attracted to Russian women looks, Russian women like Western men money, quality of life and commitment to marriage. 

Only after marriage, Russian women realize that Western marriage is much less of a free ride for women. They complain about Western men in private to their Russian female friends as in the West they do not have society on their side. Westerners would not find Russian women expectations reasonable at all and would see her as unreasonable, so they stay quiet. Some divorce Western men (particularly Finnish men) and take kids to Russia, but most stay in these marriages for good.

Overall dissatisfaction with 'situation as it is' leads to all types of people, mentioned above to seek something different from a foreigner that seems have the traits locals lacking.

Asia can solve our problems because it produces humble women we so need.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Why an Anti-Natalist

A response to indented question: 

I'm new to this subreddit and was curious if you guys feel the way you do mostly from current affairs of the world and what you assume it will look like in the future (lots of suffering). If the world was going to be great one day, the utopia was to be guaranteed, would this change your view.


if it does not cost you any money or effort, then there is no problem with filling the world with children

also, you can cuck some married couple and leave them to raise your kids for you

However, we have overpopulation that causes property shortages, rising prices and such, all of that because we have more people that society can comfortably sustain. It's simple really: say you have 10 kg cake and only 10 people to share it with, then each gets a 1 kg of cake. Increase number of people to 100 without increasing the cake size and now everyone gets 10 times less cake. I do not want to take any cuts to my cake entitlements just because some breeders want to keep popping out babies. Unfortunately, society keeps taking from me to feed the breeders. People should not be allowed to breed unless they can increase the cake size first.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

We Were Heroes of the 90s

That may be surprising to many why I, who is from Russia, oppose Russia and its government and support Russian enemies. There are many reasons for that. 

One and the most obvious is the fact Putin's Eurasian oppression and censorship is obviously worse than European freedom and affluence. I want that freedom and affluence and support the side that provides it not the side who asks to "sacrifice for motherland".

There is also the fact that in Russian school and uni classmates treated me poorly and I want revenge.

However, there is another a more personal reason that few people know about. I was too young then, but my uncle and many friends of my family were successful businesspeople back in 90s. They build modern Russia out of broken bankrupt rubble that CPSU left behind at the end of their rule over USSR. They did not it for free and out of patriotism but out of desire for prosperity. Back in 90s we made a lot of money, had expensive homes, cars, 5 star vacations and enjoyed life to the fullest. I miss that a lot.

That all came to an end when Putin and his gang came to power. Putin stole businesses, jailed or drove into exile many of the people who build the 90s. People I knew personally were not as public as Gusinskiy, Khodorkovsky or Berezovskiy, but that affected us as well. We lost a lot of wealth and status. I also lost contact with many of the best people from those times. Wealth that we build in 90s was stolen from us by a dwarf exKGB thief.

Despite being nothing more than a exKGB thief, Putin labelled many of my relatives and friends "bandits of the 90s" and brainwashed the country and the world into hating us. How he is reaping benefits and taking credit for what people like my uncle and family friends did in 90s as we are scattered and suppressed. Many of us are literally dead like Berezovskiy.

I do want revenge against exKGB dwarf and his KGB bandits for destroying my life and depriving me of my birthright wealth and status. 

I still ponder over my own parents' role in all that. It puzzles me to no end that they do not hate exKGB dwarf and do not want revenge on him. Why did they not keep contact with the best of our friends? Were they KGB agents or KGB infiltrators/stooges? Did KGB killed them and replaced them with lookalikes? These are all mysteries I cannot find answers to.

Thursday, December 5, 2024

On Greek Gods

Zeus was promiscuous rather than rapist. Kind of most popular guy on campus whom all the girls want and who makes their dreams come true. Puritan ethics can condemn his serial spousal infidelity, but he was not rapist per se.

Underworld was not hell in a Christian meaning, people were not sent there as punishment for sins or such. However, it was not a happy place where people go after death. No one wanted to go there, and no one wanted to talk about it or its lord either. 

I think underworld was a metaphor for real world or slavery. People will fall into that condition if they lose social status and become an underclass in a Greek society, like if their city was destroyed by enemies. Hades ruling over that probably meant he was like a slave trader or something. The kind of Geoffrey Epstein type of figure.

Do not know much about Poseidon, but he was likely a low-key Zeus who had his fun but did not overindulge himself like Zeus who tried to stick it into every pussy out there. Poseidon had taste and only fucked girls (nymphs) he liked. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Peculiar Subtype of Bad Parents

When people talk about bad parents, they typically mean alcoholics or drug addicts who beat wife and children. However far not every bad parent is so obviously bad and problematic. Most bad parents are more discreet.

One such type is parent who are full of vanity and want their children to waste a lot of their time and effort to pursue activities such as ballet or music. They say it's for their own good but in reality, it's all about parents own vanity and desire to brag to their peers about their kids' "achievements". Children's own needs and interests are typically ignored and sometimes shut with hypocritical "it's for your own good" or some other excuse. 

I had that kind of parents and know many others who also had to deal with that. They made me waste a lot of time on things that did not help me in life but allowed them to brag to their peers and feel "proud" Despite that, selfish greedy bastards always complained I am not doing enough. I am not some puppy dog to bother pleasing them. 

Thursday, November 7, 2024

On Moon

Moon has always fascinated humanity. Big mysterious disk that emerges at night, grows in size from a crescent to a full moon, then back to a crescent and disappears only to re-emerge as new moon. People used moon cycles to measure weeks and month. Some associated it with certain gods or goddesses. They gazed on its pale light and pondered over mysteries of the universe. Unlike sun that will burn your eyes if you stare at it too long, moon was something one can look at for hours and never tire of it.

Because of all that moon eventually developed a mystical reputation. Fiction used and enhanced it further and further. Gradually moon became a focal point of mystical and even spiritual depth.

When humanity learned how to reach space, one of the first places we wanted to visit was moon. We wanted to see for ourselves what this mysterious body on night sky is made of. Eventually Americans did that, and Buzz Aldrin made his preverbal small step on the surface of this celestial body.

The close investigation did dampen if not outright refuted all this history of moon pondering. Moon ended up a lifeless rock floating in space and its mysterious light is nothing more than a pale reflection of light of the sun. Over the course of his short stay Buzz Aldrin have not found any reasons to ever visit this rock again. Scientists who study rocks he brought with him was of a similar opinion.

Meanwhile telescopes found a lot of interesting on Venus, some on Mars and many more on satellites of Jupiter and Saturn. Science refocused its efforts on these celestial bodies instead.

Just like than moon ended it with two contrasting ideas of itself. One it a mystical body that fiction continues to perpetrate, and the other is a bland reality that it's one of the most boring objects in the Solar system.

Sunday, November 3, 2024

I am Rule-Maker

 People try to ban me not because I am a rule breaker but because I am a rule maker.

On Differences Russian Men and Western Men

One post on reddit about Russian men made me think about how different men from Russia compared to other men. The more I thought about it, ...