Sunday, September 17, 2023

My Personal Take on MBTI Types

I personally think a lot of stereotypes that internet assigns to MBTI types are not really accurate. Many of these clichés are stick because they are colorful. However fundamentally they have nothing to do with reality.

I do not know MBTI types of various people I know IRL, so in a typical analyst fashion I will write what makes logical sense in my head.

How types are divided

I think the most appropriate approach is to first divide types into groups. Analysts are xNTx, Diplomats are xNFx, Sentinels are xSxJ and finally Explorers are xSxP. Groups are fundamental as types within the group is much more similar to each other than to outside types. Differences between groups are rather significant.

Another stereotype is simply dividing people between intuitives and sensors. There is rather significant difference between xNTx and xNFx for example. Just as between xSxJ and xSxP. However indeed Ns and Ss are rather different types overall and sometimes find it hard to understand each other.

Another notable difference is that secondary division of iNtuitives is based on either Thinking or Feeling. That means thinkers and feelers of intuitive types are much more different from each other compared to the Sensors. 

Judgment or Prospecting does not divide iNtuitives all that much, in fact these words might even have somewhat different meaning compared to what they mean for Sensors.

Introverted and Extroverted too can have different meaning depend on other factors. iNtuitive introverts can be types who live in their inner world and do not like it when people disturb them. On the other hand, for Sensors Introverted often means socially insecure and passive even.

Links to articles for each type are below:

Analysts xNTx

Some final notes on the types:

Analysts are like a consul, parliament or scientific symposium where people debate facts.

Diplomats are like a cult leader and their followers who relentlessly push for their agenda.

Sentinels are like beehive who normally produce honey but might turn hostile on those who want to take some.

Explorers are all induvial actors and players. Despite that they are willing and often interested in connecting with others.

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