Saturday, September 28, 2024

Satire is best form of Humor

To think of it most to all comedies and humor that I like is satire. Gintama, Excel Saga, Nichijou or Kill Me Baby are all mostly satire. Even South Park or ZAZ movies are satire.

Other types of humor do not appeal to me. For example, I dislike Konosuba or Azumanga Daioh

Positive Qualities Grow Out of Negative Ones

Some unwise and misguided people think that negative qualities is something that can just be eliminated.

However, that is far too simplistic way of looking at it. Even Astrology proves that positive and negative qualities are two sides of the same coin, and every set of positive qualities is balanced out with relevant negative ones.

I would go even further and say that positive qualities ultimately grow out of negative ones. 

For example, a prideful and arrogant person might one day become a genius. People tend to think genius is some sort of gift of God or just random luck. However no, to really wrap your mind around all these complex problems you need time and determination. An average person can give up in no time. However, if a person is arrogant and prideful, their own pride would push them towards figuring it out, simply because they are too much of a genius to not be able to get something so trivial. That believe that you are unparallel genius head and shoulders above the rest is what makes them able to solve complex problems.

Other times people go to great length for fame and acclaim.

Desire to appeal to opposite gender makes people work on their beauty and sexual attraction and so on.

Thus, all positive qualities are grown out of negative ones.

Sure, there can be people with just negative and no positive qualities, but I am very skeptical there are any with just positive ones.

Mask of Virtue

Dealing with my parents cause me to mistrust people who put their "virtues" on the forefront. 

My mother would tell her friends and relatives that she spends a lot of time and effort to take care of me and my brother. However, in private when her friends and relatives cannot see, she would not do anything for us. Even simple ketchup was too expensive for her to buy me. On the other hand, selfish cunt tried to use me to do household chores in her place.

Father used to say that honoring one's word is most important thing in the world. He used to say I can tell him anything only to betray my trust and go batshit insane when I said something he did not like. He promised me to sell the apartment and give me the money. He sold it and kept money to himself, making up half ass excuses to make it look like he did not just steal them.

They both are hypocrites who hid their rotten self behind mask of virtue to good will and honoring promises. These fake to the core people made me skeptical about other people who profess good intentions. Sure, far not all of them would be like my parents and some can genuinely help me, but other will be the same kind of wolfs in sheep skin and will curry trust only to betray me later.

Because of all that I do not trust people with my life and my secrets.

Since Western Word does not produce humble women, we have to import them from Asia.

Since Western Word does not produce humble women, we must import them from Asia. We can trade Asians our spoiled princess wannabees if they want them.

I Like to Kill

I often write how exterminating all retirees would make life better for all other demographics. I even praise Hitler for reducing population with his genocidal policies and with that making life better for those who were left. I also lament the fact all current politicians are pathologically incapable of similarly brave actions to fix overpopulation and resulting homelessness, poor working and rental conditions, lack of housing and cost of living crisis.

However, that is not all there is. I enjoy killing. In video games I kill all the time and find it fun and fulfilling. I also like to loot bodies for valuables. Diablo II games are all about that. I like powerful spells that make this job fast and easy too. I do not want to get mired in long fruitless struggle where some stupid club only maims but does not kill the target. I want them to stop living as fast as possible. I also like to delegate killing to subordinates as I supervise them, that I why I run skelemancer build.

Alas there is too little opportunity to kill anyone in real life. Even military nowadays is mostly about digging trenches, servicing machinery and discipline. Because of that I spend time playing video games instead. Only in video games I can kill and steal. However, I can do more than that and take it to a higher level, I can lead a country and an army, make them kill millions and then steal all the valuable provinces from other countries in my world conquest spree. 

Video games make life what it should be. I was not meant to clean toilets or push shopping trolleys; I was chosen by heaven to rule, set my name by decree to rule.

Devolution of My Dad

Every so often I write about how much I hate my parents. However, while my mother was always useless, dishonest and harmful my father was a good person back in the days.

Back in 90s dad used to run several businesses, money from that allowed us all to prosper and enjoy ourselves during the times when others struggled. He was smart and wise too; he would often say deep and profound things about life and such. Back then I wanted to be like him. My current self cringes at the thought of that.

On the turn of new millennium things took turn for the worse. Not only dad lost his businesses but somehow also his wits and wisdom with them. He became dumb crypto patriot who is content with misery of the 19th century Amish style village. Instead of saying smart things, he wallowed in self-justifying bs he lived in and developed sense of entitlement for his past achievements, despite little of these were left behind.

Finally, by 2010s things have reached new low. He became sclerotic liar and thief, who reneged on all the promises and commitments he made to me in 2000s. He stole my money and then talked like it did not happen at all.

Now in 2020s I simply wait for him to die as fast as possible, hoping that some of that money will be left behind for me to inherit it. I hope his death will be as painful and miserable as possible.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Equality and Inequality Example in Senso 45 Movie


I recently remembered an old movie by Tinto Brass. Its story has a very interesting take on actual equality between genders. 

A female protagonist, Livia, is married to a rich RSI official. She married him only for money and secretly despises him. 

She gets a chance to cheat on him with a young and handsome SS officer, Helmut. She completely falls for this guy and tries to spend as much time with him as possible.

However, for an officer she is as much of cash cow as her husband is for her. She steals as much money from the family as she can to payroll Helmut's gambling and other expensive habits.

She thinks he actually loves her, but he does not. Just like she cheats on her husband, he cheats on her with a cute young girl.

When Livia finds out about that girl, she feels betrayed and complains to Helmut and says she loves him. Helmut unceremoniously puts her down, saying she never loved him, and it was all about his dick.

Livia clearly has doble standards. When she cheats on husband it's alright, but when her illegitimate lover has someone else it's an outrage. Not only that, despite all her cheating she gets completely away with it all. In contrast Helmut is executed by his superiors for various violations of military discipline, because Livia rats him out to the government.

Clearly men have it worse, yet women keep complaining that they are. 

Also, it would not be fair for a relationship between an old rich cougar woman and a young gym addict to be any better than those of Livia and Helmut, however for some of them they probably are. The rest of them whine online about inequality, patriarchy and so on.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Some Final Thoughts on Understanding and TrueHellDei

One thing that keeps me returning to TrueHellDei is that I felt understood. She was one person who was on the same page with me. She got what I was saying, and I got what she was saying. In a relationship it is important to have such understanding. Neith before, nor after, I managed to find another woman who could understand me as much.

Nowadays however I instead have to deal with people who falsely claim to be her, yet too different to have the same kind of understanding.

However, in the end I need someone who can understand me as much as she could back then. Not someone like my parents who never understood anything and made things worse with their lack of understanding. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Why People Cannot Really Understand Each Other


There is this famous saying by Socrates: "I know that I do not know anything, but others do not know even that." It implies that a wise person does understand how much he can possibly know while a stupid one is confident, he knows it all. However, that latter wording is too simplistic and misleading in its own way. It would be incorrect to interpret it as a statement of humbleness or as impossibility to understand anything at all. To explain what it really means I need to deconstruct understanding itself and get into details of what it means to actually understand something.

When you see a person doing something, you often can easily tell what they are doing or why. 

However, is your judgement correct? Do you really understand what they trying to do and why? You cannot look inside their brain and see their thoughts at any given moment. Thus, you cannot really know what they themselves think they are doing. While you do think you have understanding, all you really have is your own interpretation of their action. Your interpretation may be correct, but in many instances it could be incorrect. 

Regardless of whether its correct or not, this interpretation is all you can have. A limit on what you can understand.

Beyond this limit lies a field of actions you cannot understand. Most people would just dismiss such actions senseless or stupid, however, are they? 

For example, place yourself in the place of the person who is doing something you think is stupid. You would likely think you would not do the same thing in their place. Ask yourself if you yourself would do something stupid at any given time. Most likely no. Then why do you think others would do something stupid? Maybe it's not that they are doing something stupid but rather do something that makes sense in their own head, based on their own experience and knowledge. 

Their knowledge, experience and way of thinking could be so different from your own that you think they are stupid. However, for them it would be you who are stupid instead. Just like for you, from their level of knowledge, experience and way of thinking your actions make no sense either. 

This difference in knowledge and experience leads towards actions that are not understood. This is also why people cannot really understand each other. The gap in experience, knowledge and way of thinking can be unreachably high.

That difference here that, a wise person understands that such gap does exists and does not dismiss everyone who is not like them as stupid. A stupid one instead believes he knows everything and dismisses everyone who is not like them as stupid.

That creates a curious paradox where truly wise, aware of limitations of their perception, question everything and try to get to the bottom of things and stupid one has it all figured out.

How People Become This Way

However, how people end up one or the other way. Why some able to become wise and understand more and others become narrowminded. 

The reason for that is that people normally only interact with those who think just like them. After all, why talk to someone who you think is stupid when you can have a few friends who like the same things and agree with you on important things. Different hobbies and such further sort out people into groups that are homogeneous. After all most of the time people have to broadly the same way to like the same things. 

For example, people who like videogames are more likely to come from the same way compared to those who like gym. People who like ocean and beach would have more in common to each other than to those who like wilderness and mountains instead. Such difference in tastes would lead towards self-segregation into interests' community. People on the beach would all agree that beach is awesome and those who go to mountains are stupid. People in mountains would all agree that mountains are awesome and those who go to the beach are stupid. 

However, in addition to just beach vs mountains people on each location are also likely to agree on other unrelated to beach or mountains things. For example, on what food they prefer or even what type of women they like. Thus, when everyone around them agrees with their tastes it is too easy for them to just assume everyone things the same way. Thus, everyone on the beach would think everyone likes one type of food and everyone in mountains would think everyone instead likes something else. If they by accident would stumble upon someone who disagrees, then they would likely just dismiss it instead of realizing that would is bigger that their small community and there is much more difference in opinion.

The longer they stay in such echo chamber, the more they would become convinced that everyone is on board with their views. However common interest keeps people together, closing them further and further in their own echo chamber. 

With that people in Vaucluse think that everyone wants lower taxes. Because everyone in Vaucluse is rich, pay for private schools and do not rely on stuff paid by government, they think this is the opinion of majority. They think only drug addicts are on dole, because in Vaucluse there are no other types of people on dole. In the rest of the country however there are.

In contrast people in Inala all want more government spending because they all rely on stuff paid by government. They too think that their opinion is that of majority and all, but few billionaires use free stuff provided by government. In Inala they sure do not see a single person who does not use such things.

My Personal Experience

However, how did I become such a wise all-seeing person, who sees it all from his bird eye view. The reason for that is that I was always a one out outcast. 

In family I was often the one guy who disagreed with everyone else. I never really understood why my parents and brother liked things they liked. They of course never understood me either. Arguments over things became a never-ending quagmire. 

It was the same in Russian school, other kids were doing things I could not really understand. Often, they were hostile to me from the start, and I kept my distance as well. I would sometimes interact with other loner outcasts such as myself.

Such experience eventually led me to see the perception bubbles people live in. They live within their own circle, follow their own rules that make sense only within this circle. However, their next door there is a different group in a different perception bubble with a different set of rules who is doing completely different thing for different reasons altogether. These bubbles just exist there in parallel with each other, only occasionally impinging on each other's space.

Despite all that I never quite found a place for myself. I kept being an outsider everywhere and just observed things from a distance. I guess that is partly because I am so individualistic. 

I did however meet a few people that could offer me something interesting. I often had a different opinion of them compared to everyone else, because when I talked to them, they were much different people compare to how majority saw them. That too allowed me to understand that people are often not what they seem to be, they have an inner true self that is different from their public facade.

My Family was like Ushiromiyas from Umineko no Naku Koro ni


I think I wrote about it somewhere before, but I could not find it. So, I guess I will write it again.

One thing that made Umineko so relatable to me was the fact that my own family was much like Ushiromiya.

Other fictional families like Simpsons, Griffins or South Park guys are not relatable for me personally. I suppose they were made to be relatable to an average person. May be an average person indeed can find parallels between what happens in Simpsons and in their life. However, for me there are distinct and far.

As for family I grew up it, it had a lot of parallels with Ushiromiyas. The same kind of outward formalism and reputation of respected and affluent family. The same kind of internal politics, squabbles, heated arguments and constant struggle for more power and money. The same kind of rigid rules that prioritize "proper" outwards appearance over substance and actual care and kindness. 

When Umineko characters are introduced in the beginning of the show or visual novel, they are all sweetness and serenity. If you talk to my dad or mom, they will give you the same kind of impression. That is as far as most outsiders do know them.

However, behind closed doors they are as much of psychopathic monsters, as Umineko characters are. Behind polished gentle outward appearance hides, coldness and outright malice. Umineko charcters use their children to advance their claim to be a successor to Kinzo's power and money. I too felt that my parents only had me to advance some political agenda of their own.

Most conversations would end up in heated nerve wreaking arguments. That was a tiring and nerve breaking as what Umineko characters looked like after they finish discussing inheritance issues. I too looked and felt the same way after talking with a dad for some time.

Unrelated to Umineko, but problems with Russian classmates did not make me any more open to people. More than half of my Russian classmates were horrible people who enjoy seeing others suffer. Many of them deliberately targeted me for some reason and that caused me great deal of problems. The remaining half is somewhat better, and I managed to have good relationship with some, but they all had their own various flaws too.

Growing up in a family like that affected me in many ways. It made me more introverted than I was before. After all, if most human interactions cause only pain and stress it's better to not talk to anyone at all.

I am guarded around people because I do not want to get involved with someone who might end up as psychopathic as my family or average classmate. In general, I assume worst in people, not always accurately but it's better to be safe than sorry. 

I prefer video games and anime, because fictional world is safer and easier than real one. 

My love for computers and hardware probably also stems from that. Computers are not people, and they cannot hate. They are predictable too once you get to understand them.

In general, I prefer inanimate things to living things. Once again, they are more predictable and cannot hurt.

Sometimes I do find people I find easy and comfortable to deal with, like Sameer and Tsukasa. However, that only happens occasionally and it's hard to tell what can allow me to befriend someone. With Sameer its likely common interest in tech. With Tsukasa, maybe common misfit image. Not in the sense that they go wild and do crazy stuff, but rather that they are just so out of step with everyone else, that no one gets them, and many perceive as hostile and oppose them.

I personally far too often find myself out of loop and step with society around me. Majority always disagrees with me for some reason. I cannot understand why they think they are right and would not change my own views and ways to fit in. That is a constant experience for me, with my family, with classmates and with most of the outside world. Majority views are abhorrent to me, but I cannot do much about it. All that pushes me towards introverted scholarly life.

Friday, September 13, 2024

One More Time on Why Asians are Preferable to White Women

I wrote about this topic many times already but decided to write again. The reason why Asian girls are better than white ones lie in different upbringing. Asian upbringing teaches girls useful skills that make them better wife and better choice as gf. In contrast white upbringing of girls in particular give them no useful skills and spoils them with unreasonably high expectations of their future husband.

Stupid western (white) fathers want their daughters to be treated as processes. Because of that they do not teach daughters any useful skills that would make them a good wife. Instead, they want her future husband to do everything for her and for her to just order him around. So, they tell them to behave like insufferable bitch and if a guy does not like that then ignore him for a "better man". Of course, only a self-hating doormat can tolerate their behavior, and no self-respecting man will bother with them.

You need a girl from a country where they do not parent like that, simple as that. For example, in China parents would hate her simply because she is a girl. A son will bring a girl and continue a family, and a daughter will just leave one day, so she is a waste and gender failure. That might lead her growing up with inferiority complex or a grunge against society and her parents.

One other aspect that make Asians better is their lower expectations for a future husband. They get used to less and will be very happy with average boring western man. In contrast white girls want him to be rich, interesting, strong, muscular and many more. The expectations a man does not want to fulfill. After all, why bother with being all that and more for a white girl when Asian one will like you just for existing. 

Because of all that Asian girls are better.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

On Laughter


Best thing about my friend Fedya is that he could make me laugh a lot. His type of humor was very funny and that allowed me to get through boredom of school. 

We even used to joke that if a minute of laughter can extend life by 10 minutes that we will live forever as we definitely laugh more that 10% of the time. Zucker brothers' movies, such as Aeroplane, Naked Gun, Hot Shots as well as Shaolin Soccer

He also introduced me to many good comedy movies that he used as inspiration probably. They are as funny as he was. Later I found similar kind of humor in Gintama and Nichijou anime.

Laughter is good and good comedy show should be so funny; you would roll on the floor (rofl). Sad that nowadays too many shows just take this label to various unfunny stupid shit. I hope there will be more funny shows in future.

Contemporary Hypocritical Parents

Recently in online comments I noticed hypocrisy and double standards of modern early Gen X parents. They consciously eschew justice in favor...