Sunday, September 17, 2023

MBTI Analysts xNTx

Analysts - xNTx

That is my own type, so I understand it well. 

First of the four groups are the analysts. They have two letters in common that unite and define their type.

First of all, they are thinkers. That means they base their judgement on logic and rationality. They do not make decisions based on emotions and feelings.

Second is that they are iNtuitive. That means are inclined to trust their own brain and their own logic much more than any external sources. That means they are not inclined to trust external sources like for example Sensors are. Credentials, past experiences, claims or authoritative people or such will hold no sway over analyst. Analyst will trust it, only if it makes sense in their head.

Finally, analysts are the rarest type of them all. No more than 10% of people are analyst. In addition to that analysts are not inclined to just openly express their personalities to strangers. 

So, chances are high that you will never know what an analyst is like even if you meet one.


Analysts are called that because they analyze things. They do it out of curiosity, because they want to know how it all works. They want to master all things.

Because of the above they are inventors and creators of new things. It is Sentinels who follow after genius past. Analysts are geniuses of the present and wish to invent new and better things. They can be inventors in the field of science or technology but can also be social or business inventors who invent new ways to run society or business.

However, no matter what field they are in, they will use their own brain to figure the way forward. They will come up with a solution that makes sence in their head and try to push it through.


Socially they are close club that wants to interact mostly or only with other xNTx. Because of their unconventional way of thinking, other types will find it hard to get them and vice versa.

Analysts do not like small talk, neighbor or celebrity gossip, family related conversation or even discussion about sex and relationships.

Analysts like things that are intellectually stimulating. Because of that they like video games, technology or scientific discussions. Some can like some types or arthouse movies or anime. I personally like music, but my taste in music is very unconventional.

In life I found few people, like Sameer, Fedya, Fubuand TrueHellDei who also share the same kind of intellectually stimulating interests. We do not party like other types, we Lan Party like Paradox in Moszna Castle, but with less costumes and more gaming. Our idea of fun is different from the other groups.

I still remember how Fubu brough his desktop and set up LAN network so that we could play Starcraft against each other in a tournament of sorts.

I played Resident Evil and Super Mario Galaxy with Sameer until sunrise.

That kind of idea of fun.

Interaction with other groups.

I would say that of all groups it is analysts who prefer company of other analysts. Explorers, Diplomats and even Sentinels are much more open towards other people.

Analysts in contrast prefer their own intellectual club over other forms of social interaction. Other websites do mention that among many things they write about types, but I would like to emphasize that. Even someone like Commander (ENTJ) likes to have friends mostly with other analysts. Introverted types would even more be inclined towards company of fellow analysts.

Unlike other types who are more universalist and willing to reach out to anyone, analysts are more exclusive and only want to interact with people they deem useful or intellectually stimulating.


I would say that fundamental quality that drives analysts is curiosity. 

Because of that analysts can invent new tech and other such things. Also because of that analysts are interested in advance technology, science and sometimes philosophy and psychology.

The only other thing that can interest them is money or material things. 

Being rational: moral, social justice, helping others or social harmony have no interest for them in the slightest.

It is either curiosity or material gain.


I would say the analysts overall are kind of like true nerds (in contrast to social nerds). Not the stereotypical nerds who talk nonstop about their obscure hobbies, but rather people who genuinely interested in stuff like that. Unlike social nerds, analysts actually prefer to keep these interests to themselves as they do not want people to interfere with their research.

Subdivisions of Analysts xNTx

xNTx are subdivided into Introvertes and Extrovertes. 

NT Introverts are more self-absorbed into their interests and mostly pursue them in private or with fellow analysts. I would say NT Introverts are less socially adaptive so having hard time dealing with non-NT types. NT analysts prefer inanimate objects to people and live in the world inside their head, which they find more interesting that real would out there.

In contrast NT Extroverts are more socially adapted and able to interact with other types better. Because of that they are more inclined to look for a company.

When it comes to Judgement and Prospecting then I think Judgement for NT means ambition. That is desire to reach positions or power and authority and then use this power to bring their vision into reality. Because clear rational mind together will ability and desire to plan many steps ahead will result in ambitions and lofty aspirations. Once again, a Commander ENTJ is a good example of brining this ambition into reality.

In contrast Prospecting types of Analysts are more inclined to simply satisfy their curiosity and intellectual aspirations. They are more flexible than the Judgement type.

I would say that among analysts Judgement are more complicated personality wise, compared to Prospecting ones.

Individual Types of Analysts

I will start with INTP as I think this is the purest of analyst types. Generally, I think that second column it the purest of each type.

Inventor - INTP

Inventor is the pure 'spherical analyst in vacuum' (obscure quote from

I think INTP has all the basic qualities of analysts, all other types also have. However other types have something extra on top of that and INTP is just going full speed on basic characteristics of the type.

INTP is just lives on satisfying their curiosity. Because of that they can be found in abundance online as this is a simple way to indulge one's curiosity and thirst for intellectual stimulation.

Of course, they can do other things, such as invent spaceships or any other high-tech things. However, if opportunity to do so does not present itself they can simply live in their own world and indulge themselves with online stuff.

Debater - ENTP

He is an extraverted counterpart the inventor.

This type cannot be satisfied with thoughts in their own mind; however, he is still interested in intellectual company. 

Because of that he seeks out other analysts.

To do so he debates people to test their intellectual faculties and find out who is smart enough to be worthy of his time. Because of that he is called 'debater'.

Because of that he could appear as a troll or troublemaker. The fact that he is the most numerous of all analysts only exacerbate this fact.

Debater, together with Mastermind (INTJ) are intermediate types between INTP and ENTJ who are the most distant from each other. Because of that Debater can theoretically fulfill both of their roles.

However, I think connecting analysts together is what they do best.

Commander - ENTJ

People write a lot of scary things about this guy. That he is ruthless, domineering and what not.

I think that not entirely true, that is what other types often see him. That obstructs a lot of important details about this type.

I think Commander or every other person in the third column is always a kind of a champion for the cause of their group. In that sense the Commanders champion the causes and interests of the analysts at expense of other groups. 

So, for Diplomats, Sentinels and Explorers he is an evil guy who ignores their needs and just pushes his will through. 

For analysts however he is someone who brings their vision of better world into reality. By force if needed.

However simultaneously to that Commander is able to understand other types somewhat better than other types of analysts. That however does not guarantee him being sympathetic to any of them.

Commander, just like any other analyst likes smart and technologically advance things. He also likes a company of fellow analysts to discuss topics of mutual interest.

Commanders like to govern organization they are in charge of, by forming an intellectual consul together with fellow analysts so that they can discuss future plans together. That does appeal to me. 

I would very much prefer to be part of a leadership consul with fellow analysts rather than being stuck on lower levels of the hierarchy by inflexible Sentinels, who cannot value my intelligence enough to make worthwhile to work for them. In fact, this consideration is what prevents me from looking for a job.

Unlike Inventor and Debater, Commander is Judging rather than Prospecting. That gives him a lot of ambition. His NT excellent mind allows him to plan many steps ahead. Finally, his extroverted dispositions allow him to engage various people around him and get them do what he wants.

INTJ - Mastermind

Mastermind is like an introverted Commander. He has all the ambition of the ENTJ, but no people skills to actually put them into practice.

Unlike INTP he is much more ambitions to simply be content with what he has.

Because of that Mastermind keeps making elaborate plans for his theoretical ascent to power as well as thinking how to actually put them in practice.

Theoretically a Mastermind needs some sort of business-like partner to be able to put these plans in action. A partner who compensates for Mastermind's own shortcomings.

I wrote a separate article about this.

INTJ or Mastermind is my own type and I understand it quite well.

I can be on ENTJ's governing consul too. We can achieve things. May be Debater ENTP will be just as good.

I am not sure if Protagonist ENFJ or Entrepreneur ESTP could work as well. I do not think Executive ESTJ will work.

Gender Differences

Final question is how male analysts differ from female ones. 

I personally think that female analysts should be more respectful and submissive than people would think they are.

I think girls of this type should be able to appreciate intelligence and importance of this type and show them appropriate courtesy and respect.

Of course, these girls will not be willing to show the same level of courtesy and respect to other types of males.

They are our girls after all, and other types should not touch them.

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