Sunday, September 17, 2023

MBTI Diplomats xNFx

This is the first type that I analyzed purely theoretically.

Similar to Analysts they have N for intuitive in their abbreviation. That means they are just as inclined to trust their own judgement as analysts are.

However instead of T for thinking, they have F for feeling. That means they trust their heart rather than their brain. That is what differentiates them from Analysts.

Diplomates are much more common than Analysts. There are three Diplomats for every one Analyst. They do have one rarest of all 16 types, INFJ, however the remaining 3 are rather common overall. In contrast Analysts have one common type (ENTP) and 3 rare ones.

Basic Nature

Unlike Analysts, Diplomats are more than open about their views and values. Even obnoxious about them.

I think Campaigner is the most typical of this subtype. They guy or girl who just believes in some cause and willing to campaign relentlessly for it.

In some extreme cases they are even willing to suffer and die for the cause they believe in. All Christian martyrs were likely Diplomats.

People think they are as smart as Analysts, but in reality, they are probably the stupidest. They just trust their heart and go with it.

These people who block highways and invade farms to 'save the planet' have to come from some type after all. 

They cannot be Analysts as Analysts are too smart for that. 

They cannot be Sentinels, as Sentinels too conservative and avoid standing out as much as possible.

I do not think they are Explorers as Explorers should have some grasp on self-interest.


I am not sure why Diplomats want to be a hero this much. Do they believe in some moral rather than technological advancement. Or are they just masochistic and want to suffer no matter the reason.

Whatever they do, it is a total mystery to me.

Most likely they are so completely blinded by emotions, they cannot see reason for what they do.

Alternatively, they can believe it makes them more attractive to the opposite gender.

Leader and Followers

I can somewhat imagine this group as some sort of cult. It has one or very few leaders, and many followers. Leader sets the idea and explains to followers why it is s cause worthy of fighting for. Followers listen to this leader and then go on to fighting for this cause.

Noam Chomsky and people who listen to him has to be explained somehow. By method of elimination, I concluded that Chomsky himself is likely a INFJ and people who listen to him are other Diplomats.

In contrast Analysts together work more like a consul, a parliament or a brainstorming group. Everyone has a say, and everyone contributes to common wisdom. Analysts are always equal to all other analysts, providing you can pass the informal intelligence test to be accepted in a group.

The cause

The cause Diplomats believe in can be anything really.

They can be supported by Analysts or some Explorers only if their cause align with Analysts self-interest.

Not sure if Sentinels can support them at times as well. Perhaps out of guilt.

However, I think many Diplomats end up supporting feminism, veganism and other such crazy self-defeating ideologies, which is unfortunate. I think only Sentinels can support any of these.

Subdivisions of Diplomats xNFx

Just like analysts, Diplomats are divided by wither they are Judgmental or Prospecting as well as whether they are Introverted or Extroverted.

I think these letters work different enough from Analysts.

The biggest difference would be Judgement of course. I think here it means a literal Judgement. That is xNFJ would make decisions for the rest of the groups and outline the cause.

To complement Judgmental Diplomats, Prospecting Diplomats look for a cause they can believe in and once they found it, become a loyal follower.

Unlike Judgement and Prospecting, Introverted and Extroverted works broadly similar to Analysts.

It is easy enough to imagine an iNtroverted Dimplomat who lives in their own little world. Though in this case it would be world of dreams and feelings rather than plans and ideas like for Analysts.

Extroverted here also means willing and able to push their ways on the rest of the world. However, Diplomats get out there to make the moral rather than technological change they believe in. Also, they believe in causes rather than analyze and conclude like analysts.


As for subtypes let's begin with a basic campaigner.

Campaigner ENFP

They are the rank and fire of this group. They close the highways, chain themselves to farms and do all these things.

They are many, they are numerous, they believe what they are doing is the right thing to do and will not stop at anything.

Unlike other types, they do not do it for acclaim or any such selfish reason.

Maybe they do it because they want to follow and be impressed by a hero, who fights for a 'good' cause.

The fall in love and fall in like.

Not much more to say really

Protagonist ENFJ

Protagonist is a captain of the group of Diplomats. Not the overall leader who invents their ideology, but rather a commander on the ground who rallies the ENTPs (and possibly INTPs) around himself.

I think his motivation could be in being this very Capitan and enjoy the leader's privileges among his loyal followers.

That desire to play a role of a hero leads to adopting some sort of ideology that sound like a good cause. Then they simply keep fighting for that cause for the acclaim they can get from people around them.

They probably have a lot of charisma to keep the group together.

I think he is not the type to think too deep about the ideas he champions. It is Advocate's job to think after all.

Advocate INFJ

This is the spiritual leader of the group. The one who invents the cause and then writes a long manifesto to justify fighting for it.

Since very few of these kinds of leaders are needed, this is the rarest of all 16 types.

Unlike Protagonist Advocate leads spiritually from a distance. Providing guidance to his many followers who might never see him in person.

Sometimes he does not even have to exist at all.

For example, Jesus for Christians. People willing to follow his 'teachings' even if they cannot be sure he ever existed.

Mediator INFP

This one is the strangest of all Diplomats.

I am not sure if they are simply a follower who is too shy to actually fight for a cause like a Campaigner or something else entirely.

This type could be the kind of masochistic girl I like.

Maybe they simply want to find someone they can respect and then will follow them to death.

Maybe they do not like large crowds and simply want a private and cozy relationship.

That could be my wishful thinking here. However, it is possible.

I am still not sure who is better an INFP girl or an INTx girl who can respect my intelligence. 

Gender Differences

I think Diplomats are the only group with completely fluid relationship between genders. They can worship and fuck sardine heads if their leader wll give them a reason. 

Thus, their gender relationships could be the most upside down of all types.

From an Analyst perspective, the cause they believe will make all the difference. As I can use only people who believe in something compatible with my self-interest.

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