Tuesday, July 25, 2023

NPC Girls

It is better if they are primitive NPC than if they are feminist.

I can see feminist tears falling and they make me happy.

In fact, the more I think about it, the more I like the idea of NPC girl. I want a submissive masochistic NPC girl of course.

They are simple and easy to understand.

Their simplicity makes it easier to trust them as you would not suspect them to pull anything dodgy or fishy.

It gives you sense that she will function well as your cleaner/cook/domestic servant/fucktoy properly as she does not have any agency or independent thought and that is all you really need from a relationship.

Common Traits of Waifus in my Harem

Most of them (around half) have black hair.

Sober, cynical and sad (melancholic) outlook on life, unclouded by morals and such

Loyalty to male MC and attachment only to him

very private and intimate in relationship: not the couple that others admire, but rather a relationship only for the sake of two involved

Complete lack of loyalty to social norms and broader society (they are not just chaos for chaos sake, but instead oppose it on principle like Virgin Witch Maria or Lelouch)

I would say that Mei Misaki from Another as well as Maiya Hisau from Fate/Zero are the best examples of this type, however all other girls in my waifu harem have some or most of these traits. All of the above applies to CC for example. Even someone like Miharu, Konomi or Syaro Kirima has this kind of understanding of love.

Monday, July 24, 2023

End of Feminism

Back when feminism was just new thing, they managed to brainwash a lot of people with this toxic ideology. However, everyone who can be brainwashed have long been brainwashed and now un/happily marries to some toxic feminist bitch.

All men who are still left do not want to touch a feminist with a yard stick. All men who are still around will not have a woman unless she obeys them completely. 

Future is Alt-Right and I will happily laugh and drink the feminist tears as they mourn end of their toxic era.

Hail to Male-dom

I do not like girls who have too much Common Sence

Excessive Common Sense is one of the worst qualities a girl can have. Common Sense makes girls too selfish, as they actively pursue various practical aspects of relationship, like expecting men to care and provide for her.

However why would a smart enough man simply give her whatever she wants. A stupid one will give her whatever she wants but even a remotely smart man, much less someone as smart as me, will of course refuse to cater for her selfish needs.

Because of that common sense is the worst quality a woman can have.

Among potential anime waifus I always trash those who are too selfish and have too much common sense.

What I like is either very naive girls who are very loyal and trust their master implicidly, or the kind of girls who managed to transcend common sense and reached higher consciousness.

I myself transcended common sense and reached higher consciousness so I am very interested in girls who managed to achieve that as well.

Because I transcended common sence I now call myself Emperor of this Universe and All Possible Others, as well as Golden and Infinite Sorcerer of Theatergoing and of Miracles.

By transcending common sense, I mean using brain to understand hidden truths of this world that are not normally told or taught to people our there. Parents and teachers normally just teach people common sense and withhold the real truth to make people more exploitable to the needs of paretns and broader society.

However, if you are smart enough, it is possible to use your own brain to figure out the actual hidden truth.

From perspective of the people who stuck on common sense, this ideas will not make any sense. Because of that some of them might be inclined to call people who reached higher consciousness stupid. However that is only because they fail to reach higher consciousness. After all everything above your own level of understanding looks like stupidity to you.

To help you get to this higher level of consciousness I will give you a paradox to think of. The waifu paradox. How exactly 3D girls lose in popularity to 2D waifus? 3D girls have physical bodies and that man and grope and and fuck and 2D waifus do not. However men still prefer 2D waifus, why is that? Are they stupid, all these weebs who actually often have uni degree in IT or other STEM subjects, or is it something else?

What it is waifus have, that you do not?

You might say appearance but that is silly. Art of anime is abstract enough to not really represent much of appearance.

What else is left then. Personality. The fact that anime waifu will never betray, cheat or hurt them. Think about it.

Back in the days there was such a social concept such as bimbo. Not all of the bimbos are actually as stupid as they look. Some of them simply know that this kind of behavior looks attractive in men's eyes. Men are more comfortable with a girl who is more stupid than themselves.

Among the IRL girls I know, only TrueHellDei did managed to transcend the common sense and reached a lot of higher consciousness ideas. I really enjoyed talking to her about these.

Out of my waifus however there are a lot of girls who reached some levels of higher consciousness. CC for example was able to understand the world better thanks to her experience with geass that is depicted in the flashback.

Beato from Umineko also eventually reached higher consciousness. In fact Umineko is, among other things a story about how Beato reached this higher consciousness, In the beginning of Episode 3 of the visual novel she even asks Ronove and Virgilia: why Battler hates her. She is doing all she thinks she needs to do to make him love her, but it leads to the opposite outcome. Virgilia and Ronove did helped her out but IRL is not as nice as Umineko and  it is unlikely anyone will give you honest useful advice. Overall however Umineko is hard to understand and without really elevated consciousness you will not be able to get anything.

On lower levels of higher consciousness there is Mei Misaki from Another for example. She does not have that much complex understanding of the world but she is not controlled but common sense and common understanding either.

In fact even Yin from Darker than Black does make a conscious decision to stay a doll and not return to her parents. That is not what feminism and her parents tell her to be, but she wants and chooses to be a doll. A choice I like and approve.

In fact even Sakura Matou has higher consciousness as she fully embraces her role as a timid support girl. She does not want to be someone like Rin, she is happy to be abused by men. Unlike Rin she clearly understands that woman's role and happiness is to serve men, not to rule. Just as men's role is to rule.

Most of the girls in my waifu harem did reached some level of elevated consciousness.

However, there are also girls such s Henrietta who is simple cute girls who imlicidly trusts Guise-san and does what he wants.

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Astrological Signs as Stages of Human Development

Writing my previous post get me to this idea about comparing human development to astrological signs.

I guess in Astrological terms, Aries represents childish naivety while Libra in contrast represents final development and perfection. Pinnacle of development and growth. 

From there it gradually degrades back to pseudo-naivety of Pisces that eventually turns back to real naivety of Aries. The circle is reset and begins anew.

Aries is that naive and pure kid who mostly acts on instincts. They are true to themselves but also flexible and chase after what interest them.

Taurus sees their needs well and can express them well. However they are probably most narrow minded of them all as they completely fail to see being their needs.

Gemini is a curiosity stage where people starting to get conscious idea about the world around them. Gemini is a learner, but also an experimenter who needs to try everything in their lives to see how it works or feels. I guess some of them can be cute, adorable students or followers. I think Gemini girl can make a good follower who can implement my vision for the world.

Cancer is the stage where one wants relationship, family and kids, but has no idea how to get any of that. They cannot have but desperately want relationship. Because of that they are clingy towards people around them.

Leo is the type that craves attention and gradually learns how to get it. A social type who wins approval of people around them with their charisma, energy and drive. Leo is the kind of energy guy needs to land a girl

Virgo is the type that tries to be useful to others with their work. They learn how to do various things in order to be approves by others and solve their problem of solitude with that.

Second half of the zodiac is like an inversion or completion of the first 6. Each of the following 6 is a completed perfected version of the first 6. The final stages of their development.

Libra is pinnacle of human development a type that knows it all and can do it all. They imagine and design newer and loftier ideas that will make world fancier and more advanced in their eyes. They are visionaries and intellectual. Libras also like aesthetics, art all sorts of beauty and sophistication. World would be a perfect idyllic place if Libras had their way. Libra also represents relationship, but that of lovers, newlyweds and those on their honeymoon. Family and children are domain of other signs.

Scorpio is represents transformation that happens to people as they have kids, their initial infatuation wears off and they settle on reality of their life. Unlike Taurus, Scoprs are rather good at understanding other peoples needs. Because of that this stage is also a stage of realization of various hidden truth in life. What emerges from it is often completely new and evolved person, however people in these stage can be dangerous as tension and emotions are high. 

Sagittarius is the one who understood it all, made peace with it and now follows their various passions. Sometimes it is in search for that something beautiful and eternal that theit more naive and pure years had, but they cannot simply have back as they are now too smart and wise to believe in things they used to believe. The solution is to travel and search far and wide. Unlike Gemini who learns, Sagittarius often spreads knowledge around.

Capricorn is reductionist and primitivist. Just like Cancer he wants family, but unlike Cancer often knows how to get one. He also knows how to hide his ugly side so that people would not avoid him unduly. Secretly he destroys civilization and everything that is beautiful and sophisticated in the name of procreation. He lives a contradiction: he preserves appearance of the world but destroys its essence. A truly horrible being and a natural enemy of Libra.

Aquarius tries to salvage whatever is left of the civilization that Capricorn destroyed previously. Unlike Capricorn, Aquarius accepts that would is dying. Instead of preserving appearances, he tries to reform things and pave a new way forward.  Aqua is final development of Air sings. If Libra has grandiose plans for the better future then Aquarius is often able to implement them and actually build something out of it. Aqua is rather sober as he knows not everything Libra wants can be achieved, but at least tries his best to get done what he can. They efforts win them praise and admiration, they are the most celebrated sign of astrology.

Pisces is the final development of water and Virgo. They understand everything there is about psychology and people around them. They use it to fish in the muddy water. Skillful at dodging all sort of trouble by feigning innocence and stupidity they drift around in search for someone or something that will satisfy them. They often look harmless, but they can be dangerous as they are rather unhinged and emotion driven.  Unlike Virgo they often able to have a lot of company.

More on Girls I like

Somehow, I like cute, adorable naïve girls like Henrietta from Gunslinger Girl who trust their master implicitly. 

Or in contrast very wise girls who understood everything there is to understand about this world, like CC. Those who passed through all the stages of development and reached final wisdom. I wrote a long post that describe how CC reached it.

I do not like girls in the middle of these stages who get just some things, but think they have figured it out. Middle is so called uncanny valley where they think they are cute but they are actually not.

However while everyone perhaps used to be naïve once, not everyone can reach this final wisdom. Some are perpetually stuck in the uncanny valley of undeveloped stage where they think this shit is attractive but it is actually not. There are lots of lies in the world that could keep them there forever.

So if a girl cannot reach the final wisdom, where she understands me and my needs completely, the only was she can appeal to me is by being cute naive baby who trusts and obeys me implicitly.

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Cute Treatment of Sakura Matou


Thor's New Great Deal to Solve Differences in Sexual Preferences.

It has recently came to my attention that some people here prefer dominant women so I came up with this new idea

If dominant woman is all that you need then there are plenty of girls like that. Surely they are not some strong amazons but rather lazy and stubborn cunts with inflated opinions about themselves who just demand money and other shit from men.

Surely they will probably not love you and think you are wirthless compare to some imaginary alpha men they have in their heads.  However if that is what you want it is not impossible.

That said even if they crave some mystical 'slpha male' and not you, that 'alpha male' will never show up in their lives. Alpha males do not like spoiled selfish princesses with inflated expectations.

If such men really existed they would have harems of only sweet, innocent and unspiled girls like Ariel Rebel or Sakura Matou for example. They do not want or need Rin.

Ultimately choice of every 'alpha woman' is that between a 'beta male' and a crazy cat lady fate.
Anyhow if you actually want a dominant women then we do not need to fight each other.

Lets just divide them among ourselves. 

You get all Rin-s and we, doms, get all Sakura-s.

Girls too have to realize that their only choice in men is between Emiya Shiro and Shinji Matou

Shiro's name means 'white' but it also can be part of 'shiranai' that means 'I do not know'

Shinji's name comes from Shinjitsu which means Truth. 

I often made is a dichotomy between truth (Shinji Matou) and brainwashing/lies (Shirou)
I guess my opponents did not like it when I call feminism lies.

However I equally do not like when they call me 'incel' or 'degenerate'

So lets agree on different more neutral terms:

'Pink' for Shiro/femdom/feminism

'Black' for Shinji/maledom/truth

Thus we can simply divide into black side and pink side and then go on doing our thing.

Do not try to save Sakura-s from us, leave her be. Sakura-s are happy with us.

We on the other hand will leave Rin-s to you.

Do we have a deal?

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

The Original Asian-like Girl, Ariel Rebel

I recently remembered that there was that one porn actress that had the same kind of appeal like many Asian girls in porn have.

Ariel Rebel

She has the same kind of moe, little baby, cuteness that many Asian girls in porn currently have. 

It turn out some Western girls can be much like Asian girls.

Not all of her pics do give away this innocently cute look but enough of them are, especially older ones.


Now if only we can make her do all the same shit as Sasha Grey does and we will get the ideal woman.

Just imagine how awesome it will be.

I have changed

After EyeAmTheI from MAL read my conversation with TrueHellDei, he told me that it surprised him how much I have changed.

I personally from my subjective point of view never really thought this way. I always thought that I was like I am now, ever since I could remember. 

Generally, I tend to view my past life as merely a search of myself of sorts that eventually led me towards this kind of conclusion.

However, for people around me that might look different. If EyeAmTheI thought that I have changed that much over the last 12 years, since the beginning of 2011 when I had that conversation with TrueHellDei, then how much I have changed since something like 2007 when I arrived to Australia, or 2004 when I graduated from High School, or 2000 when things were still very stable, or 90s when it was the last time, I saw Christina.

Probably by now my former classmates and even my parents will not recognize me anymore. In anime analogues I went from black haired to white haired Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul. Though I am actually like Ayato rather than Kaneki.

One final thing here. I think it is EyeAmTheI who actually ended up with TrueHellDei. I am not sure if he stole her from me or get into a relationship with her without being aware of me. 

Girls should be grateful

Girls should be grateful for being allowed to serve me.

I am a very awesome individual. Any girl I will pick would be very lucky to be with me. She must show me that she understands this fact. That she is very happy and grateful that I picked her from all other stupid cunts out there.

I cannot tolerate girls who do not have gratitude.

Her attitude should be happy, grateful and servile.

Girls should serve me to earn sex.

I will not just fuck them for nothing. So if a girl wants a privilege of having my dick inside her asshole, she must earn it. 

I need a good loyal servant and a girl who wants to be mine should be a good servant. Whatever I might need, she must do it. Sometimes I might even make her do things that are painful or humiliating to her. However, she must obey me and do it to earn her orgasms. 

Also, she must be well mannered and well behaved. She must conduct herself like well drilled servant.

I have penchant for proper ceremony, and she must observe my rules thoroughly. She must know proper submissive poses as well as proper forms of address that reflect her status as my slave.

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Goth style is good indication of interest in BDSM

done right goth style is very cute (some variants look too aggressive and that is not what I like)

black well contrasts with white and highlights her whiteness. 

Generally black is very sexy colour for clothes

also shades that are put on the upper eyelid between eye and the eyebrow makes eyes look bigger as if anime girl effect.

Overall goth style allows to showcase interest in BDSM in normal society.

However you should also indicate correctly if you are top or bottom.

I only look for slave girls after all.

Make sure that gives away the tied up gagged woman's vibe.

The kind like my demon girls

I guess people who are not into BDSM might not like it, but those who do will like it.

Without love it cannot be seen


"Without love it cannot be seen"

or a counter quote

... "that is backwards,

it is when you are in love you see things that do not exist"

However, both of these definitions lead to the same conclusion. When you love someone you see them in different light. Even if everyone else think they are shit or something, you think that they are good. That is because they are uniquely good for you, they are the right type of person for you.

The fact that you can think that someone is awesome when others do not think so is a prove that you are in love.

If you just see them as average or something, then you do not have love for such person.

While when you define it this way it is prone to abuses and lies, but I guess it is possible to sense if they are sincere about praising you or just faking it.

Sunday, July 16, 2023

On Japanese and Thai women

Actually may be they do not understand it. In fact it is likely that they can appeal to the west without even understanding how they managed it. Just due to sheer luck.

However what is important is that Japanese and Thai women are not like Western women. It does not matter if they do not undertand that it actually appeals to men.

Other places like Phillippines and China strive to imitate west. Perhaps Chinese women think that being like Western women will allow them to get a western men.

However Western men do not like Western women, they do not want Chinese and Phillipine imitation women just the same.

However Japanese and Thai who are not Western women imitations ca actually appeal to Western men.

It is irrelevant if it is because they are wise enough to understand why Western Men do not like Western women, or because they are too dumb or indifferent to imitating Western Women. The result is all the same, they win.

Friday, July 14, 2023

Zero Maintenance Girls

I like zero maintenance girls.

Some girls want a lot and I do not like it.

I prefer girls who does not need anything other than just to be with me.

In fact, feminism and such raised women's expectations of men way too high and that repels most men. They do not want to bother with all that.

So an easy zero maintenance girl is the only way to go forvard.

Contemporary Hypocritical Parents

Recently in online comments I noticed hypocrisy and double standards of modern early Gen X parents. They consciously eschew justice in favor...