Saturday, March 30, 2024

On Differences Between Bullying and BDSM

Boko from Girls und Panzer does not depict masochism but struggles against bullies. They are not the same thing.

In fact bulling is a serious issue. When a bunch of school kids or such just team up to make life miserable for the one kid they all hate for some reason, its just plain cruelty and hate crime. Sad that no one does much to stop it.

The whole experience would leave victim kid traumatized for life.

People should not joke about such things.

I say that because I was a victim of bulling in high school. That left me psychologically scarred.

I do hope that all the bastards, who every hurt me will all suffer a painful and miserable death.

Friday, March 22, 2024

On Transhumanism

While in my list of ideologies I said that I support transhumanism, I feel I need to clarify what exact forms of transhumanism I support.

While implanting electronic components into body like in Cyberpunk 2077 looks flashy on screen, in practice its impractical and useless, not to mention all the health complications. 

What I would like to see instead something depicted in Exo Squad or ID-0. Exoskeletons and other electronic gear that can be put on and off like clothes or diving equipment. They will enhance human abilities without compromising anything. Both Exo Frames and gear of Jump Suits from Exo Squad are very useful ideas that will make humanity much more than what we are now.

Switching consciousness between one's biological body and a fully artificial body like in ID-0 is also very useful. With that we would be able to participate in some high-risk operations such as war or extraterrestrial minding, without a real risk of dying. Even if artificial body is destroyed, one still had their own biological one as backup. It would also be possible to access hard to reach areas with some mini bodies. These artificial bodies could be much bigger than actual human body or in contrast much smaller.

Finally, a neural interface will allow people to control electronic equipment with the power of their thoughts. That will allow us to do many things much more effectively and faster.

Finally, we should be able to back up our consciousness on some cloud service to allow us to continue existence in artificial body or even completely bodyless should our biological body is lost.

All these things will allow as to overcome limitations of being human and achieve God like powers. Something I wish to have as my own.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Anti-Harem of Trash List of Girls I do not Like

I made a several blog posts about my anime waifu harem. There I listed anime girls that I like and reasons why I liked them. 

However not all anime girls are equally likable, there are plenty of those whom I cannot stand. 

It's just like with real people, I like some and cannot stand the others.

So here I decided to list some of the anime girls whom I hate for one or another reason, as well as some explanation. Since I typically just drop the show with too many characters I do not like, it would be very hard for me to remember them all and list here. Not to mention the efforts of describing all my reasons to hate then.

The full list of waifus I trashed can be found on My Waifu list. If she is on the trash list, then I consider her unlikable and undatable.

Alexia Midgar - Eminence in Shadow

All that I hate in women in one single character without a single redeeming quality. She is rude, entitled, arrogant, has horrible voice and ugly facial expression. She insults those she sees as inferior and does not hesitate to talk or complain.

Rin Tohsaka - Fate Series

I wrote a lot about my reasons to hate Rin. She is spoiled, entitled and privileged. She is not as much of a disaster as Alexia and has redeeming qualities, but these are not enough to redeem her from trash tier.

Lil Mayer - Ergo Proxy

She is another epitome of everything I hate in women. In her case outfit is her only redeeming quality. Her personality is as shit as Alexia and she is annoying. Ergo Proxy is as full of unlikable women as One Piece.

Aqua - KonoSuba

Aqua is rude and condescending attention whore and slut. Her unrestrained behavior is really annoying.

Boa Hancock - One Piece

Lauded as the prettiest women in all blue, Hancock is as entitled and spoiled as that title would suggest. She is not pretty either. She is rude too. One Piece has one somewhat good black-haired women and that is Niko Robin. Robin is not good enough for my harem but infinitely better than Hancock.

Nami - One Piece

One Piece has lots of unlikable characters and women and only few likable ones. Nami is among those I hate. She is just does what she wants, hurts captain and bosses the ship around if she feels like it. Trash.

Nefertari Vivi - One Piece

Entitled and spoiled princess who just get used that people do whatever she wants. So annoying.

Cornelia li Brittania - Code Geass

I do not like women with authority feel to them. Cornelia has too much of that.

Kallen - Code Geass

I wrote a lot about my reasons to hate Kallen. She is narrow-mindedly selfish and only thinks about her own feelings and reasons. She is incapable of sacrifice for love.

Marianne vi Britannia - Code Geass

Marianne has too little care or concern for Lelouch happiness and well being. She is selfish and unable to care for a man.

Fuu Kasami - Samurai Champloo

She is rude and bosses' men around. I hate that in women.

Asuna Yuuki - Sword Art Online

Asuna has a few redeeming qualities but fundamentally she is stubborn hard ass who much more used to boss people around than pleasing them.

Flay Allster - Gundam SEED

A very dishonest and manipulative wench with some daddy issues. She plotted to sacrifice Kira Yamato for her goals.

Michelle Cay - Infinite Ryvius

Cunning dishonest and unscrupulous. I do not so much hate Michelle so much just find her too dangerous to deal with. Theoretically I can use her to seduce some idiots and steal their shit or something, kind of like Airs Blue used her and Criff.

Mayaka Ibara - Hyouka

Ibara is annoying girl who does nothing, but insults one of the main characters.

Sohara Mitsuki - Sora no Otoshimono

Dumb cunt who just casually hurts Sakurai. Useless and annoying.

Mikako Satsukitane - Sora no Otoshimono

She is mean person who enjoys seeing people suffer and lacks sympathy to care for men.

Sono Midoriko - Girls und Panzer

She is the mean hall monitor called Sodoko. I do not like people who prevent me from doing what I want because of some retarded rules. 

Sodoko is one of three hall monitors. Pozomi is just as bad as Sodoko, but Moyoko Gotou is rather nice. Moyoko does not interfere with Reizei and in general a very kind and helpful person.

Kay and Darjeleeng - Girls und Panzer

I do not hate either of them, but they are not my type of girls. Too much of a leaders and centers of attention. I want a girl who is more of sexitary.

Tae Shimura - Gintama

Gintama is not a waifu show. Tae however is a rather unplesant person. She has relatively cute face, but behind it hides rather nasty personality. She is schemins and violent. Aslo she fails at cooking.

Terakado 'Otsuu' Tsuu - Gintama

Otsuu is entitled selfish idol without redeeming qualities, who would not hesitate to screw people over.

Sola-Ui Nuada-Re Sophia-Ri - Fate/Zero

Wife of Archibald El Melloi who wished to cheat on him with Lancer and went to break his fingers to force him give his command spells to her. Also ugly red hair style.

Tōka Takanashi - Chuunibyo

Priestess just hits people on the head and boss them around. I do not like that.

Yumina Ernea Belfast - In Another World With My Smartphone

Yumina is not the kind of girl who would sacrifice for a man. In contrast she selects men based on how they can benefit her. I hate that about women.

Yuri Nakamura - Angel Beats!

Yuripee bosses people around and enjoys herself when they are suffering. Atrocious qualities for a woman.

Princess of the Crystal - Mawaru Penguindrum

She insults male MCs, exploits their kindness and demands her penguindrum. No redeeming qualities.

Ringo Oginome - Mawaru Penguindrum

Ringo is just stupid and unscrupulous girl who exploits male MCs to help her in her unrequited love for Tabuki. Seeing her fail and suffer is satisfying to watch. However, in Tabuki's place, I would not stick my dick into her. 

Himari - Mawaru Penguindrum

Himari is occasionally kind and caring. Sometimes she tries to help male MCs. However, most of the time she is a net beneficiary of their efforts. Not something I can accept.

All Female Character - Guilty Crown

All females in this show are very rude and violent towards male MC Shue and does not hide that they consider him to be inferior to Guy.

Maharu Sena Kanaka - Girls Bravo

Red head older sister to a female MC with a similar name. It's pretty clear that she looks down on Yukinari and finds him inferior and only interested in him because there are shortages of men on Seren. Unlike her younger sister, Miharu, Maharu does not care for Yukinari and would not do things for him.

Erika Burrows - Beatless

Spoiled girl who gets used to servants doing things for her. She has that ugly confident smile/smug on her face that annoys me. 

Lizzie - Black Butler

Spoiled loud and dumb airhead that things Ciel and Seb would do anything she wants.

Asuka Langley - Neon Genesis Evangelion

I dropped Eva before she appeared, but I think she would fit right here.


That is many of them, but far from all of them. I guess that gives the idea what qualities I dislike in a female.

Monday, March 18, 2024

Problems with Emotional People

Rewatching Infinite Ryvius got me thinking why I like calm and emotionless people and characters. I think they are safer to deal with because they are predictable. I can be certain they will not do something stupid that will hurt me.

By emotionless I mean levelheaded, not intentionally cold or rude. I do not like intentionally cold or rude people.

Ryvius showcases situations where emotions take the better of many people and make them do crazy things. When Ikumi found out these kitchen girls hurt Kozue, he lost all his screws and just went on rampage. Kozue later went to praise him. Sure, Ikumi had trauma that make him hate when people die. That drives him to save people and be a good guy, but that also makes him do many bad and irrational things. He is an example, why the so called "righteous fury" and zealous adherence to principles makes things worse. 

However, Ikumi is not the only one like that, Yuki is like that too. They just get angry and lash out on Kouji. Some unnamed characters as well.

Often emotional characters end up hurting Kouji, because many different characters cannot stand him for variety of different reasons. I can relate to it and sympathize with Kouji a lot. I too had to deal with a lot of people, who hurt me out of some irrational hatred.

Eventually I gradually became as unapproachable as Airs Blue. Unlike the rest of his team who intimidate people casually to fling their strength, Airs Blue is reserved and does not use his strength unless really necessary. I already mentioned that these two are the most relatable to me characters in the series. I think Becoming like Airs is natural evolution for Kouji.

Of course, some types of rational people could be a danger as well, Michelle Cay for example will just fuck with people and ruin them for her personal gain. However, if their self-interest does not lay in hurting you, then you can work with them. Such logic is easier for me to understand than emotions.

Then people who have no knowledge or capacity to ruin you is the safest bet. That is why guys always go for young girls. Young girls do not know how to divorce you and take half of their money with you, like Michelle Cay would.

Overall, I value my freedom and security a lot and would not want to be around people who can hurt me no matter the reason.

Friday, March 15, 2024

Put an end to JobActive with Vandalism and Graffiti


Time has long come to put an end to these bastards. Their "mutual obligations" are nothing more than abuse. They operate under different names, but they are all the same. APM, Busy at Work, MTC, Max Employment, Tursa, Sarinna Russo, Campbell Page. They can be found in various places, often just one or two buildings away from major shopping malls. 

If government does nothing to shut them down, then people should take initiative into their own hands. Vandalize their offices, burn them down. It's easy to do it at night when no one is watching. If you cannot put them on fire, then throw rocks in their windows. Make life of people who work in these places as hellish as possible.

If you are too concerned with getting caught, then draw graffiti instead, there are plenty of all sorts of graffiti on walls, talking about stupid things. You can write things such as:

"End Jobactive"

"Jobactive makes people kill themselves."

"Jobactive are modern Nazis."

"Jobactive is modern Auschwitz."

"Jobactive is modern Holocaust."

The sustained vandalism complain will eventually make them stop. With cunning and descicive action we will have out dole without these mutual obligations.

Beat the system.

Beat real estate agents with their unfair evictions as well.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Difference between Peasant and Farmer

That is misconception. Famer is not the same thing as peasant.

Peasant works on land that is owned by landlord (aristocrat) and either pay him rent for using his land or does some work for him in lieu of rent. Peasant can feel discontent with working for rich fat asshole who does nothing in peasant's opinion yet profits from peasant's work and can afford luxury lifestyle while peasant scarps by.

Farmer on the other hand owns the land he works on, kind of like a free peasant but with much more attitude: that is his land and his farm and he does whatever the fuck he pleases on it. The only thing farmer hates is to pay taxes from money he makes selling his harvest every year.

Peasant is proletariat and farmer is petit bourgeoisie in Marx terms.

Monday, March 11, 2024

Why Personality Matters a Lot in a Relationship.

The video above is about domestication of animals, however the very same reasons CGPGrey outlined can be extended to people as well. Just like Zebra and Horse may be alike in many ways, but psychologically they are very different from each other, people too might look alike but psychologically be very different from each other.

That is why personality of psychology is very important consideration for dating and relationship. The way person think is more important than looks and other such considerations. 

Some people are sheeple and follow lead of someone. Christianity even calls Jesus a Good Shepherd. For those who do not know shepherd means a guy who herds sheep, sheeple in this case. Some bible references even reference herding of people.

Others are different. They are individualistic and do as they see fit and refuse to be tamed and controlled by others.

However, humans are more complex than ungulates. There are more different types of people with vastly different types of thinking.

Also, unlike zebras and horses, we do not have clear visual clues that can help you tell who is who. Not even Christianity can be an indicator as some there are sheeple, other shepherds and others yet wolfs in sheep's clothes looking for a prey.

However, or a simple level one girl could be like a sheep and the other like some carnivore instead. 

The biggest issue I have with Russian women is that they are as bad for domestications as zebras, but in a different from zebras' way. On the other hand, Japanese and Thai women are good precisely because of how they think and how they perceive themselves in society.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Why Libertarian-Right Business Theories do not Work.

That is in theory. In an economy where number of potential employees roughly equal the number of potential employers. 

In reality employers are few and potential employees are many. So, management would just opt to fire you and hire someone else. They have this well-oiled. Austerity, high unemployment, bad economy are just another tools for managers to squeeze employees even more and turn it into a wage-slavery under the power-trippy management. Even if you call them out on this BS, they know there are enough idiots who would work for pennies so there is no need to hire someone who wants more pay and better working conditions.

At this stage only UBI can level the negotiations field. If people had UBI, that would give them good enough leverage in negotiations and management would have to make their job offers competitive enough to entice people to apply.

Currently average job offer sound more like list of demands from a highway bandit. It's nothing like an ad, aiming to take employees away from the uncompetitive businesses with employee unfriendly policies.

On National Socialist Racial Theory

In one of my previous posts, I mentioned that National Socialist Racial Theory is a lot more complex and nuanced than simple racism, based on skin color. However recently I came up with an explanation to the reasons, why each ethnicity ended up where it did.

It was based on the way; each ethnicity and culture treat women. The more male dominated the culture is, the higher in racial hierarchy it was placed.

For example, Jews, placed at the lowest possible lever, are somewhat known to be very women pleasing. Even Jewish own jokes make fun of this fact. For example, the one where Jewish mom tells her son to turn down a role of Jewish Husband and ask instead for a role that involves talking.

In contrast Iranians, equated with Germans as part Aryan Master Race, are instead known to oppress women with dress codes and rules that give men all power in the relationship.

Other cultures placed high in the hierarchy, such as Japanese are also known for their very docile and obliging women, who obey their husbands unquestionably. 

That will also explain why feminists rage so much about Nazis. Bash the Fash and other such nonsense. 

Perhaps they instead intend to create the opposite racial hierarchy, where women are on top, their feminist morons and lapdogs somewhat below and cultures that restrict women in the bottom. All the more reasons to oppose feminism. Feminazi cancer must be eradicated.

However, places ranked high in National Socialist Racial Hierarchy are good places to look for a girlfriend. So long as she is traditional enough that is.

On Misogynism

Some people like to call me misogynist. In fact, there are even some subreddits dedicated to male domination and female submission that I visit, who call it a misogyny. Some even ask if I am gay because they assume I hate women.

However, this equation of male domination with misogyny is somewhat misleading. Male domination is not per se comes from hatred of women. It comes from male desire to rule and stand above, from desire to assert one's supremacy over others. It the same people who compete in sports and other fields want to beat their opponents and be champion, number one, boss and so on. There are some losers who is ok with being last, but dominant men such as myself are not among them.

That said there are two types of men:

The first type loves themselves and wish stand above others: to win, succeed and dominate. To be on top. Men like these want to be surrounded by people and women who admire and worship them.

The second type instead wishes to admire something bigger than themselves. Men like these looks for things such as religion, that would let them worship something else.

Because of these differences the two types of men look for fundamentally different women.

The first type looks for a woman who loves and admires him. He loves himself and she should respect and bow down before his awesomeness. She should worship him as if he is a god, the only god in her life. If she does not bow down before him, the relationship cannot work and will eventually break down.

The second type instead looks for a woman he can admire and worship, just as he worships God or whatever. The second type would be willing to treat his girlfriend as princess or goddess or whatever. It is people like the second type that sprouts some nonsense like "men are expendable". 

By extension when a woman looks for a man, she should first and foremost determine if he is first or second type.

If she is the kind of girl who wants to be treated as princess and have a men would fulfill her whims and desires, she can only go for a second type. Such men have some undue admiration for a female gender. Only such men would be willing to listen and obey a woman.

Only a girl, who is willing to admire and worship the man. The first type will not listen to her whims or needs. In contrast first type has demands to any woman who wish to earn privilege of serving him. If a girl is not willing to obey, honor and serve the first type man, she should not waste his and her own type.

This one criterion is the most important. Crucial even. Things such as appearance, hair color and such are unimportant by comparison. It's like in Eurythmics song, Sweet Dreams. All the talk about equality. social justice is nothing more than hypocrisy, aimed to hide this fact. 

Feminists are nothing more than women who want to abuse men. Since I wish to abuse women rather than be abused by them, I have a lot of hate towards feminists. I want to keep these toxic hypocrites away from me.

I myself do not hide the fact that I want to abuse women. However, I do not want to mislead someone into thinking it's something else and then deal with some stupid drama of ruined expectations. I want a girl who understands what awaits her and still chooses to sacrifice herself for my sake.

I personally love and value myself very highly. The only type of girl I can get along with is the servant type. The girl who truly admires me and will do anything to serve and please me.

Contemporary Hypocritical Parents

Recently in online comments I noticed hypocrisy and double standards of modern early Gen X parents. They consciously eschew justice in favor...