Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Men are Superior Gender

While it does seem like obvious, but because of feminism this idea is being gradually eroded recently.

Men built this civilization. 

Men created science, ideologies and philosophy. All great philosophers and most scientists were men. Men won Nobel prizes and such. The few female names in science are more of an exception. None of them would have achieved it on their own without men.

Men invented all the technology. All the tech names are overwhelmingly male. Men invented all the core tech we use nowadays, and men keep building and inventing more tech. 

Without men humanity would still be caveman savages, like bonobo apes.

History conclusively proven that no women led society has ever achieved anything of significance. There are some women led tribes in Africa, but they have never become anything bigger than a tribe. Only men can turn some filthy tribe even into even a tribe coalition, much less into a Kingdom or an Empire. Of course, only men can make it into modern nation.

Men actually has to defend civilization. Men fought in wars while women just sat home in safety. We have what we have because of men. Women just got it for free and now refuse to even be grateful for what they have.

Even in terms raw strength women. Are clearly inferior to men. Look at any sport and simply compare how well male and female teams play. Female champions who beat all other female teams play on the level 4th rate male teams. If a female team will ever play against a male one, it will break all the records as male team will completely obliterate the female one.

Even in something like music there are no female composers who can actually write their own music. Clara Schumann is more of token composer than a real one. Sure, women sing it, but what they sing is written by men.

In professional restaurant industry all chiefs are male. Cooking was a traditional female duty and role in a relationship, yet despite years of practice and experience, they cannot do it better than men.

Even in female fashion all the designers are male. Women cannot even figure out how to design their own clothes.


All of the above conclusively prove that women are not equal to men at all. They are closer to cats, dogs and other animals, that to men. So, any idea of equality between men and women is ludicrous to begin with. 

So, women should be good obedient pets for their owners. The best they can do is to be a good servant and assistant to men. That is what they are and what they should be. 

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