Tuesday, October 31, 2023

On Emmenthaler

Even Charles de Gaulle complained how hard it is to rule a country with so many varieties of cheese. France has plenty of them too.

Swiss cheese is actually just one of the varieties that imitate Emmenthaller, there are many others such as Maasdam or Jarlsberg. In Europe they named them after the locality that invented them, while in the US after the country that they imitate. They are all somewhat different from one another when it comes to taste, but all have these holes or eyes that Emmenthaler was first to have.

The US however has one cheese named after a locality and that is Monterrey Jack, I like it. It is like Cheddar but moister and does not crumble that easy.

Emmenthaler actually developed holes as a defect of sorts and creators thought of ways to get rid of them at first. Similar how champagne creators at first tried hard to eliminate these pesky bubbles from their wine. Eventually it became a sort of identity and thought after gimmick.

Saturday, October 28, 2023

How Natal Chart Works in Technical Terms


I once described natal chart metaphorically as a ship and a crew.

However, in a plainer language it works as follows.

Astronomical foundations and different systems

Astrology is strongly tied to astronomy and uses a lot of astronomical tools. It is however based on older Geocentric astrology. Not because astrologers believe that Sun revolves around the Earth and not the other way around, but because this system was build based on that older astronomy.

Planets are observed relative to the constellations as they were on the sky at something like 1000BC to 2000BC in Babylon when this system was created. On our current sky constellations have since moved sideways, however tropical astrologers use old astronomical records to keep track of the signs.

Sidereal Indian astrology instead follows the current constellations. In sidereal each sign has almost moved one step back. To the point where you can equate sidereal Scorpio with tropical Libra, sidereal Libra with tropical Virgo and sidereal Virgo with tropical Leo. The signs descriptions and their characteristics work match better this way. That is something to keep track of when converting from sidereal into tropical and so on.

There are some other esoteric variations such as Draconic Chart, but I do not use them.

Natal Chart

To understand someone's personality, you need their natal chart. you can build one using, Astrodienst website. All you need is person's date, place and time of birth. Without accurate time of birth, you cannot have accurate angles and houses, but will be able to have reasonably accurate placement of planets in signs. 

Ascendant changes sign approximately every two hours, so person born at 2AM will have different ascendant compared to a person born at 5AM of the same day. Descendant, Midheaven, Nadir and all houses are tied to ascendant and shift together with it.


Each planet is one aspect of a personality. All platens, aspects and angles together add up to a complete picture of one's personality.

Each individual planet is responsible for one particular aspect of one's personality. For example, mercury governs tactical thinking (that is ways of solving problems), as well as manner of speech. 

Signs in which planets are located determine how this particular function or role plays out. For example, person with mercury in Gemini would like to talk a lot, while person with mercury in Scorpio in contrast would not say much but will listen and keep secrets.

Other planets and angles each too has their own role in a complete personality. There are separate descriptions on different astrological signs that outline how say Venus, Mars or Jupiter plays out depending on the sign they are places. Of course, some critical thinking is needed when analyzing all that.

Sun and Moon

Sun has special importance. Sun governs aspirations, objectives in live and fundamental values and such. It is like a boss it sets objectives for the rest of the crew and can override other traits to the extend in the name of higher cause as it is understood by the individual. 

What this higher cause is, is the determined by the Sun's place in the chart, its sign.

That is person with Sun in Libra will have different aspirations in life compared to one with Sun in Cancer or Capricorn. People with different Sun placements will disagree over what is important in life and what is not.

Sun determines your highest calling. More selfish person would call it their ego and aspiration. More selfless might instead call it a mission or obligation to the world. End result is somewhat the same. Sun placement determines in which way you want to do it.

Moon too has a special role associated with reflective instincts of the person. Unlike Sun it does not confer any aspirations or worldviews, but influences the person in indirect, reflective instinctual ways.

Unlike Sun that allows you to create something and give it to the world, Moon determines your needs instead. That is what you want and expect from the world. What you believe world should give you or owes you perhaps. Among other things it determines what you need from other people you come across in life.

Moon's role is to be a protector of a person of sorts, maybe it is just that the Cancer Moon that I have. Moon does rule Cancer, so perhaps it is the best placement that will never let you forget about your own interests and needs in every event in life. That also amplifies your needs and expectations from the world around you. The world is not always willing to deliver.

Degrees and Finer Grades

While Sun alone has only 12 possible placements for example, Moon also has 12 and can be in any sign relative the Sun. Together just these 2 planets lead to 144 possible variations of personality.

This system allows astrologers to divide and categorize all these infinite variations of human personality by dividing them into small bits that person can understand.

There is also a further refinement by dividing each sign into three equal parts, called decans or several even smaller parts, called terms, for example Chaldean or Egyptian terms. However, these should be considered as subdivisions of the same overall nature.

Even further each sign is divided into 30 degrees, each degree divided into 60 minutes and each minute into 60 seconds.

That allows even finer grading. Each placement can be rather different based on degree of the placement. 

Early and late degrees can have some characteristics of neighboring signs mixed in. In contrast middle degrees are possibly the purest representation of each sign. Stereotypes that persist about certain signs however can pay much greater attention to any degrees, even if these characterizes do not apply to vast majority of natives of the sign.

In general, one should be cautious of stereotypes as they can distort nature of each sign drastically.

Also, early degrees can characterize by a naivety and unbound optimism and faith in one's role and place in the world. They are the beginners and have reasons for optimism as their sign just replaced the previous one and have great future ahead. 

In contrast late degrees can have near fatalist realization that period of your sign will eventually come to an end and next sign will take its place. Thus, they could be prone to desperate measures and last-ditch attempts.

Mercury and Venus special cases

Outer planets such as Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto also have the same 12 possible placements, increasing the number of variations to really large numbers.

Mercury and Venus are special cases, however. As their orbits are inside Earth orbit, they could not be too far from Sun on the sky as it is observable from the Earth. Mercury can only be either in the same sign as the Sun, one sign ahead or one signs behind. Same for Venus but it can also be two signs behind or ahead of the Sun.

Just three possible placements of Mercury relative to Sun means that only three possible variations of tactical mind and manner of speech can coexist with any given sets of ambitions and aspirations. 

The Sun-Mercury combination can often form a core personality. For most, but not all people mercury will be in the same sign as Sun, given a more stereotypical native of any given Sun placement. Mercury placement in one of side signs is rarer and creates much more nuanced individual.

That also limits what aspects these planets can have with Sun, for example Mercury can only be conjunct to Sun or not conjunct. It cannot form sextile, trine or square with Sun, even though it can do it with other planets. Mercury conjunct Sun often means person is very outspoken about themselves and their values and pretty much always say what they think. The further Mercury is away from Sun the more native can be flexible and impartial in their speech. 

How Aspects Work

There are also aspects that planets make to each other. Good aspects such as Trine or Sextile allows planets work together. While bad ones such as square and to lesser extend opposition obstruct the functioning.

Not all combination of traits does work well together. Some traits work in synergy with each other. For example, if one has Leo Sun and loves attention, then having traits that can generate attention can help fulfilling this aspiration, for example Jupiter in Gemini will allow someone with Leo Sun to have a lot of attention by talking non-stop about all sorts of things. 

In contrast Jupiter in secretive and cautious Scorpio will prevent someone with the same attention seeking Sun in Leo person from getting much attention. Thus, you can say that this combination produces a conflict between interests of Sun and Saturn.

Gemini Jupiter will sextile Leo Sun, but Scorpio Jupiter will square Leo Sun instead.

The same signs always make the same aspects to certain signs around them. 

Each sign always makes trines to signs of their own element. Air signs will always trine other air sings. Earth signs will always trine earth signs and so one. Element denotes the same basic nature of people in question. Thus, it allows people of the same element to understand each other much easier than those of other elements.

Square always goes to signs of the same modality instead. Same modality but different element produces conflict as such people not only have conflicting views on reality but also constantly get in each other's way because of their common modality.

Sextile goes to a different element that is of the same gender as your element. Air sextiles Fire, Fire sextiles Air. Earth sextiles Water and Water sextiles Earth. These pairs are not alike but share some common ground that allows them to work together.

Aspects can be stronger or weaker depends on the degrees of each planets involved.

There is also dignities and debilitations for planets. 

Each planet has two signs that it rules. Ruling means that this sign is the planets most natural placement, and it works much stronger than in any other sign. That is effects of planets are more pronounced that elsewhere. It does not mean the planet rules over and overrides other planets.

The opposite of Rulership is called Detriment. When planet is in detriment, it has hard time functioning properly and this aspect of personality is somewhat reduced compared to others.

There is also another dignity called Exaltation. Exaltation means that planet is more prominent and has more visible role compared to other signs.

Opposite of Exaltation is called Fall, planet in Fall has less outward visible role compared other placement, but that does not mean it has hard time functioning.

Detriments for planets located in the signs immediately opposite of the signs they rule, just as Falls are located immediately opposite to signs of their Exaltation.


The opposition aspect in general creates the opposing pairs that are two farthest extremes of the same common nature. There are 6 such pairs. Each of these signs act as if they try to compensate for the shortcomings of the sign they oppose.

It is different from the Square aspect where difference in values and worldview makes planets block each other off.

Ascendant, Angles and Houses

Ascendant it the signs that was on horizon at the point where Sun was rising or would rise at down if native was born at night for example. For those who are born during the sunrise itself Ascendant will be the same as their Sun Sign. For others it will be different. Those who are born at sunset will have Sun opposite ascendant. 

The further one is born from the sunrise the further house one's sun will be located. Those who are born at night for example will have Sun in one of the personal houses: 1, 2 or 3 and will be a lot more concern with their own private lives and needs.

Descendant is the sign that was at the horizon at the place where Sun will set. Ascendant and Descendant together form an axis that divides natal chart in upper and lower half.  

Lower half is considered personal or private and mostly concern itself with private needs. While upper half is public and visible to the people around. The balance of planets between half can indicate how much person is public or private person.

Midheaven and Nadir

The second vertical axis that dissects the chart is Midheaven to Nadir axis. Midheaven is topmost point of course and Nadir is bottom most. 

This axis divides chart into personal left side and interpersonal right side. Those with more planets on the left side are more selfish and those with more planets on the right side are more involved with people around them.

The Quarters

The ascendant-descendant and midheaven-nadir axis together dissect the chart into four uneven sectors. 

The sectors are uneven because Midheaven corresponds to the time of day when sun reaches its zenith. At equator it will be roughly after 6 hours but closer to poles it can be much earlier or later. So depend on where you were born and during which season, your personal sectors will be more or less uneven that those of others.

Placidus calculated these points some time ago and we use these ever since. Some astrologers use various even houses systems instead, but I support Placidus.


Just as the four sectors are uneven, the houses they produce are uneven too. The size of each house and number of planets in it determine how much this area in life is important to you and how much time, effort and attention you will dedicate to it.

The points of each axis are called angles. Each of them starts three houses. Ascendant begins first house, Nadir begins 4th, Descendant begins 7th and Midheaven begins 10th. These houses do correspond with the roles each of the angles play in the chart. Planets in these houses are also connected with that role.


This outlines the system and explains how the whole thing works together. How individual parts add up to the common whole as pieces of the jigsaw puzzle assemble the picture when they are put together. 

There is plenty of information on meaning of each individual planet. There can be differences between different astrological sites so you should use your critical thinking when analyzing it.

Try making your own chart and then read about individual placements and aspects that you have in there. You will notice how accurate this thing is.

Final notes

There are other things about astrology that I did not cover in this article. I wrote separate articles on some of these issues before so you might want to check these out.

What Disney and Girls Should Do

Finally, they have girls that are cute. Anime have won and woke fascism was defeated. Let's raise the Black Knights flag over some feminist outpost to celebrate out victory, just like Red Army raised the banner over Reichstag.

NWM, it is fake.

Anyhow this is what Disney, Pixar and such should be doing. That is how to make a cute girl, why can't actual studios do something like that.

I do not know who Natsuki character is though, she is from the anime I did not watch.

Sun Sings and Genders

In general, some signs clearly work better for one or the other gender. While there are no Sun signs that is bad for both genders, some Sun signs clearly work only for one gender.

Male Aries can go far, achieve a lot and be very popular with women at that. Female Aries though will struggle to with dating as this sign is too manly to look attractive in male eyes.

On the other hand, an often-criticized Cancer can actually work well for a woman as it has lots of feminine qualities. For a guy, Cancer Sun can be as bad as Aries Sun is for female when it comes to dating. They can however succeed in other aspects in life such as business.

Girls should not do anything like a Scorpio unless they want to ruin their lives. This sign works better for men. Male Scorps can get far sometimes, look at Bill Gates for example. Female ones however...

Some signs work reasonably well for both genders, for example, Gemini, Aquarius, Leo or Sagittarius.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Girls and Limits

As a continuation of the previous article.

Girls should be able to control themselves and restrain their desires. They should be able to deny themselves things.

Not in a sense that she would not let you do certain things to her, that is stupid as you should be able to do anything you want with her. Rather it is that she will not allow herself certain things.

Chockers, handcuffs and leash are a physical manifestation of male desire to control and restrain women. However, for practical reasons we cannot keep them in cages or on the leash at all times. So, they have to have some internal psychological mechanism that can keep them in line and prevent them from crossing the lines you draw around them.

Various religions, social rules and such were initially created to restrain women. It is wrong and unsexy to attempt to liberate women from these restrictions. That is why feminism is wrong.

Regardless, there must be something in her psychology that keeps her in line. I must know what it is so that I can always use it to keep her in line.

Girls Should Control Their Emotions.

A response to this

I guess I should not date anyone but Aquarians.

Some people say they will burn house down, that insane, no sane guy will date a girl insane enough to burn a house for any emotional reason. At least I would not.

It is so hard to find a sane gf in this insane world.

And then they go and complain why guys prefer Asian girls. Because Asian girls would not burn the house for starters.

Anyhow I would not go close to a girl who cannot control herself and her emotions.

Best Pet Girls

Response to this post.

Bottom right of course.

She kneels well, you can see that she wants to be adopted but she also shows clear self-restrain, as if there are red lines she will never cross on her own volution. A very important quality for a woman.

Girls Should Not Aspire to Become Princesses

As a somewhat standalone continuation of the previous topic. I wanted to write about this topic for some time but kept forgetting about it.

I sometimes see girls with some plastic tiaras or t-shirts that say 'princess' on them. I am not sure if they are just so arrogant to call themselves that or they think that men find 'princesses' attractive.

I call myself an Emperor of the Universe, but that is because I am arrogant and want to rule the world. That however does not mean I find arrogance attractive in women.

Reality is that lives of actual princesses or queens are far from what Disney depicts them. Famous English virgin Queen Elizabeth I (the one from 16th century, not the one who died recently) even said that she would rather be a beggar than a queen.

Actual princesses are married off to different people for political and military reasons. They cannot chouse or reject this kind of marriage, like Jasmine does in Alladin. 

When married, they have to adhere to strict rules in order to maintain an image appropriate for a public figure. 

Their husband enjoys company of maids and other women of his choice on the side. Only his children have to be with the official legal queen, he can enjoy any other women of his choice on the side. His wife cannot do that, as it is important that children are of her husband's descend.

Kings and Queens even have separate bedrooms in their palaces.

Most important however is that while women like men to be bigger and stronger than her, men want his women to be weaker and lower in status compared to him. Due to how preferences of both genders work, this is the only combination that actually works.

No one married Queen Elizabeth I even if they respected her in her role as queen. There is just that barrier that keeps men away from women of authority.

Similar to Queen Elizabeth I, TrueHellDei too said that she would rather be a maid than a countess. I think she understood the implications surprisingly well, even if she did not go as far in describing them as I did here.

Regardless I like girls who are happy to take maidservant role and serve me, their Emperor, with loyalty devotion and dedication.

More Clarification on How Girls Should Be

A response to this topic

Either elf or cowgirl. I like the look in their eyes. It looks weak and passive, like they are surrendering themselves and their bodies to me.

I also like their poses: elf is on her knees, which is cute; cowgirl leans forwards, which is close to bend over. She makes her ass easy to use either spank or fuck it.

In contrast the fox girl looks like she wants to do something with you. "Doing something with" is what men do, not women. 

Women supposed to do things FOR men, not WITH them: things like cleaning home, making sandwich, bringing food on a platter. They are not supposed to just grab men by various parts of their bodies.

'Make me a sandwich' became somewhat of a derogatory insult because of feminist influence. However, it should not be derogatory at all. 

After all men want women to do domestic chores for them. Women should do these chores to show that they love the man and care for him.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

What Makes Rem So Likable

Rem is so innocent and cute. That adorable look on her face. Its that tender pitiful look on the face that we want to see in women.

People prefer Rem to Emilia, other Re;Zero characters or even fellow twin maid, Ram, precisely because she is like that. Full of doubt, soft, tender and sweet.

Friday, October 20, 2023

Are women simply misguided or are they indifferent?

I thought that women fail to meet any of men's needs and sexual preferences due to their ignorance and feminist propaganda.

To help fix this issue I went on writing long articles to educate women about male needs in a relationship.

However recently I have started thinking that perhaps it is not that they are uneducated and do not understand, but rather that they do not even care for men and our needs.

They are selfish and only want more for themselves while refusing to give anything in return.

Some of them are clearly like that.

For them it surely has been too long since these selfish women became picky about men around them. Relationship balance shifted too far to women and their needs and wants. They went on dividing men into Alpha and Beta. They demanded to have only Alphas.

Idiots busted they asses, trying to meet these unreasonable demands while smarter guys simply went MGTOW.

By now men have lots of qualities that females find attractive, but females themselves have none of the qualities that men find attractive.

Anyhow this woman sided relationship dynamics has to change. If she is not willing to get out of her pay to please me, I want nothing to do with her. I will not waste time on selfish women.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

I am a Nobleman

I am a noble man.

Not in a sense that I have some sort of virtue 'nobility', but rather because I am like a second son of a petty nobleman. Such people existed in every culture, and each gave them a distinctive term. However, the idea and because of their existence was the same in every case. 

There was but one place in the ranks of the so called 'true nobility' (in UK they are called peers). So, if such peer had two sons, only one of them could eventually inherit the title and in turn become a peer after his father's death. Then he in turn will pass this title to his own son when he dies.

The reasons for that were that the inheritance that gave these people the title of nobility was limited. It was not readily possible to split something like a manor in two or more parts to provide for each son. Thus, only one son, typically a first born, would get it.

That however leaves the second son out. Thus, he ends up existing in a limbo between nobility and a commoner. Unwilling to live like a commoner, yet unable to live like an actual nobleman.

Anyhow that leaves me all the more reasons to hate my father. Quite possible he discreetly disinherited me in favor my younger brother. Of course, it could also be that he lost it due to his own mistakes and stupidity. He was never honest with me about various affairs, always telling me only what he deemed I should know.

Alternatively, the person I know as my 'father', is not my actual father but simply a kidnapper who kidnapped me as a toddler from an actual nobleman and then used me to as hostage to extort money from that nobleman in exchange for my life. Possibly he also brainwashed me to make me forget about my original family. 

I wonder if I will be able to get to the truth eventually.

Is it people like the guy in this video, who cause austerity?

I recently watched that video about an American who moved to Russia for some sort of 'rustic' lifestyle. 

He seems crazy to me. However, it is quite possible that my own parents very much share his sentiment towards all sorts of old things. I wonder if my parents are like that as well. Does that mean they also left the US or some other Western country for that as well and by doing so deprived me of a good comfortable lifestyle. Perhaps I was too young to remember anything when they moved there.

If so my hatred for my parents can only grow stronger.

However here is the idea. Maybe we can send all these austerity mongers to Siberia Muscovy and then finally cancel austerity and live a resort like lifestyle of late 90s-2000.

We should get back to 90s-2000 style housing when everything was built with an excess space and there were extras and freebies for everything. Nowadays many 90s buildings are not new, but they still remind me of the times when everyone was carefree, and people had plenty of extra cash to splurge on quality. I wish we can come back to times where I will be able to splurge extra for bigger and better.

Appearance vs Behavior

I always thought that people pay too much attention to their appearance and too little attention to their manners and behavior.

It is not like appearance does not matter at all. It is just it is not as important in my eyes as good manners and proper behavior. 

Russia is a particular example of the heavy appearance bias country. Some people do say Russian women are the best. Based on appearance only it is mostly true. However, their manners and behavior are just as bad as their appearance is good. 

You might ever say that appearance is opposite proportional to behavior. However, there are some ugly women who behave abysmally.

Japanese women in contrast are not so great looks wise. The only thing going for them appearance wise is their petite bodies. However, they do know how to behave in a way, that actually appeals to men and do so regularly. They never fail to show that they always respect and obey men. That wins it for me. Behavior matters a lot more for me compared to looks.

Sure, there are exceptions to this basic principle. There are some good-looking women in Japan and bad looking in Russia. There are some well-behaved women in Russia and poorly behaved women from Japan. However overall principle holds. 

I am willing to compromise a lot on her appearance. So long as she is not extra ugly and looks at least average, I am ok with that.

However, I am not willing to compromise on behavior. She has to always behave flawlessly. Always be nice, subservient and obedient. She must never show any disrespect or disobedience towards me. 

Cheating Women Cause Wars and Genocide

I often say that it is very important for women to stay loyal and never cheat. I remembered a good story that illustrates why it is so important. 

I will tell you a rather well-known story from Greek history. Story of Helen of Troy.

Helen of Troy was actually a wife of a Spartan King (King of the City State of Sparta, Greeks back them lived in City-States and each City was like its own nation).

One day three sons of the King of friendly City State of Troy visited Sparta and attended a banquet, hosted by the Spartan King to celebrate their friendship and cooperation. During the banquet youngest of three sons, Paris, secretly seduced Spartan King's wife and convinced her to flee with him to Troy. After the banquet he secretly smuggled her on board of their ship. Knowing his brothers will not approve of this for diplomatic reasons, Paris did not tell them about the Helen until they arrived in Troy.

When Spartan King found out about his wife fleeing with Paris, he done a very Spartan thing about it: mobilized the entire Spartan army, sailed to Troy and laid siege to the city.

That war eventually became the longest and bloodiest conflict of the Greek world. Many famous heroes such as Achilles fought in it.

The war ended with a famous Troyan Horse incident. Unable to assault the walls or starve Troyans, Spartans decided to trick them instead. They pretended they have given up on war and all left the siege. Among the equipment they left behind however was a strange giant wooden horse. Troyans thought the horse would make for a nice spoil of war to celebrate their victory and took the horse is. The horse contained Spartan special ops unit inside, however. Once Troyans finished celebrating their victory and went to sleep, Spartans left the horse and open the gates for their main army to enter the city.

Spartans massacred the entire population of Troy, committing possibly the first documented genocide in human history. They also levelled the entire city to the ground. Only in 19th century archeologists could unearth the remnants of Troy.

That is how one unfaithful cunt ended up causing a huge war and a genocide of the entire nation of people.

It is truly ironic that modern Greeks call their country Hellenic Republic in their language.

That also a jab as Spartan's manliness. For all their flaunted 'manly' 'militarism' their King ended up loosing his wife to a Troyan.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Feminism Causes Soy-boys

It is not soy that creates soy-boys but feminism.

Those men who are affected by guilt, preached by feminist activists, become soy boys to compensate women for alleged 'injustice', caused by patriarchy. They help women with domestic chores and look after children, but they do not fuck women.

Those men, who are not affected by guilt, preached by feminist, (such as me), become porn enthusiasts, and fap to female abuse, humiliation and degradation. Including of course to women doing those domestic chores nude.

Other men, who are not affected by guilt, preached by feminists, become passports bros and try to look for foreign women who are also unaffected by feminism, such as Asians. After all it is a deal breaker if she does not obey and does not do domestic chores. so, one has to make sure the woman he picks does domestic chores.

Overall, however we had only feminism to blame for this mess. Feminism took away everything men ever needed in a woman and destroyed it. It ruined the delicate balance in the world that will not be easy to restore. Men, unaffected by guilt, simply do not want a relationship according to feminist rules.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

How Strict Parents Ruined My Life


A little meme picture actually explained how my parents ruined my life with their strictness. Because both of them were so abusively strict, I ended up becoming an antisocial loner. I think many other so called 'forever alone' types also had strict parents who ruined their lives for them.

(Mom was nothing but strict, but dad was somewhat more of a mixed, but still mostly strict)

Because of them I am wary of interacting with new people as I am too concerned that they might turn out as strict as my parents were. I do not want to experience something like them again.

Same with potential girlfriend. Terrified by my mom's example of how cruel, heartless and strict they may be, I am too afraid to simply approach some girl out there because I cannot know if she is kind and caring or cruel and strict. Some girls clearly give away strict cruel vibe and I always avoid them.

Same with friend or potential employers. They too might turn out strict and cruel.

They probably thought that strictness will prevent me from becoming alcoholic. However, 'the solution' ended up much worse than the problem. Not only I am antisocial loner, I also hate their bloody guts to death and cannot wait for them to die a painful and miserable death. Their fate should be extra miserable and painful to compensate me for the pain and suffering they caused me with their abusively strict parenting. I want them to die, that will be my rightful revenge.

I think other people with abusively strict parenting also ended up with ruined lives as a result of their parents' actions. Now we cannot get anywhere in life because of that. Abusively strict parenting is a bane of society that ruins children's lives and produces homelessness and other ailments. Because of that abusively strict parenting should be made a crime and parents who are excessively strict towards their children should be punished by the government.

If my parents would tell me how to dodge all the rules and game the system to get ahead, I might be able to succeed in life. Instead, they were only making sure I follow their stupid rules as well as stupid rules of school and society. 

Fedya taught me a few things about dodging the rules and getting around them to get what I want, but his experience was not enough to get far.

I Hate Strict People and Especially Strict Women

My parents were strict, and I absolutely hate that about them.

Because of that I hate all strict people out there, but especially strict women.

In fact, women should clearly be anti-strict for me to like her. Any hint of strictness is a clear red flag turn off for me.

Because of that I end up liking different types of girls that seem to have nothing in common with them. However, one common thing about them is that they are not strict.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

On Types of Beauty

Question is what kind of pretty: Sister Sweden kind of pretty or Sister Iceland kind of pretty. I can also name Sister Australia, Sister Japan or Sister Denmark. I would bet there will be people who will argue which one of them is the prettiest.

It's all about your type of beaty that works for you.

Links for you to get the idea what I am talking about:

You can check other girls there as well. 

SATF is funny when it does not joke about crossdressing and gender related questions.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

On Eugenics and Genetically Engineering Right Kind of Girls.

Eugenics is a can of worms because people will end up arguing what traits are desirable and what are not. You do not want to be condemned to extinction because your genes are bad.

Just because you think these traits are good does not mean people around you will agree with that.

Thought I personally would like to genetically engineer demure obedient servile girls. If we have girls like these, the world will be a wonderful place.

With eugenics we can make sure they will always obey me as well as love to clean and cook for me.

Friday, October 13, 2023

Complete Submission

She must offer her complete and unrestricted submission to me and my will. I do not date girls who will not do absolutely everything I tell them to do.

Why Collars are Sexy on Girls

Because I want to take away her agency and put her under my complete control.

Collar on her neck suggests that she is open to that. That she wants/needs you to control her. That she will not fight with you over the power in relationship and who is in charge in relationship. That she will obey all your orders and directions.

Thus, collars on girl's necks are sexy.

They give you the right cues on girl's character and her understanding of her role in the relationship. There is also a question of docile and demure she is, but it is a separate topic.

It is doubly important now, when feminism is rampart. Because of feminism you cannot just assume that a girl needs or will allow you to rule undisputed. You need something that will convince you that she is the right kind of obedient girl who will obey your every order.

You do not want to start a relationship with a wrong kind of woman and then break up because she refuses to obey your orders and thinks she is equal to you or even that she is an authority in relationship and should lead. You will waste your time and nerves. There are too many wrong kinds of girls who are influenced by feminism nowadays.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Girls and Attitudes

I actually wonder what girls have the best attitude among them all.

After all her attitude is the key factor that determine if she will be a good slave gf.

That means not only sub in BDSM acts and sex, but in every aspect of life she has to be docile demure and subservient in every aspect of life and relationship. No matter the issue or question, she has to defer to me and obey my decisions.

I am supreme authority on everything in life and she has to recognize and acknowledge it.

I am Emperor of the Universe and King of Everything.

If she has good subservient attitude and willing to do anything I tell her to do, then I can easily shape her to my liking.

On the other hand, if her attitude is bad and she does not do what I say, then it would be impossible to fix her.

I think Japanese girls have the best attitude of them all, but I need to make sure somehow.

In general, I have to know somehow, that her attitude is subservient enough, before I am even willing to deal with her.

On Yin

I guess I miss my correspondence with my dear Yin.

It was dear to my heart when she addressed me as 'Your Majesty' and 'My Lord' 

I miss that.

I want to tie her up, spank her ass and then violate her asshole hard.

How my taste in Video Games Reflects on my Character

Just the same in life in general. I want to be a hero whom everyone worships. 

I want a woman who will obey and worship me. I do not want a girl whose loyalties lay with herself or some other entity.

I do not want to serve anything or anyone.

Thus, I will always seek out opportunities to rule.

That is why I hate Christianity. This is a religion for slaves and servants, not for the ruler I aspire to be. I do not want Christian propaganda to poison my life and thoughts with their preachings. 

Once I will become a ruler, I might hire Christian priests to brainwash my subjects into serving me unquestionably and sacrifice for my whims. However, this nonsense is for them to believe in, not for me.

That is also why I hate my parents. They too tried to turn me into servant who serves needs of other people for ne benefit to myself. I have no need for their bullshit rules and their pathetic way of living.

In general, I hate when people tell me what to do. I do what I want and do not tolerate people who impinge on my freedom of action, like my parents used to do in the past, until I cut them off from my life.

That is also why I do not like typical Russian women. They are all too willing to tell their husbands what to do, and completely unaccustomed to the idea of obeying husbands' instructions unquestionably. 

In fact, most important trait, the woman should have, is that of being unaccustomed to the idea of obeying my instructions unquestionably.

That is also why I like Maledom. It gives me opportunity to reign and rule over a submissive girl. To wheild and feel my unlimited power over her.

Monday, October 2, 2023

I Like My Girls to Be Extra Nice to Me

I like my girls to always be extra nice to me personally. Then can treat others like shit, but they always have to be nice to me. Kind of Like Albedo from Overlord.

They also have to be good at making sandwiches and other food.

I will of course subject this nice girl to extreme abuse and humiliation of BDSM sex.

Political Women I Actually Can Like

Now that I think about it, there are number of female politicians I can actually like. For example, Yulia Timoshenko or Maya Sandu.

In fact, even someone like Sarah Pailin can make a reasonable gf, to be president you need more knowledge, but I am pretty sure she can make me a sandwich well enough.

A Well Known Women I do not like

Other than Ariel Rebel, who is a porn actress, I do not have any celebrities that I particularly like appearance wise. That is many of them look alright, but there is no one I would want to save pictures of or buy posters.

(With Ariel Rebel I liked her more innocent and simpler girl next door look more than when she tried to look more celebrity like)

However, there are number of women, whom I hate. For example:

Hillary Clinton

She is like a collection of everything I hate in women in one single person.

She is spoiled and entitled, she believed world and society owed her Presidency.

She looks down on people and thinks she is special.

She wanted to ban video games, because she believes that they are bad, which is retarded and uneducated.

She acts and thinks like rules do not apply to her. Some might call it confident, but I and many other people hate that.

She is dumb and uneducated.

She relies on other people to solve her problems for her.

She cannot do anything on her own.

She achieved nothing of note while she was Secretary of State, but sill tried to used it as credentials for being Presidential enough.

She also has horrible fashion since, with penchant for ugly business suits with pants.

She is probably dumb enough to think that wearing business suit alone is enough to be Presidential, which is retarded and not true. 

Also, she reminds me of my mom, the women I assumed to be my mom, I am not certain she really was my mom. However, people told my 7 years old self she was, and I did not question it back then.

I hate my mom.

In short, I hate everything about Hillary Clinton and like women who are unlike her in every possible way. Like Ariel Rebel for example or Asian girls.

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Differences in Tastes in Women

I have very different taste in women compare to my dad.

That is not because I look for a so over the top girl that will shock my parents. That is because I think that qualities that my dad looks in women do not make good and likable woman. My mom surely was a nasty woman and I do not want to date someone like her.

I generally think that people in Russia have poor taste in women and things that many like there are stupid and shallow. They look for things that matter little, like some flawless appearance. However, at the same time they overlook important behavioral things such as kindness together with respect and obedience to men.

There are probably some exceptions to this rule in Russia and there are some women who respect men and obey them. However, I did not manage to meet them and see it for myself.

Also, an extract from my email to Yin about the kind of women I like.

I tried to edit it somewhat, but some wording can be dubious and confusing at times.

The extract:

She was probably the most well-mannered of them all. She always bowed forward a little in conversation and always thanked me for any praise I gave her. Back in the days all that got me really impressed with her. Nowadays I think that it is more her Asian manners then her actual personality that was so likable about her.

There was strong initial attraction, but something perhaps did not come together well. Maybe I just did not know what to do. I sure was not ready for relationship at the time. Or we needed more time to understand each other, or it could be something else.

She kind of often repeated that she is older than me. It kind of bothered me that she thought it matter something, but I could not get what. Later I read somewhere that Asians often respect age, so her repeating that might have been a demand for respect kind of. Not a good sign for a potential slave girl. I told her then that age is just a number.

At her 30 something she looked young enough to pass for 14 years old. She looks this young even in her 40s, after she married and had two kids.

Yes, all girls vary in temper. So even Japan can have some really nasty annoying girl. On the other hand, even Russia can have a nice girl every now and then.

I personally never met a Thai girl, though Thailand has reputation for sex industry.

Japanese girls I met are somehow even more polite than Taiwanese and Chinese. They are much more introverted and less talkative.

Korean and Vietnamese girls in contrast seem actually dominant in contrast to other Asians, so they are not to my taste. Though I did not interact with them enough to make sure.

I know one Malaysian Chinese, we seem to be able deal with each other well, but 

I actually cannot be too much of a judge on European girls in general. I travelled only few European countries and was too young to really pay attention to girls. Emily TrueHellDei told me she is Polish. However, she is the only Polish girl I know.

Russian girls tend to be very proud of full of themselves. They often repeat self-serving self-praise that 'Russian women are the prettiest in the world.' Repeating that does not actually make them any prettier, but only gives them undue pride and confidence in their beauty.

In contrast Russians often look down on Ukrainians, thinking they are uncultured provincials who can't speak Russian language properly. They speak Ukrainian language there (it is not an incorrect Russian language dialect, as people like Dugin and Tabachnik claim).

I think Ukrainian girls should be much less arrogant and simpler and easier going those Russian ones.

I actually found Quora about this question, some of them prefer Ukrainian ones for same reasons I listed:

Within Russia those who live in the capital often look down on those who don't and even derogatorily call them 'Trans-ring-inans' (Zamkadyshy). Because they live outside of Moscow Ring Road, that kind of serves as a symbolic border of the city.

Moscow official administrative borders actually extend beyond the road in many places.

I know one Spanish girl. She is kind of party girl, dance of the table type. Even Latin girls from Latin America seem less wild, though they too seem too heavy on partying and socializing to my taste. Though I know one rather quiet one from Colombia. However, another one from Colombia is not so quiet.

I know two Iranian girls. One is very pretty and lots of guys want her. I too have a photo with her, hugging her. She has two sisters, but I did not meet them in person. 

The other one is not pretty, but she has nice personality. She is gentler and caring and has penchant for writing poems. She seemed very sad, melancholic, overall.

Arab girls are harder to judge, because of their culture that restricts interaction between men and women. I think some are very modest, but it is this type you would not be able to intact much, so I cannot verity if they are as what I imagine them to be or not. They would be covering their face and not talking much at all. 

Indian (from country India, rather Native American/Aboriginal type) girls' kind of dubious. Some of them seem like my type and others clearly no. Some of them seem to have potential to be nice.  Also, India is bid so Indian girls from different parts of the country can be very different from each other.

Finally Aussie girls, I guess they are kind of the most normal. Or I have been here so long, that girls here are what I measure any other girls against. Even original white Australians all came from different parts of UK so a Scottish girl could be very different from Welsh, Irish or English. Some white girls here could be of Italian, Greek, French, Polish or Hungarian origin. I guess there are all sorts of Aussie girls really, some good some bad. Compare to Russian they are not as pretentious. Aussie girls are probably more genuine overall compared to Russian ones. It is not like they can't lie, but I think they are not really faking their entire autobiography on a routine basis like Russian ones.

Aussie girls do not put that much effort in being attractive, so they often do not look all that impressive. However, I do not care about impressiveness. When it comes to outward appearance Russian girls are probably best, but they do have a lot of problems with what is hiding behind that photo-model perfect outer shell/mask. 

Those who do not know the truth are all into Russian girls, but I lived there so I know who much of a wolf/fox in a sheep skin they can be, Quora seem agree that a lot of Russian girls are selfish and think only of themselves. Maybe it is just my dad's lies about women, however my mom does fit well the stereotype of a greedy selfish woman who only marries for money and cares only for herself, does really nothing for me but lies a lot that she does.

Well, some dudes in Australia also complain about losing a lot of money in divorce settlements so maybe Aussie girls are just as dangerous. 

I kind of seen or overheard some problematic girls in Australia as well. So far not all Aussie girls are likable or dateable. 

I think all girl's kind of got worse after the Finacial Crisis of 2008, life got worse, and people got more jaded, cynical and plain evil because of that. Thus, it makes it harder to like any girl in this accursed era. I think men date less overall because of this problem. It is too dangerous to get too close to people in these dangerous accursed austerity times.

On European Girls, not sure how accurate, but SATW comics often deal with national/ethnic stereotypes. From girls as depicted there I like Iceland, Denmark, Japan and Aussie.

On US girls. European stereotypes are not very flattering on American woman, but I am not sure how true they are. Hollywood movies do not depict girls in very likable fashion, but that too may be far from how girls really like.

Liberal/conservative stereotypes look too far surreal from outside the US. May be inside the country they mean a lot and one can easily tell what girl is like from something like that. However, from Australia that does not narrow it down much. When you see on news/pictures, they often look too surreal to understand what she would be like at home, in bed or such. What they are like in more normal situation.

I have seen, but not really talked with US women in Australia. It is hard to tell them from an Aussie. I overheard one on the train as she talked to someone else. It seems to me that she wanted to impress her counterpart with stories about US, as if she wants an approval of sorts. Not a bad quality for a girl. If she wants approval, it would be easy to control her.

Contemporary Hypocritical Parents

Recently in online comments I noticed hypocrisy and double standards of modern early Gen X parents. They consciously eschew justice in favor...