The biggest issue here is how exactly Social Capitalism can solve the poverty problem? Poor people do need concrete proposals alleviate their predicament. Not only those who are currently or permanently unemployed, but also those who are currently employed. Because those who are currently employed may one day be fired. So, they too want to be sure there is something to support them when that happens.
This blog is mostly about the kind of girls I like. However occasionally I also post various thoughts on other issues. I have separate blog about anime: about geopolitics: and about BDSM porn specifically
Friday, January 19, 2024
Negative Income Tax
Monday, January 15, 2024
Planets in houses.
A response to this
That is partly correct, but you understand role of most houses incorrectly:
health should be in 6th together with work.
1st is own physical appearance, clothes and hitting the gym.
3rd is intellectual pursuits and communication. it can mean siblings and short distance travel as well.
4th is set of all things that sustain you, it takes home in conceptual meaning as well.
5th are hobbies and romantic love. 5th can mean children for some, but only if children is your hobby. Also 5th have nothing to do with actually having children.
In general question of having children should me much further the house chain past 7th, house of marriage and all sort of bilateral partnerships.
8th can also mean other people's money, not just sex. That is living off others. In contrast 2nd is reliance on your own resources.
9th can also mean philosophical or theological pursuits in addition to long distance travel. By theological I mean debates whether God exists or what religion is right. Not any worship or charitable work.
10th and midheaven often associated with career. It's kind of social renown. Desire to be approved or considered explementary member of society or lack of thereof. My parents are strong on this, and I completely ignore it.
11th can mean all sorts of peers and equals as well.
12th can also mean things that you suppress and ignore.
About me
I have most planets in 3rd, 4th and 5th houses. intellectual pursuits, comfort of living arrangements and hobbies are indeed things I prioritize in my life.
Intellectual pursuits are the thing I dedicate most of my time. I spend my days in library. I read, analyze, write. I believe I am a genius and world should listen and follow my ideas.
homely affairs are important because I value comfort in my life a lot. I want everything new, comfortable, convenient, aesthetically pleasing, fancy and so on. I watch Sam Chui videos about flying first class. where he showcases the amenities.
Finally, I like to play videogames and watch anime. I have discerning taste in entertainment. That applies to women as well: I want her to meet my expectations and be an enjoyable romantic partner. She has to be well mannered, courteous, demure and be a good housemaid too.
I have no planets in 1st, 6th, 7th, 10th or 12th houses. I do not care for physical appearance, health, work, marriage, public image or charitable/spiritual work.
I have one planet in 2nd, 9th, 11th: the north node in 8th. I do care for money, but as a means for comfortable existence. I do enjoy travel, if its first class. I have a limited number of friends I like. I have nothing against sex but will not spend on a woman to spread her legs for me.
Sunday, January 14, 2024
Wishful Thinking and Adaptability of the West
Ever since Roman times Western world was more than willing to learn from other cultures and adapt for themselves whatever they deemed likable and desirable.
Roman Civilization was outward looking and so it Western One. Columbus travelled west and discovered America because he wanted to get access to the riches of that region. (What he actually aimed to reach was modern Indonesia with its spices, but that beyond point). Spices like that do not grow in Europe, but Europeans wanted to consume them, so a means of trade and transportation had to be established and they were. In his attempt to establish such means of transportation, Columbus discovered Americas and soon found that this place has many other useful good, he and other Europeans would like to claim for themselves.
Thus, our current interest in Asia, robots, space and many other issues is all to give us what we current do not have.
Not even space is safe as we send probes to distant planets in order to find out if they have something valuable.
Current Trends
However out current more earthly interests lay in several particular cultures and regions of the world. For each of these, there is often one particular demographic (group of people) that wants it most. I will begin with issue that most important to me.
A lot of these trends are based on stereotypes and not necessary reflect reality. Some are partly true.
In all of these cases only a particular subset of society has any interest in the topic that directly affect them personally.
Asian Women - Western Men
Reason for Western men interest in Asian women is because they are dissatisfied with their own. Western women are selfish, disrespectful and disobedient to men. Because of that, many Western men (around half of them) look with interest on Asia, whose women are obedient and well mannered.
Western Men desire for submissive Asian women, leads to increased interest in Asian culture, Anime and even Buddhism.
This trend is opposed by Western women, who do not want to lose to Asians, but do not want to adopt Asian manners either.
In reality probably not all Asian women are as submissive as stereotypes claim. Stereotypes are heavily based on Japan and Japanese women, as this Asian country is best known in the West. Also, Japan is easiest for the West to understand.
Thus, Asian women who want to take advantage of it and get themselves a Western Man should exhibit qualities and manners, typical of Japanese women.
Black Men - Western Women
Reverence of Ancestors and Elders - Western Old People
Friday, January 12, 2024
Likable Celebreties
I am not into celebrities in general. I do like music, but question about celebrities that represent their astrological signs well got me thinking that cannot readily name any female that represent any sign at all. In fact, I hardly know any likable well-known female at all. Some make good music, but I will not date them.
Yulia Timoshenko
The only exception is possibly Yulia Timoshenko from Ukraine. She is often far from what a stereotypical woman is. She feels like worm, gentle and caring person. That is she is interesting enough but at the same time can provide enough feminine care, she is not like cold "modern" woman.
Also, she has good taste in hair and clothes, she looks elegant, business like, but feminine at the same time. Ponytail or the bride around head, that some people call crown, looks feminine as well.
Despite eventually becoming Prime Minister of Ukraine, she does not give away authoritarian or domineering vibe at all. Girls should not be authoritarian. She only managed to get this far because she is not authoritarian.
Yoko Ono
Famous or infamous wife of John Lennon, leader of legendary Beatles band. Some accuse her of destroying the band, but I think that is unfounded claim. Linda McCartney destoryed Beatles and then blamed it on Yoko.Maya Sandu
Thursday, January 11, 2024
Day and Night
First Metaphor
Back in the days I tended to prefer night over the day. I thought the night was eerie mysterious and magical. It was the time where all sorts of cool things happen.
Night was an escape from suffocating banal existence of the day. Day was duties, obligations and boredom. Day was parents, teachers all sorts of authority figures, all the things and people I do not like.
Night was the time when one was free to be yourself, unseen in the shadow. There was no one above me and I liked it that way.
When it comes to this perspective, I still prefer freedom of the night to obligations of the day. I did not become duty minded.
Alternative Metaphor
How That Came to Be
Fire over Morals
Cycles of Development
Tuesday, January 9, 2024
Real Communism and Anarcho-Capitalism
Both Ancap and Ancom is like that Simpsons scene where Homer build grill. Both believe that it will be utopia, but in reality, it will be a complete mess.
Afterwards they will say real communism/ancap was not tried.
Communists believe that fair and moral world where everyone works as hard as they can and in return, they will always get all then need to survive and lead a well-off frugal life.
In reality in a system like that smart people will always reduce and even directly sabotage their ability to work so that they work as little as possible or not at all. Simultaneously they will try to maximize their entitlement to get as much as they can from the state. Eventually communism will go bankrupt, just like USSR did in 1991.
In USSR people will get themselves drunk before work to avoid working. Willful refusal to work was punishable by prison, but inability to work due to alcoholic intoxication was fair-game loophole. They will not be fired either as communism explicitly prohibits firing anyone for any reason whatsoever. They will be paid their salary on time as well.
The video even metaphorically reflects the whole process of establishing communism how it actually happened in history. Things went wrong pretty much immediately and then there were blaming of kulaks and other enemies of the system as they frantically tried to get it work by making split second chaotic band aid treatment to a problem that cannot be fixed in such manner.
Ancap believes that they will have world where everyone gets rewarded to their full ability and hard-work and only lazy and stupid people will be poor. Kind of like it is in World of Warcraft where you can get max level and all the legendary gear if you know how to play and put effort into it.
In reality it will be totalitarian world ruled by mega conglomerate that controls all the industry and all business in the country. Kind of like Transnistria with its Sheriff. Because what will stop someone from monopolizing the industry and then being a kneejerk asshole about it. What free people will be able to do about it?
Robotization Should Be Done Differently
Friday, January 5, 2024
CC and Love
From a response to a reddit post.
There is a thing, called unrequited love. CC's geass made them love her, not her love them. Geass works in one sided way, not in a mutual way.
If Lelouch geass can compel people to literary kill themselves or betray everything they care for. Then sure enough CC's geass will allow her to get free gifts from people around her.
People gave her free stuff, hoping she will sleep with them, she betrayed their expectations. Love is blind sometimes, it makes people delude themselves. I heard stories of that happening IRL without geass involved.
That is why they all got very angry when CC lost her geass after getting Code of Immortality. They all suddenly realized they were wasting their time on a women who will never love them back and decided to kill her for that.
Besides it said love, not lust or sex. It can mean platonic love as well. Not platonic between Lelouch and CC, but between CC and everyone else.
Sure many of horny redditors would have used the geass to sleep around like no tomorrow, but CC might have been different about it. Its like people say that all Libras die of venereal diseases, but actual Libras are not as promiscuous as legends claim they are.
If you take CC on her own merits, she is not the sleep with everyone around type. She is very private and loner by nature.
Tuesday, January 2, 2024
Astrology and Arrogance
A lot of things can pass for arrogance really.
On Reclassificcation of Planets
How Pluto Transits Affected Me
First my North (Aries) and South (Libra) Nodes, together with Mars in Libra were squared. That was a chaotic time. I was betrayed by my dad. I moved many times, stressed a lot, thought things are falling apart. However, I also reevaluated a number of people in my life, including my treacherous dad.
On Media Player Random Selction Issues
I recently started deleting some of the songs.
Contemporary Hypocritical Parents
Recently in online comments I noticed hypocrisy and double standards of modern early Gen X parents. They consciously eschew justice in favor...
There is plenty of debate about the difference between literary fiction and genre fiction as well as misunderstanding of what the literary f...
There are two types of tough people out there, that are fundamentally incompatible with each other. One is the type that choose to be this w...
Some introspection allowed me to put story of my personal tragedy in much better wording. Summarize it somewhat. I can relate to tragic char...