Friday, January 19, 2024

Negative Income Tax

The biggest issue here is how exactly Social Capitalism can solve the poverty problem? Poor people do need concrete proposals alleviate their predicament. Not only those who are currently or permanently unemployed, but also those who are currently employed. Because those who are currently employed may one day be fired. So, they too want to be sure there is something to support them when that happens.

Social Security Systems (dole), currently managed by government, are one such certainty. Usual right-wing talk that social security is bad, does not solve the problem. After all who will pay you if you are fired. If right wing really wants to replace this system, then they should provide a social security alternative.

Technically it is possible to create a system that is more efficient than the one run by the government, but there has to be willing to do it and means to do it. Some Pirate Party proposals, like negative income tax, do address just that. That would be better than current social security, but current social security is better than no social security.

Monday, January 15, 2024

Planets in houses.

A response to this

That is partly correct, but you understand role of most houses incorrectly:

health should be in 6th together with work.

1st is own physical appearance, clothes and hitting the gym.

3rd is intellectual pursuits and communication. it can mean siblings and short distance travel as well.

4th is set of all things that sustain you, it takes home in conceptual meaning as well.

5th are hobbies and romantic love. 5th can mean children for some, but only if children is your hobby. Also 5th have nothing to do with actually having children.

In general question of having children should me much further the house chain past 7th, house of marriage and all sort of bilateral partnerships.

8th can also mean other people's money, not just sex. That is living off others. In contrast 2nd is reliance on your own resources.

9th can also mean philosophical or theological pursuits in addition to long distance travel. By theological I mean debates whether God exists or what religion is right. Not any worship or charitable work.

10th and midheaven often associated with career. It's kind of social renown. Desire to be approved or considered explementary member of society or lack of thereof. My parents are strong on this, and I completely ignore it.

11th can mean all sorts of peers and equals as well.

12th can also mean things that you suppress and ignore.

About me

I have most planets in 3rd, 4th and 5th houses. intellectual pursuits, comfort of living arrangements and hobbies are indeed things I prioritize in my life.

Intellectual pursuits are the thing I dedicate most of my time. I spend my days in library. I read, analyze, write. I believe I am a genius and world should listen and follow my ideas.

homely affairs are important because I value comfort in my life a lot. I want everything new, comfortable, convenient, aesthetically pleasing, fancy and so on. I watch Sam Chui videos about flying first class. where he showcases the amenities.

Finally, I like to play videogames and watch anime. I have discerning taste in entertainment. That applies to women as well: I want her to meet my expectations and be an enjoyable romantic partner. She has to be well mannered, courteous, demure and be a good housemaid too.

I have no planets in 1st, 6th, 7th, 10th or 12th houses. I do not care for physical appearance, health, work, marriage, public image or charitable/spiritual work.

I have one planet in 2nd, 9th, 11th: the north node in 8th. I do care for money, but as a means for comfortable existence. I do enjoy travel, if its first class. I have a limited number of friends I like. I have nothing against sex but will not spend on a woman to spread her legs for me.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Wishful Thinking and Adaptability of the West

Ever since Roman times Western world was more than willing to learn from other cultures and adapt for themselves whatever they deemed likable and desirable.

Roman Civilization was outward looking and so it Western One. Columbus travelled west and discovered America because he wanted to get access to the riches of that region. (What he actually aimed to reach was modern Indonesia with its spices, but that beyond point). Spices like that do not grow in Europe, but Europeans wanted to consume them, so a means of trade and transportation had to be established and they were. In his attempt to establish such means of transportation, Columbus discovered Americas and soon found that this place has many other useful good, he and other Europeans would like to claim for themselves.

Thus, our current interest in Asia, robots, space and many other issues is all to give us what we current do not have.

Not even space is safe as we send probes to distant planets in order to find out if they have something valuable. 

Current Trends

However out current more earthly interests lay in several particular cultures and regions of the world. For each of these, there is often one particular demographic (group of people) that wants it most. I will begin with issue that most important to me.

A lot of these trends are based on stereotypes and not necessary reflect reality. Some are partly true.

In all of these cases only a particular subset of society has any interest in the topic that directly affect them personally.

Asian Women - Western Men

Reason for Western men interest in Asian women is because they are dissatisfied with their own. Western women are selfish, disrespectful and disobedient to men. Because of that, many Western men (around half of them) look with interest on Asia, whose women are obedient and well mannered.

Western Men desire for submissive Asian women, leads to increased interest in Asian culture, Anime and even Buddhism. 

This trend is opposed by Western women, who do not want to lose to Asians, but do not want to adopt Asian manners either.

In reality probably not all Asian women are as submissive as stereotypes claim. Stereotypes are heavily based on Japan and Japanese women, as this Asian country is best known in the West. Also, Japan is easiest for the West to understand. 

Thus, Asian women who want to take advantage of it and get themselves a Western Man should exhibit qualities and manners, typical of Japanese women.

Black Men - Western Women

Western Women are quite as unsatisfied with Western Men as the other way around. They believe that White men are weak, effeminate and have small dicks. Because of that they desire to sleep with Black men.

Interest in rap music and various black and aboriginal rights comes from that sentiment.

That trend does sometimes lead to anti-black men racism from the White men. Alt-Right is often accused of racism.

In reality that is probably not true to them all. Stereotypes are based on African Americans whose progenitors were selected for their physical strength. Southern planteaters were using them to cultivate cotton, which is labor intensive work under heavy scorcher conditions.

To take advantage of that you can feign interest in rap, tan yourself to look blacker and adopt African American looking attire.

Reverence of Ancestors and Elders - Western Old People

Western old people in are dissatisfied that young people do not care for them and sometimes downright hate them. Western parents in particular are dissatisfied that their children do not care for them at all and sometimes downright hate them. That leads them to develop interest in cultures that have age reverence, for example Chinese, but also some African and Polynesian tribal.

All sorts of interest in traditional cultures, multiculturalism, some odd tribal rituals and so on stems from this sentiment. Hippy stuff, travel to Papua-New Guinea and such all stems from that sentiment. Sometimes that even leads towards interest in Communism and anti-Capitalist sentiment.

Needless to say, that only old people care for something like that. Yong people do not give a shit and think the elders gone senile and should just be ignored. They will equally ignore those who follow these trends.

It is hard for me to say if Chinese or tribal societies indeed revere elders as some people claim.

To take advantage of that you can feign some interest in these ancient cultures or show elderly some attention and respect. That may get you their good will, but not much more. I am not sure if you will be able to get money out of them this way.


Old people are united in their desire to be revered by youngsters. Young people are equally dissatisfied with the opposite gender. Women see solution in Black men. Men see solution in Asian women. That is the current state of mess we are in.

Friday, January 12, 2024

Likable Celebreties

I am not into celebrities in general. I do like music, but question about celebrities that represent their astrological signs well got me thinking that cannot readily name any female that represent any sign at all. In fact, I hardly know any likable well-known female at all. Some make good music, but I will not date them.

Yulia Timoshenko

The only exception is possibly Yulia Timoshenko from Ukraine. She is often far from what a stereotypical woman is. She feels like worm, gentle and caring person. That is she is interesting enough but at the same time can provide enough feminine care, she is not like cold "modern" woman. 

Also, she has good taste in hair and clothes, she looks elegant, business like, but feminine at the same time. Ponytail or the bride around head, that some people call crown, looks feminine as well. 

Despite eventually becoming Prime Minister of Ukraine, she does not give away authoritarian or domineering vibe at all. Girls should not be authoritarian. She only managed to get this far because she is not authoritarian.

Yoko Ono

Famous or infamous wife of John Lennon, leader of legendary Beatles band. Some accuse her of destroying the band, but I think that is unfounded claim. Linda McCartney destoryed Beatles and then blamed it on Yoko.

Yoko Ono does not look like hard or dangerous person. She looks very calm and peaceful. Her presence is reassuring. You can confidently leave her home and feel safe that she will not mess anything. 

She also feels like very intellectual person with whom you can talk about complex philosophical things.

Also, she wears that nice black neck band, hits to the BDSM chocker.

Maya Sandu

Maya Sandu also looks like kind and gentle person, who will never hurt you. I can trust those eyes.

Her political party did campaign of clearing Moldova of bad people.

Sanna Marin

She looks good on some photos, but I am not so certain about her.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Day and Night

First Metaphor

Back in the days I tended to prefer night over the day. I thought the night was eerie mysterious and magical. It was the time where all sorts of cool things happen. 

Night was an escape from suffocating banal existence of the day. Day was duties, obligations and boredom. Day was parents, teachers all sorts of authority figures, all the things and people I do not like.

Night was the time when one was free to be yourself, unseen in the shadow. There was no one above me and I liked it that way.

When it comes to this perspective, I still prefer freedom of the night to obligations of the day. I did not become duty minded.

Alternative Metaphor

However, night and day can be used metaphorically to illustrate a different concept altogether. A concept often found in myth of various religions and even references by Tsoi in his Calm Night song. 

Day and light as a civilization, security and comfort. Night and darkness as primitivism and animal instincts. 

Here I am actually more on the side of civilization. I want to live in comfort of my technologically advanced home and robot servants catering for all my needs.

I do not like the idea of bowing to nature. I would much rather master it and make it serve me. Sad that not so many people share my views on that. 


In fact, it could even be that I like night precisely because it gives more opportunities for humanity to display its mastery over nature. Beautiful artificial lights defeat darkness and make world beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. 

"City shoots shrapnel of lights into the night..."

How That Came to Be

One thing that separates us from animals is out ability to use and construct tools. Before humanity achieved anything else. However, that is only partly true. Chimpanzees and Gorillas actually can use rocks and sticks as tools to get stuff done.

However, there is one thing that humanity alone could master. The tool that allowed humanity to rise above to the heights we have now. That is fire.

Sure, fire sometimes can be dangerous, but that overlooks the most important aspect of this awesome power.

Fire alone could turn the beast, who used to cover in fear of bigger animals, elements and nature into a master of the world.

Tiger, lion or wolf all fear fire, that only human can wield as his own. Fire can cook raw meat into a meal. Keep you warm during cold nights and even illuminate your cave so you can see as easily as during the day.

Fire over Morals

"I crawled the earth, but now I am higher. 2010, let it burn with fire."

Fire was that one thing that made us human. It was a starting point, from which we went further and higher.

With fire and tools, we become civilization. Without these we would still be crawling the earth like savage beasts.

Morals, ecology, green initiatives, plastic bag bans and such do not take us further and higher. All these "green" initiatives are just a pathetic attempt by primitivists to bring us back to stone age, their ludicrous ideas must be opposed. They must be burned with fire.


Astrologically Fire element is also representing this power of civilization. However, it is Air element that build civilization with the fire of the fire element.

in contrast earth and water elements are still and backward looking. They are more instinctual that civilizational compared to fire.

Cycles of Development

"City shoots shrapnel of lights into the night, but night is stronger, her power is great."

In many ancient myth Sun is depicted in dualistic cycle. During the day it illuminates the world and brings warmth and growth to it. In one world civilization. During the night it disappears into the underworld and grapples with forces of darkness, until it reemerges next morning.

While in the simplest explanation it can be taken as simply illustration of day and night cycle, there is actually more to it than just that.

That illustrates other cycles of the world and even normal human development.

There are seasons for example. Seasons are like repetition of this cycle, but in yearly rather than daily timespan. During summer it is warm, and everything can grow and flourish. During winter it is cold and dark, nothing can grow or flourish. Thus, summer is like daytime equivalent of the year and winter is nighttime equivalent of the year. Spring is like mourning and autumn like evening respectively.

Human development is not different, it too runs in cycles, that are bigger than year. Periods of growth and economic boom are replaced with periods of economic crisis and depression. 

Last period of growth began in 1995 where windows 95 paved the way for computers and internet to become part of everyday life. By 1999 a brand-new world of electronic entertainment and communication flourished on this fertile ground. Humanity evolved and became so advanced compared to its former pre-computer self. People of 1980 are nothing more than apes compare to computerized Übermensch master race of new Millennium. Idea of life without computer and internet is unthinkable to all but most retarded reactionaries.

Then in 2008 we had a financial crisis and humanity went into decline. Winter of Society fell on the world, reactionary idiots crawled out of their holes and started undo the progress of the Millennial Decade. Idiotic initiatives like plastic bags ban, greenhouse gases reduction, living off the grid, dividing people into alpha and beta like we are some herd animals. Old people, stuck in the past, became forefront of life. Many wield disproportionally large influences over politics and the world. 

Religion too became a tool of reactionary backwardness; hypocrites keep spooking people with hell. Feminism is fake "progressive" ideology that does nothing to advance civilization in any way. Women are instinctual and backward, giving them more rights will not get us anywhere. 

In fact, the forces of backward past gradually corrupt some formerly advance and modernist tendencies and turn them in inversion of their former self. Christianity actually had a warning that eventually an Antichrist will become pope and will corrupt the church from within. That is long in the past for us. Church have long been tool for backwardness and opposition to progress and freedom. That is why we need new ideas to get ahead.

Since 2008 technology hardly advanced towards anything. Apple does nothing, but changes numbers on basically the same iProduct as before and sheeple still wastes they money to buy new iPhone, calling Apple greatest tech company. In fact, Windows Mobile phone was the best phone, ergonomics wise; but because app developers ignored it, it did not survive. Apple is Antichrist of tech, that only runs it into ground. Intel stagnates since release of Core 2 Duo, that was only moderately enhanced in Core i7. AMD managed one breakthrough with Ryzen, but then simply decided to sit on laurels and improve nothing. Save for few exceptions here and there we have not seen any great improvements in anything.


In 2008 Pluto moved from explorative, advance and entrepreneurial Sagittarius to backward, conservative Capricorn. In 2023-24 it will gradually shift from backward Capricorn into most progressive of them all, Aquarius. In 2025 Neptune will shift from backward Pisces to uncompromising Aries and finally Uranus will leave backward Taurus for ingenious Gemini. I by one is excited, that winter of society is finally over, and a new dawn is upon us. Full speed ahead.

Also, Pluto, Neptune and Uranus will be able to have two sextiles and one trine between them, while they are in future minded Air and Fire signs.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Real Communism and Anarcho-Capitalism

Both Ancap and Ancom is like that Simpsons scene where Homer build grill. Both believe that it will be utopia, but in reality, it will be a complete mess. 

Afterwards they will say real communism/ancap was not tried.


Communists believe that fair and moral world where everyone works as hard as they can and in return, they will always get all then need to survive and lead a well-off frugal life.

In reality in a system like that smart people will always reduce and even directly sabotage their ability to work so that they work as little as possible or not at all. Simultaneously they will try to maximize their entitlement to get as much as they can from the state. Eventually communism will go bankrupt, just like USSR did in 1991.

In USSR people will get themselves drunk before work to avoid working. Willful refusal to work was punishable by prison, but inability to work due to alcoholic intoxication was fair-game loophole. They will not be fired either as communism explicitly prohibits firing anyone for any reason whatsoever. They will be paid their salary on time as well.

The video even metaphorically reflects the whole process of establishing communism how it actually happened in history. Things went wrong pretty much immediately and then there were blaming of kulaks and other enemies of the system as they frantically tried to get it work by making split second chaotic band aid treatment to a problem that cannot be fixed in such manner.


Ancap believes that they will have world where everyone gets rewarded to their full ability and hard-work and only lazy and stupid people will be poor. Kind of like it is in World of Warcraft where you can get max level and all the legendary gear if you know how to play and put effort into it.

In reality it will be totalitarian world ruled by mega conglomerate that controls all the industry and all business in the country. Kind of like Transnistria with its Sheriff. Because what will stop someone from monopolizing the industry and then being a kneejerk asshole about it. What free people will be able to do about it?

Robotization Should Be Done Differently

In AI and robotization there is trend that attempts to make robots as human like as possible. As much as its interesting from scientific research point of view, that is fundamentally an incorrect approach to a problem.

Humans have free will. Thus, they are free to do or not do things are they themselves see fit. In order to deal with that human trait, we need systems such as free market economy or liberal democracy. That is the only way for humans with free will, who are guided by self-interest to reasonably co-exist and function in a society. 

Systems that fail to take free will into consideration, such as communism or religion ultimately fail because of one simple fact. If you tell people to do something that is against their self-interest, they will not do it. No amount of KGB, repression and "re-education" can possibly alleviate that simple fact.

However what people need from robots is not to be as free willing as humans themselves are, but rather blindly obedient. After all we need someone to do all these thankless jobs and fulfill roles, actual people do not wish to do.

Because of that it is pointless to attempt to make robots exactly as humans are. Robots need to have limited, purpose and service orientated functionality. That way they will serve humanity without thinking of taking over.

With robots, just like with women: I want them to clean and cook for me, not to think what's in it for her/it.

Friday, January 5, 2024

CC and Love

From a response to a reddit post.

There is a thing, called unrequited love. CC's geass made them love her, not her love them. Geass works in one sided way, not in a mutual way. 

If Lelouch geass can compel people to literary kill themselves or betray everything they care for. Then sure enough CC's geass will allow her to get free gifts from people around her.

People gave her free stuff, hoping she will sleep with them, she betrayed their expectations. Love is blind sometimes, it makes people delude themselves. I heard stories of that happening IRL without geass involved. 

That is why they all got very angry when CC lost her geass after getting Code of Immortality. They all suddenly realized they were wasting their time on a women who will never love them back and decided to kill her for that.

Besides it said love, not lust or sex. It can mean platonic love as well. Not platonic between Lelouch and CC, but between CC and everyone else.

Sure many of horny redditors would have used the geass to sleep around like no tomorrow, but CC might have been different about it. Its like people say that all Libras die of venereal diseases, but actual Libras are not as promiscuous as legends claim they are.

If you take CC on her own merits, she is not the sleep with everyone around type. She is very private and loner by nature.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Astrology and Arrogance

A lot of things can pass for arrogance really.

I have a Leo friend and he likes attention a lot, but also able to get it in a reasonable way by being an enjoyable and entertaining person. I think male Leos can sometimes get people's feelings well.

Capricorn thinks lowly of themselves and even lower of most people around them. They think everyone is a loser compared to Warren Buffet and will tell you so. They think hierarchically.

Libra subconsciously treats most people equally: it can please people who would normally be considered their inferiors but can insult those who consider themselves their superiors. That is why Libras do well in flat communities, but not so well in hierarchical ones.

Aquas are emotionally aloof and say what they think rather than conform with social norms. Some people will not like it, but Aquas are rational and reasonable people. If facts hurt your feelings, you best not talk to them. However, Libra and Gemini likely to agree with Aqua, even if they often not say that out of politeness.

Scorp women are so arrogant, they are worst. My mom and Hillary Clinton are good examples of that. May be there are some exceptions to this rule thought, I know one Asian Scorp girl and she is very quiet and shy. Scorp men on the other hand are not arrogant at all.

Aries are possibly arrogant, but in ignorant rather than deliberate way.

On Reclassificcation of Planets

A while ago Pluto was reclassified into Dwarf Planet and added to the broader group of 8 trans Neptunian outer planets.

That may be good and right. Pluto is smaller than our moon, and Eris is bigger than Pluto. So, we either expand number of planets to 10, 12 or 16 or reduce them to 8.

However, that excludes elephants in the room. The four gas giant planets have a lot less in common with the inner 4, then Pluto has with Earth. In fact, some of the satellites of these gas giants are much bigger than a moon. Jupiter moons Io, Ganymede, Europa and Callisto have a lot more in common with the Earth, Mars or Venus, then Jupiter itself.

Thus, a more appropriate classification would be to exclude gas giants from planets and call them Gas Giants officially. The planets from Mercury to Mars can be called Inner Planets. Trans Neptunian planets can then be Called Outer Planets. Finally bigger satellites of Gas giants can be called Satellite or Sub Planets.

That classification will give people better idea what our Soral System is like. 

How Pluto Transits Affected Me

First my North (Aries) and South (Libra) Nodes, together with Mars in Libra were squared. That was a chaotic time. I was betrayed by my dad. I moved many times, stressed a lot, thought things are falling apart. However, I also reevaluated a number of people in my life, including my treacherous dad.

Second my Cancer Moon was opposed by Pluto in Capricorn: I got very paranoid and obsessed with security. I feared people are out to kill me. I suspected some of my roommate in sharehouse. I moved eventually. I changed all the passwords, forgot some of them later.

Next my Libra Sun was opposed by Uranus in then Aries, I got evicted from the next place I rented from, because I thought they were unreasonable with their rules.

Then my Libra Sun was squared by Pluto in Capricorn, evictions by real estate agents became as normal and inevitable as sunrise and sunset. Paperwork and never-ending inspection hell in getting new rental and ending the old one. Moving stuff between places and so on.

Finally, my Jupiter in Aries was squared by Pluto in Capricorn. I lost/spend a lot of money. Got my card drawn for more than 3k at a time. Took several months to fix it with the bank. This one was probably a mixed experience compared to those above.

The only positive was that Pluto would sextile my Mercury, Venus and Pluto in Scorp. So I had a relatively easy and lucky period between square to mars and opposition to moon. And again, for some time after opposition to moon.

Though best was probably after square to Sun ended and before square to Jupiter begun.
In addition to that, during Pluto sextile Pluto and Merc. I did a lot of introspection. Analyzed and reevaluated a lot of things. I uncovered some dark secrets from my past. Understood how much both of my parents lied to me. Get to some of the truth.

On one hand, I am somewhat cautious of Pluto going to Aqua to square my Mercury, Venus and Pluto in Scorp.

However, in Aqua, Pluto will also Trine my Mars and South Node as well as Sextile North Node before Scorp trio will be affected.

Then I can also look forward to Trine to Sun and sextiles to Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus.

For Capricorns biggest problem was Uranus in Aries (2011 to 2019) rather than Pluto in Capricorn. Because of Uranus influence, Caps did not have pure experience.

I think Tauri (Taurus plural) had the best period overall. Nothing major ever squared them. Pluto trine them, Neptune sextile them. Uranus was not bothering them, until it got to their sign in 2019.

On Media Player Random Selction Issues

 I recently started deleting some of the songs.

I do skip songs rather often thought, because of how random shuffle works.

There are songs I love to hear every day (even multiple times) and songs that are good to listen to only occasionally. Media Player then notoriously makes sure to play the latter every day while making sure some of the former are ignored. Not all the songs are picked incorrectly, but at least half of them are.

I checked on play count recently. Some are 28+ times played, others are not played at all or only played once. For example, all my Jigoku Shoijo collection that I like a lot is consistently ignored by WMP, safe of few songs. In contrast songs from Eurovision collection are played very often and player priorities songs I find only passable to my favorite Eurovision Songs. I like Lordi, Sdob Si Sdub or Moldovan songs in general, but player somehow always picks the others.

It would be good if you can manually set priority on how often random shuffle should play this or that song.

Also, it is possible to get tired of the good song if it plays too often. Other times you are just not in the mood for this particular song.

Contemporary Hypocritical Parents

Recently in online comments I noticed hypocrisy and double standards of modern early Gen X parents. They consciously eschew justice in favor...