Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Girls should generally make life easier for men if they want more sex.


I noticed recently that when I can eat and rest well, I watch more porn and masturbate more to it.

However, when I am tired, I do not do this as much.

What does not kill you, does not make you stronger. It makes tired, suicidal and sick of this shit.

All kind of stress also takes away the libido.

In contrast stress free situations allow me to think more of sex.

From that I managed to get a conclusion that if girls really want men to fuck them, they should make men's life as easy as possible. Otherwise, I or other men will simply be unable and unwilling to fuck them.

One other idea I got to better control women is to simply withhold sex and do not fuck any girls when they do something I do not approve of. 

That way they will be forced to behave in a way you like to get some action.

I am picky about girls and will not just fuck anything with a hole between legs.

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